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考研时间: 2016-02-02 来源:查字典考研网





考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语 考试科目代码:211


Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)

This section consists of 4 parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 60 minutes.

Part 1 Vocabulary Selection (8 points)

In this part, there are 8 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Answer Sheet.

1. Boys are more_________than girls.

A. impetus B. impetuous C. impatient D. impetrate

2. I had been puzzled over the problem for over an hour without any result when all at once the solution______across my mind.

A. flushed B. flattered C. flared D. flashed

3. If you cheat you will make yourself__________.

A. credulous B. credible C. incredible D. incredulous

4. Man is a__________being.

A. conscious B. consciousness C. conscience D. conscientious

5. The young boy is a pupil of great______________.

A. accentuation B. altitude C. attitude D. aptitude

6. In the informal meeting the exporter learned that the importer was interested______purchase rather than pre-packed sets of 12.

A. in bulk B. in essence C. at random D. at ease

7. The testimony of the witness meant to __________ the defense of the man accused of theft actually strengthened the case of his accusers.

A. appease B. deprecate C. enlighten D. bolster

8. Due to the fact that universities cannot enroll all the candidates, ___________to university is competitive.

A. admission B. affidavit C. admiration D. allegiance

Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement (8 points)

This part consists of 8 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your ANSWER SHEET.

9. There must have been someone who has instigated a rebellion because the people are so well organized.

A. incited B. tampered C. intruded D. meddled

10. Now I dont want to intrude because Johns house is full of visitors.

A. intercept B. interlope C. infer D. incur

11. However, beyond that dolorous picture; there is a revolution at work in world agriculture.

A. illusive B. blurry C. reflective D. grievous

12. As she greeted me at the door, my prospective roommate seemed to be the happy and carefree friend I had dreamed before I came to the university.

A. eventual B. would-be C. probable D. prosperous

13. For the last few decades, the Japanese concept of a good life was defined by narrow parameters: children would study hard, attend the best universities possible, and join a big company as a salesman or as an office lady.

A. capacitors B. parachutes C. parallels D. considerations

14. In the world of sport, the four-minute mile---the dream mile---until recently was the most intriguing goal remaining to the individual athlete.

A. daring B. demanding C. thought-provoking D. fascinating

15. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to make reprisals when subjected to uncivilized behavior.

A. challenged B. laugh C. revenge D. appreciate

16. The 20th century poem suggests to something we have been able to find nothing about.

A .alludes B. avoids C. alleges D. alerts

Part 3 Error Correction (8 points)

This part consists of 8 sentences; in each sentence there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your ANSWER SHEET.

17. Researchers all over the world have been seeking for determining how early infancy conceptual thinking is possible.

A. have been seeking about determining

B. have been seeking to determine about

C. have been seeking to determine

D. have thought to determine

18. All mammals have air, but not always evident.

A. but it is not B. but it is C. but they are not D. but they are

19. The winner of the Nobel Prize in physics dedicated the honour to his high school physics teacher; he had been an inspiration during his early years.

A. who B. whom C. which D. that

20. The hands on this clock are lubricate so that it can be seen in the dark.

A. luminous B. luminary C. lugubrious D. lubricable

21. Before writing a book, the first thing is considering what to say.

A. you must first ponder what to say and what not to be said carefully

B. its extremely necessary that you know what to say

C. the first thing is to consider what to say

D. you must first ponder what to say and what not to say

22. With the change of red lights, there are long queues of vehicles that wait while a few people who walk across the zebra.

A. waitwalk B. waitingwalking C. waitingwalk D. waitwalking

23. With good reasons he is called a fool.

A. With good reasons is he called a fool. B. He is called fool with a good reason.

C. With good reasons he is called fool. D. He is called fool with good reasons.

24. The gibbon ranges over an area wider than do the other apes.

A. a wider area than other apes do B. an area wider than are other apes do

C. wider than other apes do the area D. than wider other apes do an area

Part 4 Improving Sentences (6 points)

The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is underlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined materials. Select one of the choices most appropriate to the expression of meaning of the original sentence. Your selection should result in the most effective sentence--clear and precise, without awkwardness or ambiguity. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your ANSWER SHEET.

25. Zookeepers have expanded ones definition of care to include concern for the animals mental state as well as for its physical well-being.

A. have expanded ones definition of care to include

B. have expanded ones definition of care, including

C. expanded ones definition of care, they include

D. expanding the definition of care to include

E. have expanded their definition of care to include

26. Intimacy, love, and marriage are three different, if interrelated, subjects.

A. different, if interrelated, subjects

B. interrelated subjects, being, however, different

C. different subjects, whereas they are interrelated

D. different subjects when interrelated

E. subjects that are different although being interrelated

27. The famous battle depicted in the film Braveheart took place in northern England, and many people assume that it was the Scottish Highlands.

A. and many people assume that it was

B. many people assuming

C. but not many people assume it to be

D. not what many people assume

E. not, as many as people assume, in

28. The survival of many species of marine life may depend on both the enforcement of waste-disposal regulations and the education of the public about the fragility of ocean resources.

A. and the education of the public

B. educating the public

C. and the public being educated

D. along with the education of the public

E. in combination with the public education

29. Although she wrote 2,000 years ago, the Roman poet Sulpicia is still being read: her poems are available in English translation in a number of anthologies.

A. read: her poems are

B: read: her poems are

C. read: her poems being

D. read: her poems are being

E. read, yet her poems are

30. A severe northeastern storm struck Boston on New Years Day, 1990, slowing down the loading of ships in the harbor, the city was caught off guard because of the Weather Bureau Being closed for the holidays.

A. harbor, the city was caught off guard because of the Weather Bureau Being closed for the holidays.

B. harbor, because the Weather Bureau was closed for the holidays, the city was caught off guard

C. harbor; catching the city off guard because the Weather Bureau was closed for the holidays

D. harbor; the city was caught off guard because the Weather Bureau was closed for the holidays

E. harbor and catching the city off guard, which was caused by the Weather Bureau being closed for the holidays.







