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考研时间: 2015-11-27 来源:查字典考研网



I. Directions: Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30 分)


2. ROI


4. LDCs



7. food security

8. endowment insurance

9. traffic performance index

10. advertising slot

11. mutation in gene

12. hunger-marketing strategy

13. Skopostheory

14. translation brief

15. intra-textual coherence

16. 购买力

17. 师德

18. 民生

19. 数字化进程

20. 经济法制化

21. 优惠的税收政策

22. 社会知识化

23. 政治体制改革

24. 机构臃肿

25. 医德医风

26. 文化逆差

27. 温饱工程

28. 再就业工程

29. 反腐倡廉

30. 生态环境恶化

II. Directions: Translate the following four source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points)

Source Text 1:

The therapeutic benefits of laughter are widely known, however, and this is intriguing from the standpoint of basic science. Laughter is one of the most fundamental components of human behavior, transcending all age and cultural boundaries. It produces a hit of pure, direct pleasure. Yet scientists still do not understand what is happening in the brain to give such a positive feeling.

Laughter breaks all the rules of survival. It uses up energy, makes predator-attracting noise and serves no obvious function in terms of gaining nourishment, accomplishing reproduction, or protecting from danger; yet it appears to be as natural as breathing. So fundamental is it, in fact, that people in all societies spend time and often money engineering themselves into situations where laughter is likely. It must be there for a reason.

From psychological, zoological, medical and neuro-scientific standpoints, then, laughter should be at the top of the scientific research list. As a medicine it would be cheap and side-effect free; it ought to be promoted.

But would scientific enquiry rob laughter of its quintessential merit, the elusive feel-good factor? There is no reason why this should be so. True, analyzing subjective conscious experience is one of the biggest and hardest questions facing those working on the brain, and laughter and pure fun are perhaps the hardest aspects of consciousness to come to grips with. (225 words) (30 points)

Source Text 2:

But each time you recover that hallowed self-esteem, you renew a fight to maintain it. Each time you go to a job interview and give them your best and they hire someone else, you go another round with yourself and your self-esteem. Your unemployment seems to drag on beyond all justification. You start to glimpse a stranger in your rearview mirror. The stranger suddenly looks like a bum. You look at her with clinical curiosity. Hmmm. Obviously into the chronic stages, definitely not employable.

We unemployed share a social stigma similar to that of the rape victim. Whether consciously or subconsciously, much of the work-ethic-driven public feels that you have somehow asked for it, secretly wanted to lose your job and flirtecT with unemployment through your attitude. (127 words) (30 points)

Source Text 3:

中华民族文化历史悠久,起源很早,内容极为丰富,是东方文明的主要组成部分。在物质文化方面,中国的四人发明曾经改变世界历史的 进程。在精神文明方面,以人为本的思想和和为贵的思想,对世界 文化解决个人与社会、人与自然、道德与生命的根本关系做出了杰出的贡 献。中国的学者们一致认为,在全球化趋势日益发展的今天,文化交流在 国与国之间的交往中越来越重耍,中国应该向全世界充分展现具有强人凝 聚力的中华文明,同时应该吸取一切人类文明的精华。(215 words) (30 points)

Source Text 4:

学校教育给我们的好处不但只是灌输知识,最人的好处恐怕还在给我 们求友的机会上。这好处我到了离学校以后才知道,这几年来更确切地体 会到,深悔当时毫不自觉,马马虎虎过去了。近来每日早晚在路上见到两 两三三的携着书包,携了手或挽了肩膀走着的青年学生,我总艳羡他们有朋友之乐,暗暗地要在心中替他们祝福。(144 words)(30 points)







