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考研时间: 2012-07-20 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:龚逸鸿 性别:男 职称:副教授

学院:工学院 最后学历:博士





1. 中山大学“985工程”三期提升自主创新和社会服务能力项目:生物医学工程创新平台 2010.1~2013.12,子项目负责人

2. 广东省引进创新科研团队项目:纳米力学和骨关节纳米工程创新科研团队 2010.6~2014.6, 子项目负责人

3. 中山大学“百人计划”项目,2010.1~2012.12 负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 可注射细胞微载体/水凝胶骨组织工程复合支架的研究,2012.1~2014.12,负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 纳米纤维诱导肝脏细胞聚集体形成研究 2012.1~2014.12,主要参与人(排名2)


1. Su K., Gong Y.H.,* Wang C.M. Wang. D.A.. “A Novel Shell-structure Cell Microcarrier (SSCM) for Cell Transplantation and Bone Regeneration Medicine.” Pharm. Res. in press. DOI 10.1007/s11095-010-0321-5. (* 通讯作者 )

2. Gong Y.H.,** Su K., Lau T.T., Zhou R.J., Wang D.A.. “,Microcavitary Hydrogel-Mediating Phase Transfer Cell Culture for Cartilage Tissue Engineering.” Tissue Engineering Part A, 16 (2010), 12: 3611-3622 (**共同作者)

3. Gong Y.H., Wang C.M., Lai R.C., Su K., Zhang F. and Wang D.A. “An improved injectable polysaccharide hydrogel: modified gellan gum for long-term cartilage regeneration in vitro” J. Mater. Chem.” 2009, 2009, 19: 1968-1977.

~ Featured: Cover Story of Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 19, Issue 14, 2009; and

~ Featured: Hot Paper in Category of “Biomaterials” of Journal of Materials Chemistry

(http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/jm/JMCHot_biomaterials.asp ); and

~Quoted: in “Application Highlights”, Chemical Technology, 6(2009), 3: T20.


4. Gong Y.H., Ma. Z.W., Zhou Q.L., Li J., Gao C.Y., and Shen J.C. “Poly(lactic acid) scaffold fabricated by gelatin particle leaching has good biocompatibility for chondrogenesis ” J. Biomat. Sci. Polym. E 2008, 19: 207-221.

5. Gong Y.H., Zhu Y.B., Liu Y.X., Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., and Shen J.C. “Layer-by-layer assembly of chondroitin sulfate and collagen on aminolyzed poly(L-lactic acid) porous scaffolds to enhance their chondrogenesis” Acta Biomater. 2007, 3: 677-685.

6. Gong Y.H., He L.J., Li J., Ma Z.W., Gao C.Y., and Shen J.C. “Hydrogel-filled polylactide porous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 2007, 82B: 192-204.

7. Gong Y.H., Zhou Q.L., Gao C.Y., and Shen J.C. “In vitro and in vivo degradability and cytocompatibility of poly(L-lactic acid) scaffold fabricated by a gelatin particle leaching method” Acta Biomater. 2007, 3: 531-540.

8. Gong Y.H., Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Wang W. and Shen J.C. “Specially elaborated thermally induced phase separation to fabricate poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds with ultra large pores and good interconnectivity” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2006, 101: 3336-3342.

9. Fan J.B., Gong Y.H., Ren L., Varshney R., Cai D.Z. and Wang D.A. “In Vitro Engineered Cartilage Using Synovium-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Injectable Gellan Hydrogels” Acta Biomater.2010: 6: 1178-1185.

10. Wang, C. M., Gong, YH., Zhong, Y., Yao, Y.C., Su, K. and Wang, DA.. “The control of anchorage-dependent cell behavior within a hydrogel / microcarrier system in an osteogenic model”, Biomaterials, 2009, 30: 2259-2269.

11. Hong Y., Gong Y.H., Gao C.Y. and Shen J.C. “Collagen-coated polylactide microcarriers/chitosan hydrogel composite: Injectable scaffold for cartilage regeneration” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A. 2008, 85A: 628-637.

