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考研时间: 2015-11-17 来源:查字典考研网


I.Directions: Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language. (30)

1. IOC: 国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee); 国际奥委会

2. CAAC: 中国民用航空局(Civil Aviation Administration of China); 中国民航

3. FBI: (美国)联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

4. CPPCC: 中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference)

5. MDGs: 联合国千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)[2000年召开的联合国首脑会议上设定的新千年发展目标(MDGs)是,到2015年,将不能喝到安全饮用水、不能得到足够卫生设施的人口比例减半。]

6. NBA: 美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)

7. UNEP: 联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)

8. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid)

9. principle of common but differentiated responsibilities: 共同但有区别的责任原则

10. Merger Acquisition: 兼并(Merger)和收购(Acquisition) ; (企业)并购

11. Fannie Mae Freddie Mac: 美国两房-房利美和房地美 [美国的两房是指,带有政府性质的、两个联邦住房贷款抵押融资公司,当初是美国政府解决老百姓的住房问题而组织的两个住房贷款公司]

12. Strategic Economic Dialogue: (中美)战略经济对话

13. Non-Performing Loans: 不良贷款(NPLs)

14. purchasing power parity: 购买力平价(法); 购买力平价理论 [在经济学上,是一种研究和比较各国不同的货币之间购买力关系的理论]

15. African Union: 非盟;非洲(国家)联盟

16. 大规模杀伤性武器: weapons of mass destruction (WMD )

17. 多边贸易体系: multilateral trading system

18. 依法治国: Rule by Law

19. 可再生能源: Renewable Energy (sources)

20. 西气东输、西电东送: West-to-east gas and electricity transmission; electricity and gas transmission from the west to the east

21. 第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议: the Third Session of the 11th National Peoples Congress

22. 三农工作: work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers; the issues of agriculture, farmers and rural areas

23. 《京都议定书》: Kyoto Protocol

24. 亚奥理事会: Olympic Council of Asia ( OCA )

25. 《易经》: The Book of Changes; I Ching

26. 社会消费品零售总额: the total retail sales of consumer goods

27. 积极的财政政策: a proactive fiscal policy

28. 经济适用房: (economically) affordable house

29. 伪娘: cross-dressing

30. 中国达人秀: Chinas Got Talent

II. Directions: Translate the following source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English (120)

Source Text 1:

Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned and blinded in hidden laboratories on college campuses and research facilities throughout the U.S. Still more animals are used to test the safety of cosmetics, household cleansers and other consumer products. These innocent primates, dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and other animals are used against their will as research subjects in experiments and procedures that would be considered sadistically cruel were they not conducted in the name of science.

Researchers claim that they must be allowed unfettered access to animals for experiments in order to find cures for human diseases, yet they refuse to address the serious ethical problems of torturing sentient creatures for research purposes. On top of that, over-reliance on animal experimentation has historically hindered scientific advancement and endangered human safety because results from animal research typically cannot be applied to humans. In fact, scientists could save more human lives by using humane non-animal research and testing methods that are more accurate and efficient.

Source Text 2:

Many philosophers, both Western and Eastern, agree that there are two major problems of induction. The first is the lack of certainty of conclusions drawn by means of induction that is inherent in inductive methods. The second is the extent to which we humans ignore the important issue of whether we are justified in believing something that is based only on inductively derived conclusions. This is an important issue both scientifically and socially. Any jury decision, for example, is arrived at by inductive means from evidence presented by prosecutors relying on police who arrested suspects based on their own use of inductive techniques. We sometimes make irrevocable decisions, for example, putting someone to death, based on inductive reasoning (and in at least 70 cases in the past decade, evidence not presented at the trial cleared people so sentenced, in some cases after they had been executed). Thus, in using induction as a method, many philosophers warn us to proceed with extreme caution.

Source Text 3:

中国西部论坛秉承交流信息、聚合智慧、共谋发展的宗旨,架起了一座让世界了解西部、让西部走向世界的桥梁,构建了一个世界与西部、东部与西部、西部与西部 相互沟通、平等交流的平台。中国西部论坛随着西部大开发的启动而诞生,也将随着西部大开发的推进而延续。我相信各位极具创造精神、富有远见卓识的专家学者、企业家和政要们,必将为中国西部大开发提出宝贵的意见和建议,使中国西部论坛闪耀着智慧的光芒。

Source Text 4:


参考译文:The Internet has become an important channel for people to obtain news. Ever since its introduction to China, the Chinese people have been making full use of the Internet to disseminate news. The news agencies, newspaper offices, radio and television stations in China have used their resources and brand advantages to carry out Internet news communication so as to meet the peoples needs for news, and a number of websites providing comprehensive news services, such as Peoples Daily Online, Xinhuanet, CCTV.com and CNR.cn, have been set up, which has not only extended the reach of authoritative news, but also explored new space for the traditional medias own development. A number of well-known commercial websites have also become major channels for people to obtain news. According to statistics, over 80% of Chinas netizens mainly rely on the Internet for news. The development of the Internet media has not only enhanced the time-effectiveness and validity of news communication, but also played a unique role in the reporting of important news events, fully satisfying peoples need for information.







