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考研时间: 2012-07-16 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:尹咏雅 性别:女 职称:副教授

学院:岭南学院 最后学历:博士

主要研究方向:International Marketing; Consumer Psychology;Strategic Marketing

Dr. Wendy Wan is a Social and Personality Psychologist specializing in applying psychological principles to the practice of international business and consumer marketing. As a scholar, she has published in prestigious international journals, received awards from renowned publishers, and supervised research students since 2004. She was the faculty member of Bond University, Australia and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. As a business consultant, she has been offering consultancy services to government and business entities since 1996. Her clients include Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Sun Hung Kei Properties (Hong Kong), China Construction Bank, PPF, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, New York Life Insurance Company, American Express Card, Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, GlaxoSmithKline, Blackmores, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong PLUS, Midea, AmInBev, Jacuzzi


Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology,The University of Hong Kong;

M.Phil in Social and Personality Psychology,The University of Hong Kong;

Post-graduate Certificate in Psychology. The University of Hong Kong;

B.A. (Hons),The University of Hong Kong; major in English Studies and Comparative Literature, minor in Psychology and Economics


- Best Track Paper (Advertising & Promotion Track) 2010 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association; Boston, USA

- The Very Best Article in 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.2006;

- Young Psychologist Award, International Congress of Psychology XXVIII, Beijing 2004;

- Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship, Hong Kong 2001 to 2002;

- The Hong Kong Wong Clan Association Scholarship, Hong Kong, 2000 to 2002;

- Li Po Chun Scholarship, Hong Kong, 1999 to 2000;

- Postgraduate Studentship in Psychology, University of Hong Kong,2000 to 2002


Journal Articles

1. Wan, W. W. N.,Luk, C.L.,Fam, K. S., Wu, P.,and Chow, C. W. C. (forthcoming) Interpersonal relationship, service quality, seller expertise: How important are they to adolescent consumers? Psychology & Marketing.SSCI Impact Factor 1.385

2.Luk, C. L., Wan, Wendy W. N., Chow, W. C., Chow, R., Kim, S., & Fam, K. S. (forthcoming). Consumers’ views of Feng Shui: Antecedents and behavioral consequences. Psychology & Marketing. SSCI Impact Factor 1.385

3.Wan, Wendy W. N, Luk, C. L., Yau, O., Tse, A., Sin, L., Kwong, K., & Chow, R. (2009). Do traditional Chinese cultural values nourish a market for pirated CDs? Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 185-196.SSCI Impact Factor 1.023

4.Wan, Wendy W. N., Luk, C. L., & Chow, C. (2005). Customers’ adoption of banking channels in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 23 (3), 255-272. Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. * This paper was awarded “The Very Best Article of 2005” by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd

5. Wan, Wendy W. N., Chiu, C. Y., & Luk, C. L. (2005). A posteriori information effects on culpability judgments from a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Social Psychology. 145(5), 509-517. Publisher: Heldref Publications. SSCI Impact Factor 0.730

6. Luk, C. L., Wan, W. N. W., Chiu, C. Y., & Kreitler, S. A. (2005). Judging the wrongdoing: Blame assignment and responsibility attribution from a cross-cultural perspective. Australian Journal of Psychology, 57 (Suppl. S), 137-138. SSCI Impact Factor 0.368

7. International Sexuality Description Project (2004). Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: The effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person’s partner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86 (4), 560-584. Publisher: American Psychological Association. SSCI Impact Factor 5.035

8. International Sexuality Description Project (2004). Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Are model of self and of other pancultural constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 85(4), 367-402. Publisher: Sage Publications. SSCI Impact Factor 1.528

9. International Sexuality Description Project (2003). Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: Tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85 (1), 85-104. Publisher: American Psychological Association. SSCI Impact Factor 5.035

10. International Sexuality Description Project (2003). Are men universally more dismissing than women? Gender differences in romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions. Personal Relationships, 10(3), 307-331. Publisher: Blackwell Publishing. SSCI Impact Factor 1.227

11. Wan, Wendy W. N. & Chiu, C. Y. (2002). Effects of novel conceptual combination on creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 36(4), 227-240. Publisher: Creative Education Foundation. SSCI Impact Factor 0.500

12. Wan, Wendy W. N., Luk, C. L., & Lai, J. (2000). Personality correlates of loving styles among Chinese students in Hong Kong. Personality and Individual Differences, 29(1), 169-175. Publisher: Elsevier. SSCI Impact Factor 1.878

