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考研时间: 2012-07-30 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:曾江 性别:男 职称:副教授

学院:电子与信息学院 最后学历:博士




1. J. Zeng(曾江), Y. Ni(倪以信), Q. Diao, B.Yuan, B. Zhang, Current controller for active power filter based on optimal voltage space vector, IEE Proceeding on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.148,Issue 02,March,2001(SCI,EI收录)

2. Zeng, Jiang(曾江); Yu, Chang; Qi, Qingru; Yan, Zheng; Ni, Yixin(倪以信), Cheng, Shousun(陈寿孙), Wu. Felix. F.(吴复立); Zhan, B.L.(张宝霖), novel hysteresis current control for active power filter with constant-frequency, Electric Power System Research, Vol.68, No. 1, January, 2004, p75-82(SCI,EI收录)

3. J. ZENG(曾江), W. j. YU, T. YU.The Distribution Network In DongGuan City Harmonic Sampling Examination And Statistical Analysis [C].IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting,Calgary,CAN,2009.(EI检索号:20095112561456)

4. 曾江,叶小军,刘艳,欧阳森,一种低损耗的有源电力滤波器滞环电流控制方法,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.37,No.11,2009,p76-82(EI检索号:20100412667587)

5. 曾江,刘艳,叶小军,余涛,一种新的低损耗有源电力滤波器滞环电流控制方法,电网技术,Vol.34, No.1, Jan,2010,p73-78(EI检索号: 20101912917907)

6. 曾江,于文俊,余涛,东莞配电网谐波测量及其统计分析,电力系统保护与控制,Vol.37,No.24,Dec,2009,p167-171(EI检索号: 2010031264085)

7. Ming LEI, Jiang ZENG, Gang LIU ,Simulation Analysis of Flashover Characteristics of 220kV Composite insulators Based on Finite-Element Method, Proceeding of IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM 2009),pp697-700(EI检索号: 20094712461380)

8. Ming LEI, Jiang ZENG, Gang LIU ,Dynamic Simulation of Running Test to Long-distance 500kV Oil-filled Submarine Cable,Proceeding of IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM 2009),pp176-179 (EI检索号:20094712461509)

9. Yunhai Song, Jiang Zeng, Gang Liu, Hengzhen Li, Comparative Analysis Based on the Component of Natural Pollution Deposit on Insulators in the Highway District and the Highway-Farmland District,Proceeding of IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM 2009),pp693-696,(EI检索号:20094712461379)

10. Yanfei JI , Jiang ZENG, Gang LIU, Study on the Application of Risk Assessment and Monitoring of Lightning Disaster in Electrical Equipment Insulation, Proceeding of IEEE 9th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM 2009),pp1008-1011(EI检索号:20094712461471)

11. 叶小军,曾江,王克英,徐大勇,并联有源电力滤波器双滞环控制策略,电力系统保护与控制, Vol.37,No.9,May,2009,p60-64.(EI 收录,检索号20092912201853)

12. 王海燕,曾江,刘刚,国外配网自动化建设模式对我国配网建设的启示,电力系统保护与控制,Vol.37,No.9,Jun,2009, p125-129,。(EI收录,检索号20093112234101)

13. 欧阳森,林广明,曾江,蒋金良,改进灾变遗传算法及其在无功规划中的应用,电网技术,Vol.34,No.4,Apr.,2010,pp128-133(EI检索号:20102112949789)



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