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考研时间: 2016-01-23 来源:查字典考研网




281.Water, when boiled, always________ steam.

A) gives in

B) gives out

C) gives off

D) gives away

282.There are other problems which I don’t propose to________ at the moment.

A) go about

B) go into

C) to after

D) go in for

283.The farmers in this country can improve their________ by using better seedlings and more fertilizer.

A) yield

B) growth

C) harvest

D) gain

284.In addition to rice, we need to________ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.

A) replace

B) supplement

C) replenish

D) mix

285.We had difficulties at first but everything worked________ smoothly in the end.

A) off

B) up

C) away

D) out

286.I didn’t like his offer so I turned it________ .

A) away

B) off

C) down

D) out

287.Be very careful with this ancient vase as it is________ a lot.

A) worthwhile

B) worth

C) worthy

D) deserving

288.Henry’s news report covering the conference was so________ that nothing had been omitted.

A) comprehensive

B) inclusive

C) concise

D) precise.

289.As a________ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.

A) prior

B) previous

C) late

D) former

290.After considering various alternatives, we decided to________ our original plan.

A) hang on

B) hold to

C) take to

D) see to

291.The supply of electric power to the city and its neighboring districts has had to be________ .

A) weakened

B) minimized

C) restricted

D) slowed

292.I cut my finger two days ago and it has become badly________ .

A) infected

B) decayed

C) deteriorated

D) diseased

293.Is it advisable to________ our body to the sunlight?

A) reveal

B) display

C) expose

D) show

294.She has to be very________ because she hasn’t much money.

A) economic

B) economical

C) sparing

D) careful

295.John was so________ in his book that he did not hear the door bell ring.

A) engaged

B) occupied

C) absorbed

D) concentrated

296.I helped him clean the floor________ the understanding that I would be rewarded.

A) through

B) by

C) in

D) on

297.Don’t________ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.

A) release

B) relieve

C) relate

D) inform

298.What you have done is________ the doctor’s orders.

A) subject to

B) opposite

C) resistant to

D) contrary to

299.Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didn’t________________enough importance to your English.

A) put

B) attach

C) render

D) place

300.When we finally________ to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step further.

A) tried

B) succeeded

C) managed

D) endeavoured


141.The famous scientist grew up _________ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.

A.when B.whenever C.where D.wherever

142.“It gives me great joy and I feel more pressure than I did _______ I won in China,”Ding Junhui said.

A.that B.when C.which D.how

143._______ has taken part in the Athens Olympic Games is worth praising no matter _______ he has won medals or not.

A.Who;if B.Anyone;whether

C.Whoever;whether D.Whoever;how

144.If you are able to talk to a friend over the telephone,you feel that you are close _______ the actual distance is not shortened.

A.even if B.so long as C.if D.as

145.I’d like to live somewhere _______ the sun shines all year long.

A.which B.that C.where D.in which

146.________ you may be right,I can’t altogether agree.

A.As B.While C.If D.Since

147.You should make it a rule to leave things _______you can find them again.

A.when B.where C.then D.which

148.I have kept the photo ________ I can always see it,as it reminds me of the days when I studied in Britain.

A.at which B.when C.where D.at the place

149.She found her calculator ______ she lost it.

A.where B.when C.in which D.that

150.________ we have achieved great success,we have no reason to be proud.

A.Since B.Even if C.Now that D.Even that



281.答案C.give off“放出,释放”give in“认输,让步,屈服(to);交上,呈上”(give in sth)give out“分发,散发(物品);(从内部)发出”give away“(自觉或不自觉地)泄露(秘密);赠送”

282.答案B.go into“调查,研究,讨论;叙述;从事;(钱、时间、精力等)被用于”go about“导出走动;做,干,着手进行”go after “追求”go in for“从事;爱好”

283.答案A.yield n.“产量,收益”growth n.“生长,发展;增长,增加;增长量”harvest n.“收获,收割,收成”gain n.“增进,增加,收益”

284. 答案B.supplement vt.“增补,补充”replace vt.“替换,取代;把above all“首先,首要地,尤其 是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”放回原处 “○replenish vt.“重新充实,补充(消耗掉的东西)”mix v.“(使)混合”

285.答案D.work out“(情况 等)发展,进行;得到圆满解决,进行情况;想出,制定出;算出“(如 Everything has worked out according to plan;The plan worked out;The cost works out at $100.)work off” 逐渐脱落,慢慢消除掉“work up”使发展起来;鼓起(兴趣、热情等)work away“一个劲地干下去,(开始)下功夫干”

286.答案C.turn down“拒绝;(把音量、燃气灶)关小,调低”turn away“让走开;转过脸去,转过身去”turn off“关掉;拐弯”turn out“关掉,旋熄;生产,制造;驱逐,使离开;结果是,最后证明是”

