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考研时间: 2008-06-08 来源:查字典考研网


为探索本科教育基础教学改革的新路,我校自1997年开设基础教学强化班。2007年,基础教学强化班升格为自强学院。自强学院使学生的知识结构得以全面发展,并着重对学生自学能力、创新能力、实践能力和心理素质进行指导和培养。在前两年内,强化英语、数、理、化、生、文、史、哲、经和计算机教学,注重成才素养培养。两年后,自强学院学生成绩基本合格则可以选择进入上海大学除艺术专业以外的任何学院任何专业继续学习。自强学院的教学计划单列,由主管教学的副校长亲自指导,由我校中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士、博士研究生导师和有关专家给予指导和培养,有四位院士、近四十位博士研究生导师开设了专题讲座。自强学院由学校选派优秀的教师任教。对于有志攻读硕士研究生的学生,学校提前配备导师。基础教学强化班自1997年创建以来,已招收了六届学生,前三届学生已经走上工作岗位,或者在通信与信息系统、电路与系统、 微波技术、计算机系统结构、计算机软件与理论、材料物理与化学、生命科学、国际贸易等专业方向开始攻读硕士学位。第四、五届学生已进入各专业学习,有关学院为他们配备了包括博士生导师在内的指导教师,自强学院学生在自学能力和素质上已显出特色。

Intensive Groundwork Program (IGP) Laying the groundwork may sound unexciting and lacking the brilliance that attracts people’s attention. However, such painstaking work is indispensable and extremely important. Once the foundation is solidified, one can construct anything. The Intensive Groundwork Program has exactly been following this concept since 1997 when it was established to devote itself to the reform of undergraduate education for the 21st century,and in 2007 IGP. Its purpose is to lay a firm and broad foundation for potential orientation towards various disciplines, and place special emphasis upon fostering students’ ability to study independently, and cultivating innovative inclination, operational practice as well as their well-disciplined psyche. Those who are admitted to this program are supposed to pursue intensified studies in such disciplines as English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, literature, history, philosophy, economics and computer application. Importance is attached to promoting students’ inclination for accomplishment or attainment. At the end of the sophomore year, the qualified students choose a field of concentration (with the exception of arts) and go on to their junior and senior courses. This program is directly under the direction of the Vice President of the Shanghai University. And the academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, doctoral supervisors and other experts give valuable guidance to the academic curriculum. Four academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and over 40 doctoral supervisors have come to give lectures or seminars to these students. The faculty is an outstanding group of professors, instructors, and researchers. Supervisors give advice and guidance to those who are determined to pursue postgraduate studies. Every year this program enrolls new students ranging in number from 45 to 90 respectively in a growing trend. Those who were admitted in the successive three years since 1997 have either taken up their occupation, or entered upon their postgraduate studies in particular fields, such as communication and information system, electronic circuit and system, microwave technology, computer system and structure, computer software and theory, material physics and chemistry, life science, international economics and trade, etc. The IGP students admitted in 2000 and 2001 have chosen their major areas and are now pursuing their junior or senior studies. Some of them have begun studying under their advisors or supervisors in order to apply for Master’s studies. All of those who were admitted in the Intensive Groundwork Program have shown their distinctive features in remarkable abilities to study independently as well as their superb quality in different spheres of life.







