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考研时间: 2016-01-23 来源:查字典考研网




161.When they had finished playing, the children were made to________ all the toys they had taken out.

A) put out

B) put away

C) put up

D) put aside

162.If we believe something is good and true we should________ to it.

A) stand up

B) insist on

C) hold on

D) face up

163.There is an undesirable________ nowadays to make films showing violence.

A) trend

B) phenomenon

C) direction

D) passion

164.Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was actually________ the way.

A) off

B) by

C) in

D) on

165.Mr Smith completely________ these facts as though they never existed.

A) neglects

B) overlooks

C) belittles

D) ignores

166.The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country, while six________ libraries specially serve the countryside.

A) mobile

B) drifting

C) shifting

D) rotating

167.Will you________ this passage to see if there is any misprint?

A) look up

B) go over

C) dwell on

D) work out

168.Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an________ of the cost of repairing the roof.

A) assessment

B) announcement

C) estimate

D) evaluation

169.When Jack was eighteen he________ going around with a strange set of people and staying.

A) took up

B) took for

C) took on

D) took to

170.The patient has been________ of the safety of the operation.

A) assured

B) guaranteed

C) entrusted

D) confirmed

171.When he took the floor, the gathering________ thunderous applause.

A) burst out

B) burst upon

C) burst through

D) burst into

172.The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope,________ to orbit the Earth next March, will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky.

A) subject

B) due

C) available

D) owing

173.Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a sever critic of the government’s________ polices.

A) economic

B) economical

C) economy

D) economics

174.You must________ on your facts before you make accusations like that.

A) make sure

B) take care

C) think over

D) check up

175.The vocabulary of any technical discussion may include words which are never used outside the subject or field________ .

A) in view

B) in question

C) in case

D) in effect

176.It is rather________ that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.

A) misleading

B) bewildering

C) boring

D) embarrassing

177.The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t________ themselves.

A) behave

B) guide

C) care

D) direct

178.I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already________ to me.

A) due

B) owing

C) in debt

D) in gratitude

179.A friend ship may be________ , casual, situational or deep and lasting.

A) identical

B) superficial

C) critical

D) original

180.Richard doesn’t think he could ever________ what is called “free-style” poetry.

A) take on

B) take over

C) take to

D) take after

81. As I know, there is _____ car in this neighborhood.

A. no such B. no a C .not such D .no such a

82. Scientists think that the continents ______always where they _____today.

A .weren’t; are B. aren’t; were

C .weren’t; are D. weren’t; were

83. — I’ d like some more cheese.

— Sorry, there’s _____left.

A. some B. none C. a little D. few

84. — How was the televised debate last night?

—Super! Rarely ___ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted________B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate

85. Reality is not the way you wish things to do, nor the way they appear to be, ____ the way they actually are.

A. as B. or C. but D. and

86. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we _____ it without you.

A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed

87. It is what you do rather than what you say _______ matters.

A. that B. what C. which D. this

88. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit ___ the season.

________ A. whatever B. wherever C. whenever D. however

89. — Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

— Thank you, ________.

A. It couldn’t be better B. Of course you can

C. If you like D. It’s up to you

90. I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book—I ____ it to you this morning!

A. would lend B. was lending C. had lent D. lent



161.答案B.put away(用完后把工具)“收好,放好”put out“熄灭,关(灯);生产;公布,发布”put up“建造,搭起;张贴;提高(价格);提供食宿”put aside“储存,保留”

162.答案C.hold on to“坚持,紧紧抓住不放”stand up to“勇敢面对,抵抗;经得起,顶得住”insist on“坚持要;坚持认为”(后面不跟to)face up to“大胆面向”

163.答案A.trend(toward) n.“趋势,趋向,倾向”phenomenon n.“现象”direction n.“方向,方位”passion(for) n.“激情,热情;酷爱”

164.答案C.be in the way(of)“挡道,碍事”off the way“在路旁边”by the way“顺便说一句”on the way“正在路上”