287. 答案B.worth adj.“值……钱,相当于……价值的;值得……的”(如 The toy is worth $10;It is worth much more than Ipaid for it;A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush;The book is worth publishing/publication.)worthwhile adj. “(表语或定语)值得(做)的“worthy(of) adj.”值得的,配得上的;有价值的;可尊敬的”deserving(of) adj.“应受 到,值得”(如 This plan is deserving of your attention;a problem deserving of study)

288.答案A.comprehensive adj.“广泛的,综合的,全面的”△inclusive(of) adj.“一切费用包括在内的;首末(日、页码等)包括在内的”△concise adj.“简明的,简要的”orecise adj.“精确的,准确的”

289. 答案D.former adj.“(以)前的,在前的,过去的,从前的” (one’s former friends;a former journalist;in former times)prior(to) adj. “优先的,在前的”(如 I have a prior engagement;I have not met him prior to today.)previous(to) adj. “先,前,以前的,在……之前” (on the previous day;the previous week;his previous attempts;previous to her departure)late adj. “以前的,已故的;末期的,晚期的;迟的,晚的”

290.答案B.hold to“坚持(说法、看法、计划等);继续(某种做法);遵 循”hang on“坚持(继续干);紧紧抓住不放;(打电话)不放话筒,稍等”take to “对……产生好感,开始喜欢;开始从事,形成……的习 惯”see to“负责,注意,照料;修理”

291.答案C.restrict vt.“限制,约束” (restrict sb’s freedom;restrict membership of the club to schoolboys;restrict sb to three cigarettes a day)weaken v. (使)变弱,削弱”△minimize vt.“使减少(或缩小)到最低程度;极力贬低,对……作最低估计”slow v.“(使)慢下来”

292. 答案A.infect vt.“(本义或比喻)传染,感染”(如 The flu virus infected the entire class;The wound was infected with germs;One bad boy may infect a whole class;The captain’s courage infected his men.)decay vi. “腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰退,衰落”△deteriorate v.“(使)恶化,(使)变坏”diseased adj.“有病的,害了病的”

293. 答案C.expose(to) vt.“暴露;揭露;使处于……的作用(或影响)下(如 Don’t expose the film to light;to expose a spy/a conspiracy;expose sb danger)reveal vt.” 揭露,泄露,让人知道;展现,显示“display vt.”陈列,展览;显示“show vt.”显示,出示;表明,证明“;vi.”显现,露面“

294. 答案B.economical(of) adj. “节约的,节俭的 “(an economical housekeeper;economical of one’s time;an economical arrangement)economic adj.” 经济的,经济学的“○sparing(with) adj.”节约的,吝啬的“(后面多跟with 限定成分,如 be sparing with one’s money; sparing of one’s energy;sparing in one’s praise)careful(of) adj.” 小心的,仔细的“

295.答案C.be absorbed in“全神贯注于“engaged in”从事,忙于“occupied in/with”忙于,正在(做……)“concentrated adj.”(定语)集中的,浓缩的“

296.答案D.understanding n.“谅解,协议;理解(力)”(on the understanding[that]“在……条件下,取得的谅解是”;不与其他三个介词搭配)

297. 答案A.release vt.“公布,发布,公开,发表,发行;释放,解放;放开,松开”relieve vt.“减轻,解除,缓解;救济,援 救”relate v.“与……有关联(to);使相互关联;叙述,讲述”inform(sb of) vt.“告诉,通知”

298.答案 D.contrary (to) adj.“相反的,违反……的”subject (to)“易遭……的,受……支配 的”opposite(to) adj.“相反的,对立的;在……的对面”resistant (to) adj.“抵抗的,抗……的,耐……的”

299. 答案B.attach importance/significance to“重视”(如 He did not attach any importance to the question ;You attach too much significance to Prime Minister’s words.) (注:importance 一般不与其它三个动词搭配;可以与importance搭配的另一个动词是 emphasize the importance of)

300.答案C.manage (to-V) vt.“设法(做 到)”try (to-V)用一般过去时往往意味着“试图做某事但没有成功”(常用搭配 是:He tried to do sth but in vain/but failed.)successed后面需跟 in.△endeavour(to-V) v.“努力,竭力,尝试”(意思相当于try,只强调作出努力,而不强调努力的结果)



解析:本题考查地点状语从句。题意是“那位著名科学家是在出生地长大的,1930年来到上海的”。关系副词wherever相当于no matter where,通常引导让步状语从句。故答案为C。






解析:even if“尽管”引导让步状语从句,意思是“尽管实际距离没有缩短”。B、C、D均不合题意。


解析:因主句中没有可修饰的先行词,where 引导地点状语从句,进一步说明live的地点,并非定语从句。








解析:where引导地点状语从句。句意为:计算器是在她丢失的地方找到的。这个句子没有先行词,不能填in which。

150.答案:B解析:since引导原因状语从句,意为“因为,既然……就……”;even if引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,纵然”;now that表示原因,意为“既然”,故选B。







