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考研时间: 2012-07-23 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:钟凡 性别:男 职称:教授

学院:理工学院 最后学历:博士






(1) 从实验和理论上发现并提出一级相变对驱动相变的外场(含温度)的线性变化速率的标度性和普适性,并在无穷分量模型中以重整化群理论给以证实,还研究了缺陷对标度性的影响,发现一级相变是由一不稳定不动点所控制,建立起一级相变动力学的重整化群理论,该理论将不动点的不稳定指数与滞后指数联系起来,结果与数值模拟相符合。

(2) 将线性变场方法用于临界点,获得一个确定平衡和动态临界指数及变场引起的滞后指数及其标度关系的方法。

(3) 提出耦合相变理论,并在贝氏体相变、单层高分子膜的应用中获得新的结果,有望解决贝氏体相变机制的古老课题。

(4) 建立一个长波理论,解决了铁碳马氏体中碳原子有序化的基本问题。

(5) 提出新的无序铁磁近藤晶格模型,给出一种掺杂诱导金属绝缘体转变机制。

(6) 建立锰氧化物的朗道对称性相变理论,揭示澄清了其中各种复杂的相变现象。


[1] ZHONG FAN, 2006, Probing Criticality with Linearly Varying External Fields: Renormalization Group Theory of Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics under Driving, PHYS REV E 73, 047104.

[2] ZHONG FAN, CHEN QIZHOU, 2005,Theory of the Dynamics of First-Order Phase Transitions: Unstable Fixed point, Exponents and Dynamical Scaling, PHYS REV LETT 95, 175701.

[3] ZHONG FAN, XU ZHIFANG, 2005, Dynamic Monte Carlo renormalization group determination of critical exponents with linearly changing temperature, PHYS REV B 71, 132402.

[4] ZHONG FAN, 2002, Monte Carlo renormalization group study of the dynamic scaling of hysteresis in the two-dimensional Ising model, PHYS REV B 66: (6) 060401(R).

[5] ZHONG FAN, JIANG M, XING DY, DONG JM, 2000, Theory of coupled phase transitions: Phase separation and abnormal variation of order parameter, J CHEM PHYS 113: (10) 4465.

[6] ZHONG FAN,WANG ZD,2000,Symmetry analysis of the magnetic structures of bilayered manganites La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 near x=0.3: Phase separations and percolation, PHYS REV B 62: (9) 5297.

[7] ZHONG FAN, WANG ZD, 2000, Landau theory of the phase transitions in half-doped manganites: Interplay of magnetic, charge, and structural orders, PHYS REV B 61: (5) 3192.

[8] ZHONG FAN, WANG ZD, 1999, Symmetry origin of the phase transitions and phase separation in manganites at low doping, PHYS REV B 60: (17) 11883.

[9] ZHONG FAN, DONG JM, WANG ZD, 1998, Dynamical mean-field solution for a model of metal-insulator transitions in moderately doped manganites, PHYS REV B 58: (23) 15310.

[10] ZHONG FAN, DONG JM, XING DY, 1998, Scaling of hysteresis in pure and disordered Ising models: Comparison with experiments, PHYS REV LETT 80: (5) 1118.

[11] 钟凡, 张进修, 1997, 缺陷对一级相变标度性的影响, 物理学报 46: (4) 791.

[12] ZHANG JX, ZHONG FAN, SIU GG, 1996, The scanning-rate dependence of energy dissipation in first-order phase transition of solids, SOLID STATE COMMUN 97: (10) 847.

[13] ZHONG FAN, LIU X, ZHANG JX, 1996, Theory of coupled first-order phase transformations: Application to bainitic transformations, PHYS REV LETT 77: (7) 1394.

[14] ZHONG FAN, LIU X, ZHANG JX, KANG MK, GUO ZQ, 1995, Lattice-parameter variation with carbon content of martensite. II. Long-wavelength theory of the cubic-to-tetragonal transition, PHYS REV B 52: (14) 9979.

[15] ZHONG FAN, ZHANG JX, LIU X, 1995, Scaling of hysteresis in the Ising-model and cell-dynamical systems in a linearly varying external-field, PHYS REV E 52: (2) 1399.

[16] ZHONG FAN, ZHANG JX, 1995, Renormalization-group theory of hysteresis, PHYS REV LETT 75: (10) 2027.

[17] ZHONG FAN, ZHANG JX, 1995, Scaling of thermal hysteresis with temperature scanning rate, PHYS REV E 51: (4) 2898.

[18] ZHONG FAN, ZHANG JX, SIU GG, 1994, Dynamic scaling of hysteresis in a linearly driven system, J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 6: (38) 7785.





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