165.答案D.ignore vt.“不理;不顾”neglect vt.“忽略,忽视;疏忽,玩忽”overlook vt.“俯瞰;看漏,忽略;宽容”○belittle vt.“低估,贬低”

166.答案A.mobile adj.“流动的,机动的;活动的,运动的”(a mobile crane;a mobile snack bar;the mobile blood bank)drifting adj.“漂浮的”shifting adj.“移动的,转移的”rotating adj.“转动的,旋转的”

167.答案B.go over “看一遍,检查一遍,审查一遍”look up“向上看;(在词典中)查(生词)”dwell on“详述;老是想着(某事)”work out“算出;想出;制定出”

168.答案C.estimate vt.“估计,估价”○assessment n.“估价,评价,评估,看法”○announcement n.“宣告,宣布”evaluation n.“评价,估价”(注:assessment多用于对财产进行估价以便纳税;evaluation多指对客观的形势进行评估,如评估一个人的表现或能力,评估谈判结果,评估政治形势等。)

169.答案D.take to (sth/-ing)“开始从事,形成……的习惯,变得经常(做);对……产生好感,开始喜欢”(如He took to his studies; He took to drinking after his wife died; Bill has taken to his new school.)take up“开始从事;着手处理;占去,占据(时间,空间)”take…for“把……看作”(take for不单独用)take on“承担,从事;开始雇用;呈现(某种面貌)”

170.答案A.assure (sb of/that)vt.’使确信,使放心;向……保证“(如I can assure you of my full support for your plan/that I will fully support your plan; This will assure you comfort.)gurantee vt.“保证,担保”(句型:guarantee sth/to-V/that)○entrust vt.“托付”(句型:entrust sth to sb;entrust sb witn sth)confirm vt.“证实,肯定;进一步确定;批准,确认”(句型:confirm sth/that…/sb in his belief/suspicion)

171.答案D.burst into“突然发生,突然出现,突然……起来”(常用搭配:burst into applause; burst into tears; burst into laughter; burst into flames; burst into angry speech; burst into leaf/into blossom)burst out“突然……起来”(与burst into表达的意思一样,但它的常用搭配是:burst out-ing,或burst out into,如burst out laughing; burst out crying; burst out into song; burst out into threats)burst upon(以事物作主语,以人作宾语)“突然明白“(如The news/The truth burst upon him.)(没有burst through 的说法)

172.答案B.due“预定将(to-V);应得的,应给的;应有的,充分的;应付的,到期的”(如He is due to leave at 2:00;after due consideration; have one’s due reward; The train is due in at 9:00;The rent is due.)subject(to sth)adj.“易遭……的,受……支配的”(后面不跟不定式)available(to sb)adj.“可利用的,可获得的”owing to (sth)“由于,因为”

173.答案A.economic adj.“经济的,经济学的”economical (of)adj.“节约的,节俭的”economy n.“经济(与政治相对);节约,节省”economics n.“经济学;(国家的)jingji 状况,经济因素”

174.答案D.check(up)(on)“检查,调查,核对”(注:表达此意可以有以下说法:check sth;check on sth;check up sth;check up on sth)make sure“查明,弄确实;务必(做……)”(句型:make sure of/that……;后面不跟on)take care(to-V/not to-V)“当心,注意”(后面不跟on)think(sth)over“仔细考虑”

175.答案B.(sth)in question(作后置定语)“正在谈论的,所说的”;(表语)“有问题”(如Let us stick to the point in question; The girls in question are not in school today; It is not in question that Bill would be a good captain for the team.)in view(表语或后置定语)“可以看得到的,可以望得见的,在望,临近”in case(状语,单独用或后面跟从句)“以防万一;如果”in effect(作插入语)‘事实上,实际上“

