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考研时间: 2015-11-09 来源:查字典考研网


I. Directions: Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language. (40)

1. affluenza: 富贵病

2. back translation: 回译

3. brain drain: 人才流失

4. Buzzword: 流行词

5. communication studies: 传播学;传播研究

6, cultural default: 文化缺省;文化缺失(指交际双方在交际过程中对双方共有的文化背景知识的省略)

7. Davos Forum: 达沃斯论坛

8. dream team: 梦之队;最佳阵容

9. Eurozone: 欧元区

10. IMF: 国际货币基金组织(international monetary fund)

11. NEET: 啃老族(Not in Education,Employment or Trainning)

12. netbook: 上网本

13. OPEC: 石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

14. Reuters: 路透社(英国)

15. sit-in: 静坐抗议;静坐罢工

16. Skopos theory: (翻译)目的论

17. SOHO: 在家上班族(Small Office/Home Office); 居家办公

18. subtitling: 给加小标题;给加对白字幕; 字幕翻译;影视翻译

19. think tank: 智囊团

20. Webzine: 网络杂志

21. 钓鱼岛:Diaoyu Island

22. 对外传播:International Communications; External Communication

23. 翻译专业资格(水平)考试: China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters CATTI

24. 峰会: summit ; summit meeting

25. 公示语: public signs

26. 宏观调控: macro-control

27. 开放包容:openness and inclusiveness

28. 孔子课堂: Confucius Classroom

29. 绿色增长: Green Growth

30. 民心工程: projects in the public interest; pro-people projects

31. 十八大:the 18th National Congress (of the Communist Party of China)

32. 团购:group purchase ; group buying

33. 务实合作:practical cooperation; pragmatic cooperation

34. 协同创新:collaborative innovation; synergistic innovation; synergy innovation

35. 月光族:moonlite; moonlight clan

36. 战略性新兴产业:strategic emerging industries; emerging industries of strategic importance

37. 政府釆购:government procurement;government purchasing

38. 政客:politician

39. 中小企业:small and medium-sized enterprises

40. 中央文献:Central Party Literature;Party Literature of the Central Committee

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their respective target language. (110)

Source Text 1: (55)

Whatever their political party, American leaders have generally subscribed to one of two competing economic philosophies. One is a small-government Jeffersonian perspective that abhors bigness and holds that prosperity flows from competition among independent businessmen, farmers and other producers. The other is a Hamiltonian agenda that believes a large, powerful country needs large, powerful organizations. The most important of those organizations is the federal government, which serves as a crucial partner to private enterprise, building roads and schools, guaranteeing loans and financing scientific research in ways that individual businesses would not.

Today, of course, Republicans are the Jeffersonians and Democrats are the Hamiltonians. But it hasnt always been so. The Jeffersonian line includes Andrew Jackson, the leaders of the Confederacy, William Jennings Bryan, Louis Brandeis, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. The Hamiltonian line includes George Washington, Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, both Roosevelts and Dwight Eisenhower.

Michael Linds Land of Promise uses this divide to offer an ambitious economic history of the United States. The book is rich with details, more than a few of them surprising, and its subject is central to what is arguably the single most important question facing the country today: How can our economy grow more quickly, more sustainably and more equitably than it has been growing, both to maintain the United States position as the worlds pre-eminent power and to improve the lives of its citizens?

Lind, a founder of the New America Foundation in Washington and the author of several political histories, acknowledges from the beginning that his thesis will make some readers uncomfortable. In the spirit of philosophical bipartisanship, it would be pleasant to conclude that each of these traditions of political economy has made its own valuable contribution to the success of the American economy and that the vector created by these opposing forces has been more beneficial than the complete victory of either would have been, he writes.

But that would not be true, he continues. What is good about the American economy is largely the result of the Hamiltonian developmental tradition, and what is bad about it is largely the result of the Jeffersonian producerist school.


当然,到了今天,共和党人就是杰弗逊派,民主党人则是汉密尔顿派。但也并非总是如此。属于杰弗逊流派的就有安德鲁杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)、南部邦联各领导、威廉詹宁斯布赖恩(William Jennings Bryan)、路易斯布兰代斯(Louis Brandeis)、巴里戈德华特(Barry Goldwater)与里根(Ronald Reagan)。属于汉密尔顿流派的也有乔治华盛顿(George Washington)、亨利克莱(Henry Clay)、林肯(Abraham Lincoln)、威廉麦金利(William McKinley),老、小罗斯福(西奥多罗斯福、富兰克林罗斯福)与艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)。

迈克尔林德(Michael Lind)的《希望的乐土》(Land of Promise)以此作为分界线,写出一部宏阔的美国经济史。该书史料丰富,其中不少令人惊喜,而其主题则对可谓美国今日面对的唯一至关重要的问题影响重大:我们的经济怎样才能更快、更持续与更公平地发展,从而保持美国作为世界强国的地位并改善本国国民的生活?



Source Text 2: (55)

粮食安全始终是人类生存发展面临的首要问题,人人粮食安全是基本人权。世界粮食安全面临越来越多的非传统挑战和日趋复杂的形势。世 界粮食安全的薄弱环节在发展中国家。利用粮食等生产生物燃料对粮食安 全的影响不容忽视,气候变化对粮食安全也带来长期挑战。

中国高度重视农业和粮食问题,坚持立足国内实现粮食基本自给的方 针,通过加大资金投入、加强农田水利建设、加快农业科技进步等政策和 措施,稳定提高粮食和农业综合生产能力。中国用占不到世界9%的耕地, 解决了世界近21%人口的吃饭问题,提前实现了联合国千年发展目标 (MDG)减贫目标。

中国政府在解决自身粮食安全问题的同时,还在南南合作框架内向有 关发展中国家提供了力所能及的农业援助。包括建设农业技术示范中心、 提供农业技术援助、提供紧急人道主义粮食援助等,为这些发展中国家提高粮食安全水平作出了自己的贡献

参考译文: Food security has always been an issue of paramount importance for mankinds survival and development. Food security for all is a basic human right. Currently, food security in the world is increasingly affected by non-traditional challenges and the situation is ever more complex. Developing countries are the weak link for ensuring world food security. The impact of biofuel production on food security is not to be overlooked, and climate change is also posing a long-term challenge to securing global food supply.

China takes agriculture and food security very seriously. We have followed the policy of basically relying on domestic supply and steadily raised grain and agricultural productivity with the implementation of such policies and measures as stepping up financial investment, strengthening irrigation and water conservancy projects and accelerating the development of agricultural science and technology. China has managed to feed nearly 21% of the worlds population with less than 9% of the worlds farmland and achieved the MDG on poverty alleviation ahead of schedule.

While addressing our own food security challenge, the Chinese government has also provided agricultural assistance to the relevant developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation to the best of its ability, including building agricultural technology demonstration centers and providing agricultural technical assistance and emergency humanitarian food assistance, thus making its own contribution to the improvement of food security in these developing countries.







