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考研时间: 2012-07-23 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:赖天树 性别:男 职称:教授

学院:理工学院 最后学历:博士




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在Appl.Phys.Lett., Opt.Lett, Appl. Opt, Appl. Spectro, J. of Chem Phys,Chin Phys. Lett, 中国科学通报,中国科学,物理学报,光学学报,中国激光等国内外期刊上发表研究论文近80余篇,多数被SCI和EI收录。


1.Xiaodong Liu, Zhen Xu, Ruixin Gao, Haining Hu, Zhifeng Chen, Zixin Wang, Jun Du, Shiming Zhou and Tianshu Lai, Dynamics of magnetization, reversal and ultrafast demagnetization of TbFeCo amorphous films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 232501 (2008)

2.Zhongxing Jiao, Zhiling Huang, Jinhui Wen, Weizhu Lin and Tianshu Lai, The cavity dispersion noncoaxiality effects on broadband few-cycle pulse generation in Ti:sapphire laser. Opt. Express 16, 4316 (2008)

3. Tianshu Lai, Lihua Teng, Zhongxing Jiao, Haihong Xu, Liang Lei, Jinhui Wen and Weizhu Lin, Evolution of spin coherence dynamics and g factor with electron excess energy in bulk intrinsic GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062110 (2007). Also selected in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 6 (9), Sep. 2007

4. Tianshu Lai, Xiaodong Liu, Haihong Xu, Zhongxing Jiao, Jinhui Wen and Weizhu Lin, Temperature dependence of electron-spin coherence in intrinsic bulk GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192106 (2006)

5. Tianshu Lai, Xiaodong Liu, Haihong Xu, Zhongxing Jiao, Liang Lei, Jinhui Wen and Weizhu Lin, Elliptically polarized absorption spectroscopy and observation of spin coherence in intrinsic GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 262110 (2005). Also selected in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 5 (1), Jan. 2006.

6. Tianshu Lai, Jinhui Wen, and Wenzhu Lin, Quantum-transfer-efficiency excitation spectroscopy: Application to direct observation of yellow luminescent level of GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86(4), 041102-3 (2005), Jan. 18, 2005.

7. Tianshu Lai, Luning Liu, Qian Shou, Liang Lei, and Weizhu Lin, Elliptically polarized pump-probe spectroscopy and its application to observation of electron-spin relaxation in GaAs quantum wells, Appl Phys Lett. 85(18), 4040-42(2004), Nov 1, 2004; Also selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 10(20), Nov. 15, 2004, and Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 3(12), Dec. 2004.

8. Shou Qian, Wu Yu, Liu Lu-Ning, Wen Jin-Hui, Lai Tian-Shu, Lin Wei-Zhu, Carrier-density-dependent electron spin relaxation in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells, Chinese Physics Letters 22 (9), 2320-3 (2005)

9. 赖天树,刘鲁宁,寿倩,雷亮,文锦辉,林位株,自旋电子学、自旋电子器件及GaAs中电子自旋弛豫研究,红外与毫米波学报 24(3),189-92(2005)。

10. 刘鲁宁,寿倩,雷亮,林春梅,赖天树,文锦辉,林位株,半导体中相干控制光电流对光场的偏振依赖性,物理学报 54(4),1863-7(2005)。

11. 赖天树,刘鲁宁,雷亮,寿倩,李熙莹,王嘉辉,林位株,电子自旋偏振度及其弛豫的飞秒激光吸收光谱研究,物理学报 54(2),967(2005)。

12. Weizhu Lin, Qian Shou, Luning Liu, Yu Wu, Jinhui Wen, Tianshu Lai, Ultrafast relaxation of coherent control photocurrent in AlGaAs/GaAs multi quantum wells, Chinese Physics Letters 22 (1), 188 (2005).

13.孙丰伟,邓莉,寿倩,刘鲁宁,文锦辉,赖天树,林位株,量子阱中电子自旋注入及弛豫的飞秒光谱研究,物理学报 53(9),3196-9(2004)





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