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考研时间: 2015-11-18 来源:查字典考研网


I. Phrase Translation

1、 APEC:亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

2、 CNN: 美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)

3、 CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)

4、 GDP: 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)

5、 NBA: 美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)

6、 FBI: 美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

7、 GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

8、 IT: 信息技术(Information Technology)

9、 NATO: 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

10、 International Monetary Fund: 国际货币基金会

11、 most favored nations: 最惠国待遇

12、 Intellectual Property Rights: 知识产权

13、 foreign exchange reserve: 外汇储备

14、 European Free Trade Association: 欧洲自由贸易联盟; 欧洲自由贸易协会

15、 International Atomic Energy Agency: 国际原子能机构

16、 唐三彩:tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

17、一丘之貉:to be tarred with the same brush; Birds of a feather (flock together)

18、现货交易: spot transactions ; spot trading

19、不正之风: bad/harmful practice; unhealthy tendency

20、贸易摩擦: trade friction

21、进口配额: import quota

22、转口贸易: Entrepot Trade; intermediary trade; Re-Export Trade

23、花言巧语: sweet words; sweet talking (guy); smooth (talker)

24、三纲五常: principles of feudal moral conduct; the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code

25、随波逐流: to go with the flow

26、招商会: investment fair

27、风险基金: venture capital funds

28、发号施令:Issue orders

29、丝绸之路: the Silk Road

30、亡羊补牢:Its never too late to do sth. / Better late than never.

II. Passage translation

Section A English to Chinese

The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot. On the broad, level land floor the gang plows bit deep and left the black earth shining like metal where the shares had cut. On the foothill ranches across the Salinas River, the yellow stubble fields seemed to be bathed in pale cold sunshine, but there was no sunshine in the valley now in December. The thick willow scrub along the river flamed with sharp and positive yellow leaves.

It was a time of quiet and of waiting. The air was cold and tender. A light wind blew up from the southwest so that the farmers were mildly hopeful of a good rain before long; but fog and rain do not go together.

Across the river, on Henry Allens foothill ranch there was little work to be done, for the hay was cut and stored and the orchards were plowed up to receive the rain deeply when it should come. The cattle on the higher slopes were becoming shaggy and rough-coated.

Elisa Allen, working in her flower garden, looked down across the yard and saw Henry, her husband, talking to two men in business suits. The three of them stood by the tractor shed, each man with one foot on the side of the little Fordson. They smoked cigarettes and studied the machine as they talked.

Elisa watched them for a moment and then went back to her work. She was thirty-five. Her face was lean and strong and her eyes were as clear as water. Her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening costume, a mans black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clod-hopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets to hold the snips, the trowel and scratcher, the seeds and the knife she worked with. She wore heavy leather gloves to protect her hands while she worked.

参考译文:飘荡在半空中的冬雾呈现出灰法兰绒色,将萨利纳斯山谷严实地罩了起来;同时也把它与外界分隔开。雾气锁着山头,四面象顶盖子,而山谷则成了一口盖得严严实 实的深锅。农民在宽阔平坦的土地上深耕,犁铧过处,黑色的土地闪着金属的光泽。在横卧萨利纳斯河的丘陵地上,农场里的茬地泛着黄色,象是沐浴在冷冷的苍白 日光下;不过,现在时至腊月,山谷里没什么阳光。河边上密密麻麻的柳丛上的黄叶颜色鲜浓,象着了火似的。

这是一个安静,叫人等待的季节。空气凉凉的,柔柔的。从西南方向吹来一阵轻风,农民们隐隐地感到不久会有一场及时雨,但雨和雾是不 一起来的。




Section B Chinese to English


中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家,要实现现代化,还需要经过几十年时间的艰苦努力,需要一个长期稳定、和平的国家环境,特别是良好的周边环境。今后,我们即使发展起来,也不会对其他国家构成威胁,不会去侵略和压迫别的国家。曾经长期遭受压迫和欺凌的中国人民,永远不会把这种痛苦强加于人。中国一贯奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持睦邻友好,坚决反对霸权主义和强权政治,主张国家不分大小、贫富,都是国际社会平等的一员。中国的军事力量完全是防御性的,军事预算仅占国民生产总值的1.5% , 低于世界上大多数国家。中国不参加军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张,既反对别国高霸权主义,自己也永远不称霸。中国永远是维护世界和平的坚定力量。中国人民永远是亚洲和世界人民可以信赖的朋友。

译文:China and other Asian countries have a long history of friendly exchanges and economic ties. Similarly,we shared a long history and cultural tradition. At the same time, we aslo have endured a long and painful times of foreign invasion.

As the the most populous developing country in the world, China are striving to realize modernization that requires painstaking efforts for several years. To realize this goal we also need an stable environment of long-term international peace, especially a sound neighboring environment. Even when China becomes more developed, we will not pose any threat to other countries, nor invades and oppresses others. Emerging from untold suffering, the Chinese people will never want to see other nations go through the same pains it endured in the past. China has consistently committed to an independent foreign policy of peace. It strives for the constant development of good-neighborly relations between China and the surrounding countries. We firmly oppose hegemonism and power politics. China maintains that all countries, regardless of their size or wealth, are equal members of the international community. Chinas military force is defensive in nature. Its military budget account for only 1.5 percent of gross national product, which is lower than most countries in the world. China will never participate in any arms race, nor will it engage in military expansion. China opposes any form of hegemonism and will never seek hegemony. China is determined to remain a staunch force for upholding world peace. The Chinese people is always a trustworthy friend of the people of other countries in Asia and the world.







