  查字典考研网 >> >> 专业硕士 >> 2017翻译硕士考研单项选择第十八组练习题


考研时间: 2016-12-09 来源:查字典考研网




41. I still remember the day I first met her, she ____.

A. had long hair B. has long hairs

C. had long hairs D. has long hair

42.____, he is appointed as general manager of the company.

A. Be a man ever so young

B. So young as a man ever is

C. No matter he is young

D. A man ever so young

43. Nothing but some chairs____in the room.

A. has found B. had found

C. were found D. was found

44. More than one company____involved in this transaction.

A. was B. were C. to be D. /

45. It is said that his father____ for several years.

A. had died B. has been dead

C. died D. has dead

46. Water is to fish ____air is to man.

A. that B. which C. what D. how

47.____trouble, Ill forget the whole thing.

A. Rather than caused B. Than rather caused

C. Than rather causing D. Rather than cause

48. The football match is scheduled to be televised ____.

A. live B. lively C. alive D. life

49. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ____the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.

A. in this way B. in that C. in which

D. in order to

50.____is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produce no concrete proposals.

A. As B. That C. Which D. What

51. She walked 7 miles today in order to lose weight; I never imagined that she could walk____far.

A. as B. such C. that D. very

52. You wont be able to finish the job ____you stop playing around.A. unless B. lest C. in case of D. so that

53. Women are often said to be more ____ than men.

A. liable B. identical C. emotional

D. immense

54. This ticket ____you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

A. grants B. entitles C. credits D. permits

55. He is too weak to ____his business.

A. do with B. do without

C. do away with D. do up

56. She is so clever that I feel rather at a (an)____talking to her.

A. advantage B. disadvantage

C. mistake D. error

57. The thieves ____the papers all over the room as they were searching for the money.

A. spread B. swelled C. scattered

D. divided

58. The information-office at the station ____that all trains were running about one hour behind time.

A. advertised B. declared C. determined

D. promised

59. His book has made a great impact____ its readers.

A. at B. for C. to D. on

60. If any difficulties ____, you can call me for help.

A. arise B. happen C. occur

D. take place

61. Because of the severe international situation, the government has urged people to be ____ with food and water.

A. thrift B. economic C. economical

D. economy

62. After 10 hours at the wheel of the car, he began to feel the ____.

A. tension B. nervous C. exertion

D. strain

63. Would you please____ a seat for this evenings concert?

A. reserve B. preserve C. conserve

D. save

64.The concept of ____grouping people with similar interests and abilities was very popular among educators.

A. implement B. homogeneous

C. integrated D. perfection

65. The introduction of fabrics made from rayon, nylon and other ____ fibers has made many changes in our civilization.

A. manufactured B. artificial

C. synthetic D. manned 








