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考研时间: 2015-11-17 来源:查字典考研网


I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30)

1. UNEP: 联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)

2. FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

3. IAF: 国际宇航联合会(International Astronautical Federation)

4. ISO:国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)

5. WCO:世界海关组织(World Customs Organization)

6. WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

7. 3GPP:第三代合作伙伴项目(the 3rd Generation Partnership Project)(3GPP是一个由多个电信标准组织共同组成的制定第三代移动通信标准的国际性组织,成立于1998年,目的是为全球3G通信建立技术规范)

8. EU:欧盟(European Union)

9. GDP:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)

10. prudent monetary policy:稳健的货币政策

11. BP Oil Spill:英国石油公司墨西哥湾漏油事件

12. Green Credit:绿色信贷

13. copyright licensing business:版权贸易

14. pension insurance system:养老保险制度

15. disguised inflation:变相涨价;变相通货膨胀

16. 零就业家庭:Zero-employment families; jobless family

17. 房屋空置率:housing vacancy rate

18. 中国一东盟自由贸易区:China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

19. 拆迁补偿费:compensation for demolition (and resettlement)

20. 返乡就业潮:a trend of heading back home;the Return to Countryside;Tide of Returning to the Township;return to the hometown to work

21. 司法公正:judicial justice

22. 教育公平:equal access to education; Educational Equity

23. 低碳经济:low-carbon economy

24. 白色农业:white agriculture (also called white engineering agriculture; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)

25. 畅通工程:Smooth Traffic Project

26. 高铁:high speed rail

27. 穿梭外交:shuttle diplomacy(穿梭外交是指为冲突方调停斡旋,或协调几个国家得立场以求沟通信息、缓和矛盾或达成共识的外交行为,一把来讲要在几个国家间往返)

28. 核安全:Nuclear Security

29. 产品科技含量:technological element of a product

30. 报复性关税:retaliatory tariff

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target! language respectively. (120)

Source Text 1:

Archaeology is a source of history, not just ahumble auxiliary discipline. Archaeological data arehistorical documents in their own right, not mereillustrations to written texts. Just as much as anyother historian, an archaeologist studies and tries toreconstitute the process that has created thehuman world in which we live and us ourselves inso far as we are each creatures of our age and social environment. Archaeological data are allchanges in the material world resulting from human action or, more succinctly, the fossilizedresults of human behavior. The sum total of these constitutes what may be called thearchaeological record. This record exhibits certain peculiarities and deficiencies theconsequences of which produce a rather superficial contrast between archaeological historyand the more familiar kind based upon written records.

Not all human behavior fossilizes. The words I utter and you hear as vibrations in the air arecertainly human changes in the material world and may be of great historical significance. Yetthey leave no sort of trace in the archaeological records unless they are captured by adictaphone or written down by a clerk. The movement of troops on the battlefield may changethe course of history, but this is equally ephemeral from the archaeologists standpoint. Whatis perhaps worse, most organic materials are perishable. Everything made of wood, hide,wool, linen, grass, hair, and similar materials will decay and vanish in dust in a few years orcenturies, save under very exceptional conditions. In a relatively brief period thearchaeological record is reduced to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, andearthenware. Still modern archaeology, by applying appropriate techniques and comparativemethods, aided by a few lucky finds from peatbogs, deserts, and frozen soils, is able to fill upa good deal of the gap. (303 words)

[Key words] Archaeology考古学 ephemeral 生命短暂的

参考译文:考古学是历史学的一个来源,而不是地位卑微的辅助学科。 考古学资料本身也是一种历史文献,而不仅仅是文字资料的例证。 正象任何一位历史学家那样,考古学家研究调查并尽力去重构一个过程。 这个过程创造了我们生活的人类世界,也创造了我们自身,因为我们都是我们所处的时代和社会环境的产物。 考古学的资料就是人类行为所造成的物质变化。 更简洁地说,是石化了的人类行为。 这些变化的总和构成了我们所说的考古学记录。

这些记录自有其独特和不足之处,因而导致人们对考古历史和更熟悉的文字记载历史进行相当肤浅的对比。并不是所有的人类行为都留下化石。 我说的话,你通过空气振动听见,这当然是人类造成的物质变化,也可能有重大的历史意义,但这些话在考古学中未留下丝毫痕迹,除非有人用录音机录下来或文书把这些话写了下来。 战场上军队的行动可能改变历史的进程,但从考古学的观点来看,这同样是难以捕捉的;可能更糟的是,多数有机物质会腐烂。 任何由木头、生皮、绒线、亚麻、草、毛发以及相似物质做成的东西除非在一些非常特殊的条件下,几年或几个世纪以后,会在尘土中腐烂并消失。 在短时期内,能留下考古记录的东西也都会退化为石头、骨头、玻璃、金属和陶器的碎片。 然而,现代考古学通过运用适当的技术和比较的方法,在从泥炭、沙漠和冻土中所获得的一些幸运发现的辅助下,能够填充这个空缺的很大部分。

Source Text 2:



[Key words] 千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals 十二五规划 twelfth five-year plan

参考译文:China, an active and sustained supporter of the UN initiative, has made tireless efforts to reach the MDGs.Since 1978, the number of Chinese living in absolute poverty has been lowered by over 200 million,accounting for 75% of the total population lifted out of poverty in developing countries. We have enhanced the institutional arrangements aimed at ensuring and improving peoples well-being. We have extended the free nine-year compulsory education nationwide, introduced the rural cooperative medical care scheme for the 800 million farmers,and launched the rural old-age insurance program on a trial basis. Access of low-income groups to employment, housing and education has significantly improved.

On the other hand, we are keenly aware of the arduous tasks that we face in developing the economy and improving peoples livelihood. China,with its large population,weak economic foundation and imbalances in development, is not yet a rich country. Its per capita GDP ranks about 100th in the world. By the Chinese governments standard, tens of millions of Chinese people are still below the poverty line.We are formulating the twelfth five-year plan on economic and social development and the program on poverty alleviation through development for the new decade,both of which will lay greater emphasis on poverty alleviation.We are convinced that the MDGs will be achieved as scheduled on the vast land of China.