12. Wang C.M., Gong Y.H., Lin Y.M., Shen J.B. and Wang D.A. “A novel gellan gel-based microcarrier for anchorage-dependent cell delivery” Acta Biomater. 2008, 4: 1226-1234.

13. Tan H.P., Gong Y.H., Lao L.H., Ma Z.W., and Gao C.Y. “Gelatin/chitosan/hyaluronan ternary complex scaffold containing basic fibroblast growth factor for cartilage tissue engineering” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. M. 2007, 18: 1961-1968.

14. Zhou Q.L, Gong Y.H. and Gao C.Y.. “Microstructure and mechanical properties of poly(L-lactide) scaffolds fabricated by gelatin particle leaching method” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2005, 98: 1373-1379.

15. Hong Y., Gong Y.H., Gao C.Y., Jiacong Shen. Chitosan-modified polylactide microspheres: potentially injectable cell carriers for tissue engineering. Chinese Journal of Material Research 2005, 19: 589-593

16. Zhao, H.G., Ma, L., Gong, Y.H., Gao, C.Y., Shen, J.C. "A polylactide/fibrin gel composite scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering: fabrication and an in vitro evaluation" J. Biomat. Sci. Polym. E, 2009,20: 135-143

17. Wang C.M., Bai J., Gong Y.H., Zhang F., Shen J.B. and Wang D.A. “Enhancing Cell Affinity of Nonadhesive Hydrogel Substrate: The Role of Silica Hybridization” Biotechnol. Progr. 2008, 24:1142-1146.

~Featured: Cover Image of Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 25.

18. Hong Y., Song H.Q., Gong Y.H., Mao Z.W., Gao C.Y., and Shen J.C. “Covalently crosslinked chitosan hydrogel: Properties of in vitro degradation and chondrocyte encapsulation” Acta Biomater. 2007, 3: 23-31.

19. Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “Cartilage tissue engineering PLLA scaffold with surface immobilized collagen and basic fibroblast growth factor “ Biomaterials 2005, 26:1253-1259.

20. Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “Grafting and coating of collagen type I on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) membrane surface to enhance the growth of chondrocytes” Chemical journal of Chinese universities 2004, 25:749-752.

21. Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “Chondrocyte behaviors on poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) membranes containing hydroxyl, amide or carboxyl groups” Biomaterials 2003, 24: 3725-3730.

22. Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “Paraffin spheres as porogen to fabricate poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds with improved cytocompatibility for cartilage tissue engineering” J Biomed Mater Res B 2003,67B:610-617.

23. Ma. Z.W., Gao C.Y., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “Immobilization of natural macromolecules on poly-L-lactic acid membrane surface in order to improve its cytocompatibility” J Biomed Mater Res 2002,63,838-847.

24. Shi, X.T., Wang, Y.J.,Varshney, R.R., Ren, L., Gong, Y.H. and Wang, D.A., “Microsphere-based Drug Releasing Scaffolds for Inducing Osteogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in vitro”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010, 29:59-67.

25. Shi, X.T., Wang, Y.J., Ren, L., Gong, Y H. and Wang, D.A., “A novel hydrophilic poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/lecithin hybrid microspheres sintered scaffold for bone repair”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2010, 92A: 963-972.

26. Shi, X. T., Wang, Y. J., Ren, L., Zhao, N. R., Gong, Y.H. and Wang, D.A.*, “Novel Mesoporous Silica Based Antibiotic Releasing Scaffold for Bone Repair”, Acta Biomater. 2009, 5: 1697-1707.

27. Fan J.B., Ren L., Liang R.S., Gong Y.H., Cai D.Z. and Wang D.A.. Chondrogenesis of Synovium-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Photopolymerizing Hydrogel Scaffolds. J. Biomat. Sci. Polym. E 2010, 21: 1653-1667.

28. Zhang, F., Yao, Y. C., Hao, J. H., Zhou, R. J., Liu, C. Z., Gong, Y.H. and Wang, D.A., “A dual-functioning adenoviral vector encoding both transforming growth factor-β3 and shRNA silencing type I collagen: construction and controlled release for chondrogenesis” Journal of Controlled Release 2010, 142: 70-77.