13. Luk, C. L., Wan, Wendy W. N., & Lai, J. (2000). Consistency in choice of social referent. Psychological Reports, 86(3), 925-934. Publisher: Ammons Scientific Limited. SSCI Impact Factor 0.309

14. Hong, Y. Y., Chiu, C. Y., Dweck C. S., Lin D. M. S., & Wan, Wendy W. N. (1999). Implicit theories, attributions, and coping. A meaning system approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(3), 588-599. Publisher:Amercian Psychological Association. SSCI Impact Factor 5.035

15. Lai, J., and Wan, Wendy W. N. (1996). Dispositional optimism and coping with academic examinations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83 (1), 23-27.Publisher: Ammons Scientific Limited. SSCI Impact Factor 0.402

Authored Book

16. Chiu, C. Y., and Wan, Wendy W. N. (2002). I am the Genius. Hong Kong: Positive Living United Services. [in Chinese]

《我就是天才》. 作者:, 趙志裕博士、尹咏雅博士

Handbook Chapter

17. Chiu, C. Y., Kim, Y. H., & Wan, W. N. (2008). Personality: Cross-cultural perspectives. In G. J. Boyle, G. Matthews, & D. H. Salofske (Eds.), Sage handbook of personality theory and assessment. Vol. 1: Personality theory and testing. London: Sage.



1.Implicit theories of intelligence and anxiety. Symposium entitled “New Conceptions in Personality Theory and Research”, University for Human Sciences of the Principality of Liechtenstein Vaduz, Liechtenstein (June, 2003)

2.Judging the wrongdoing: Responsibility attribution from a cross-cultural perspective. “Social Psychology Colloquium”, University of Tokyo, Japan (January, 2003).

3.Who is to blame and who is to be praised: Model of responsibility. Department of Psychology, University of Shinshu, Japan (January, 2003).


1. Conference on Marketing Innovation and Strategic Management of Transition from OEM to OSM, Guangzhou, China, July 3-5, 2009 “製造業轉型的營銷創新和戰略管理”國際會議, 中國 廣州, 2009年7月3日-5日


1.Creativity in work, marketing, education and health. Symposium, European Congress of Psychology VIII, Vienna, Austria (July, 2003).

2.Cross-cultural perspective on responsibility attribution and blame assignment. Symposium, 17th Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Xian, China (August, 2004)


1. Knowledge Management, Innovation, and Performance. 2009 Conference on Marketing Innovation and Strategic Management of Transition from OEM to OSM, Guangzhou, China. "製造業轉型的營銷創新和戰略管理”國際會議, 中國 廣州.

2.An institutional theory of attitudes towards sex: appeal advertising. 2008 EAMSA Annual Conference in Kyoto, Japan (December, 2008).

3.An institutional theory of attitudes towards sex: appeal advertising. 2006 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference in Brisbane, Australia (December, 2006).

4.Who is to be blamed? Collective responsibility attribution in Chinese societies. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conferences, Adelaide, Australia (July, 2005).

5.Blame assignment and responsibility attribution across culture. 6th Australian Industrial & Organizational Psychology Conference, Adelaide, Australia (July, 2005).

6.Effects of novel conceptual combination on creativity. International Congress of Psychology XXVIII, Beijing, China (August, 2004).

7.Blame and reward assignment from a cross-cultural perspective. Symposium, 17th Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Xian, China (August, 2004).

8.Who is to be blamed? Collective responsibility attribution in Chinese societies. American Psychological Society 16th Annual Convention, Chicago, U.S.A. (May, 2004).

9.Creativity in education. Symposium, European Congress of Psychology VIII, Vienna, Austria (July, 2003).

10.Blame assignment and responsibility attribution from a cross-cultural perspective. European Congress of Psychology VII, Jena, Germany (Aug, 2002).

11.Effects of novel conceptual combination on creativity. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, U.S.A. (Aug, 2001).

12.Novel conceptual combination and creativity. International Congress of Creativity, Hong Kong (June, 2001).

13.Novel conceptual combination and creativity. Annual Conference of Hong Kong Psychological Society, Hong Kong (June, 2001).

14.Effects of novel conceptual combination on creativity. International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. (July, 2000)

15.Cultural differences in a posteriori information effects on blame assignment. American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Denver, U.S.A. (June, 1999).

期刊的评审员 Ad Hoc Reviewer

- Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology

- Journal of Happiness Studies


Associate Fellow of Hong Kong Psychological Society

American Marketing Association



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