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考研时间: 2011-07-16 来源:查字典考研网



学院下设英语系、经济管理系、信息管理系、英国皇家特许管理会计师公会(CIMA)教育中心及分考点、英国特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)中国区合作教育中心及分考点、美国微软IT学院全球合作院系、ORACLE 教育学院以及学生事务办公室、注册办公室、国际合作项目办公室、国际教育海外考试培训中心、学习指导中心等部门。学院现有在校生1200余名。

Brief Introduction to OCC

With a history of 10 years, OCC is located across from the university campus of CUEB. OCC is one of the initiatives which promote international education among the Chinese higher institutions. In addition, OCC is the most innovative institution with its own characteristics among the 14 colleges of CUEB. OCC concentrates its high quality educational resources based on the multi-disciplinary background of CUEB, and its ten-year experience of international education. It initiates an undergraduate education with the characteristic of “high-quality localized international education” among the Chinese higher institutions. Since 2000, OCC has been bringing in high-class foreign educational resources and has developed wide and in-depth cooperation with many prestigious universities in the US and the UK. By absorbing, innovating, and localizing the international education resources into our own characteristics of running school, our students become very competitive in the international market.

Over the past ten years of innovation and international education practice, our English-taught undergraduate education has won a reputation for its high-quality localized international education among higher educational institutions at home and abroad. Our 2010 graduates have achieved a 100% employment rate and ranked top one among the other colleges of CUEB, of which 30% of graduates chose to further continue their masters’ degree abroad, and 40% went to the top 50 world universities for further studies, and over 20% of graduates were already signed up by many internationally renowned accounting companies while in their junior year.

OCC consists of an English Department, Business Management Department, Information Management Department, CIMA Training and Examination Centre in China, Microsoft IT Academy Partner Program and Oracle Education Institute, along with a Student Affairs Office, Registry Office, Office of International Programs, Training Center for Overseas Educational Examinations, and Learning Center. Currently there are more than 1,200 students studying in OCC.







