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考研时间: 2015-11-17 来源:查字典考研网


I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30)

1. ADB: 亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)

2. CCC: 国家强制性产品认证(China Compulsory Certification)

3. CITIC: 中国国际信托投资公司(China International Trust and Investment Corporation)

4. FTAC: 对外贸易仲裁委员会(Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission)

5. ICRC: 红十字国际委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)

6. IOC: 国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)

7. UNDP: 联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)

8. WFP: (联合国)世界粮食计划署(World Food Program(me))

9. WIPO: 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

10. make academic fraud a crime: 设立学术欺诈罪

11. data falsification: 伪造数据

12. asset price bubbles: 资产价格泡沫

13. required reserve ratio: 法定准备金比率

14. subprime crisis: 次贷危机

15. soak up liquidity: 吸收流动性; 回收流动性

17. 云计算:cloud computing

18. 新能源示范城:new-energy model city

19, 生态旅游:Ecotourism; eco-travel; ecological tourism

20. 酒精呼气测试:breath alcohol test

21. 文化软实力:cultural soft power

22. 农村合作医疗:rural cooperative medical service

23. 环保彩票:environmental lottery

24. 转基因食品:genetically modified food (GM food)

25. 房地产信托资金: real estate trust funds

26. 热钱流入:inflow of hot money

27.基准利率:benchmark interest rate; Base Rate

28. 社会福利制度:social welfare system; social security system

29. 赈灾:relieve the people in stricken areas; disaster relief; earthquake relief; relieve the people in disaster

30. 创新型社会: Innovation-oriented Society; innovative society

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120 )

Source Text 1:

What is a black hole? Well, its difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape not even light. So we cant see a black hole. A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space or so we think. How can this happen?

The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs. From earth, a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime.

The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems. Binary stars, as their name suggests, are twin stars whose position in space affects each other. In some binary systems, astronomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star, a partner to the one which we can see in the sky. Matter from the one which we can see is being pulled towards the companion star.

Could this invisible star, which exerts such a greatforce, be a black hole? Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might haveblack holes as companions.

The story of black holes is just beginning. Speculations about them are endless. There might bea massive black hole at the center of our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate.Mankind may one day meet this fate. On the other hand, scientists have suggested that veryadvanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. Thesespeculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted bymany serious scientists and astronomers. They show us a world which operates in a totallydifferent way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time. (346 words)

[key words]supernova超新星; galaxy 银河,星系





Source Text 2:




参考译文:Energy is the material basis for the progress of human civilization and an indispensable basic condition for the development of modern society. It remains a major strategic issue for China as the country moves towards its goals of modernization and common prosperity for its people.

Since China adopted the policy of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, its energy industry has made great advances. China is now the worlds largest energy producer. It has built up a comprehensive energy supply system comprising coal, electricity, petroleum, natural gas, and new and renewable energy resources. Its universal energy service and civil energy use conditions have markedly improved. Its thriving energy industry provides a guarantee for the country to reduce poverty, improve the peoples livelihood and maintain long-term, steady and rapid economic development.

However, Chinas energy development still faces many challenges. The countrys energy resource endowment is not high and its per-capita share of coal, petroleum and natural gas is low. Its energy consumption has grown too quickly in recent years, increasing the strain on energy supply. Fossil energy resources have been exploited on a large scale, causing a certain amount of damage to the eco-environment.