29. Wang, C. M., Adrianus, G. N., Sheng, N., Toh, S. K., Gong, Y. H. and Wang, D. A.* “In vitro performance of an injectable hydrogel / microsphere based immunocyte delivery system for localised anti-tumour activity” Biomaterials 2009, 30: 6986-6995.

30. Shi X.T., Wang Y.J. Li R., Gong Y.H.and Wang D.A. “Novel Mesoporous Silica Based Antibiotic Releasing Scaffold for Bone Repair” Acta Biomater. 2009, 5:1697-1707.

31. Shi X.T., Wang Y.J. Li R., Gong Y.H. and Wang D.A. “Enhancing Alendronate Release from a Novel PLGA/Hydroxyapatite Microspheric System for Bone Repairing Applications” Pharm. Res. 2009, 26:422-430.

32. Tan H.P., Lao L.H., Wu J.D., Gong Y.H., and Gao C.Y. “Biomimetic modification of chitosan with covalently grafted lactose and blended heparin for improvement of in vitro cellular interaction” Polym. Advan. Technol. 2008, 19: 15-23.

33. Wang B., Hong Y., Feng J., Gong Y.H. and Gao C.Y. “Rings of hydrogel fabricated by a micro-transfer technique” Macromol. Rapid Comm. 2007, 28: 567-571.

34. Li J., Li J., Yu H.W., Cao H.C., Gao C.Y. and Gong Y. H. “Growth and metabolism of human hepatocytes on biomodified collagen poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) three-dimensional scaffold” Asaio J. 2006, 52: 321-327.

35. Hong Y., Gao C.Y., Xie Y., Gong Y.H., and Shen J.C. “Collagen-coated polylactide microspheres as chondrocyte microcarriers” Biomaterials 2005, 26: 6305-6313.

36. Zhu Y.B., Gao C.Y., Liu Y.X., Gong. Y.H., Shen J.C. “LBL self-assembly of chondroitin sulfate and collagen onto poly(L-lactic acid) surface for improving its cytocompatibility with endothelial cells” Chemical journal of Chinese universities 2004, 25:1347-1350.

37. Li j., Sheng J.F., Gao C.Y., Gong Y.H., Yu H.Y, Li L.J. “Adhesion and function of human hepatocytes on biomodified collagen-poly (lactic acid) porous sponge scaffold” Xenotransplantation 2005,12: 402-402.

38. Ma Z.W., Gao C.Y., Juan J., Ji J., Gong Y.H. and Shen J.C. “Surface modification of poly-L-lactide by photografting of hydrophilic polymers towards improving its hydrophilicity” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2002, 85: 2163-2171.


1. 高长有,马祖伟,管建均,龚逸鸿,计剑,沈家骢. 光氧化接枝与生物活性因子固定化制备细胞相容性生物材料的方法,专利号:ZL 02136032.4,授权日:2004.9.1

2. 高长有,龚逸鸿,马祖伟,沈家骢. 组织工程用聚乳酸多孔支架的制备方法,专利号:ZL 02112497.3,授权日:2004.11.24

3. 高长有,马祖伟,龚逸鸿,沈家骢. 在聚合物生物材料表面稳定涂层生物大分子的方法,专利号:ZL 03116450.1,授权日:2005.6.15

4. 高长有,马祖伟,龚逸鸿,沈家骢. 在聚合物生物材料表面引入细胞生长因子的方法,专利号:ZL 03117084.6,授权日:2005.8.31

5. 高长有,马祖伟,龚逸鸿,沈家骢. 蜡球致孔剂与热致相分离结合制备聚合物多孔支架的方法,专利号:ZL 03116446.3,授权日:2005.11.9

6. 高长有,龚逸鸿,何丽娟,马祖伟,沈家骢. 将水凝胶复合到多孔组织工程支架中的方法,专利号:ZL 200410052984.4,授权日:2007.5.9


1. 2011 “聚合物组织工程和再生医学材料的制备与性能”浙江省科学技术奖二等奖

2. 欧洲制药学杂志2010年度最佳论文奖 (Best Paper Award from papers published in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences during 2010)

3. 2011年入选中山大学 “卓越人才计划”





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