176.答案D.embarrass vt.“使窘迫,使为难,使尴尬“(如This request would embarrass Mr.Robin; He was embarrassed at such a request/by the question/with offers of assistance; He wore an embarrassed expression.)embarrassing adj.“令人尴尬的,使人窘迫的”(如She found herself in an embarrassing position; Don’t ask embarrassing questions.)misleading adj.“把人引入歧途的,使人误解的”△bewildering adj.“令人困惑的,使人迷惑不解的”boring adj.“使人厌烦的”

177.答案A.behave oneself“检点自己的行为;守规矩;好好做人”(其它三个动词一般不跟反身代词)

178.答案C.be in debt to sb“欠……的债;欠……的人情”be due to sth(表语)“由于,因为”(后面不跟人作宾语)owing to sth(状语)“由于,因为”in gratitude to sb for sth(状语)“因为某事向某人表示感激之情”

179.答案B.superficial adj.“肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的”identical(with) adj.“相同的,相等的”critical adj.“危急的;决定性的,关键性的;批评的,批判的”original adj.“起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的”

180.答案C.take to sth“开始喜欢,对……产生好感;开始从事,形成……的习惯”(如I can’t say I took to her;Billy has taken to that idea.)take on “承担,从事;开始雇用;呈现,具有(某种面貌)”take over“接收,接管;借用,承袭”take after(在外貌、性格等方面)“长得像(父母或直系长辈)”


81 答案:A

解析: 本题检测的是no与not用法的区别.not和可数名词单数连用时,要加不定冠词a/an。no和单数名词连用时不用冠词。正确的形式是“there is no such car”或“there is not such a car”。(任志鸿,2007) no和not a相似但强调不同,试比较下列两个句子:It is not a joke这不是个笑话,It is no joke这可不是开玩笑的.

82. 答案:C

解析: 本题考查的是时态,又检查了考生对not …always的理解。句子的含义:科学家认为各大洲过去的位置并不总是和他们现在的一样.正确答案是C.

83. 答案:B

解析: 该题答案是B. 上文的语境I’d like some more cheese.可理解成为how much cheese is left? 针对询问"多少"的回答,表"没有"常用none. A, C项与回答语中sorry不符,cheese是不可数名词,D项 few不能来修饰。

84. 答案: B

解析: 正确答案:B。近几年高考试题中,通常把seldom, hardly, rarely放句首,考查句子使用部分倒装的结构。

85. 答案:C

解析: 本题句意为:现实并不是你希望事情会是什么样的,也不是事情似乎是什么样的,而是实际上所呈现的样子。考查对not…,nor…,句意的理解,故选C项。as意为“如同,像”。 or意为“或,或者”。and意为“和,又”。

86. 答案:B

解析: 句子的意思:感谢你的辛勤工作,我想没有你,上周我们不可能完成工作。该题考查对过去的虚拟,也检测了对双重否定句的理解。由句子中的last week,可知说的是过去的事,答案为B。

87. 答案:A

解析: 此题考查的是强调句it is … that 结构,被强调部分是what you do rather than what you say 。影响该题的解答也在于理解rather than,rather than表示”而不是”,在句中是一种含蓄否定。本题的句意为:是你所做的而不是你所说的起作用/要紧。

88. 答案:A

解析: 本题考查的是语法whatever引导的让步状语从句,the season 后省略了is,完整的句子应是whatever the season is“无论是什么季节”。但是同时也检查了对other than表“除了”的理解。

89. 答案:A

解析: 答案是It couldn’t be better,意思可译为:太好了,再好不过了。此句为形式否定句。根据回答中“谢谢”可以推断回答是表示高兴的语气。

90. 答案:D

解析: 可通过时间状语this morning推测为一般过去时,A项而为过去将来时;B项为过去进行时;C项是过去完成时,与句意不符。本题实为考查时态,同时也检查学生对句子I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book的理解。近几年的高考语法与词汇题的设计中,对否定转移进行直接考查的题目很少,而是把他们放在题干中去考查其他语法或词汇。







