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考研时间: 2012-07-23 来源:查字典考研网

姓名:佘卫龙 性别:男 职称:教授

学院:理工学院 最后学历:博士






[1] 产生纠缠态光子新方法研究 国家级-自然科学基金-面上项目 纵向

[2] 聚合物中光致异构非线性诱导光学空间孤子的研究 国家级-自然科学基金-面上项目 纵向

[3] 用于全光开关的特殊新型有机聚合物薄膜材料及其开关特性研究 市级-科技计划项目-科技攻关计划 纵向

[4] 新型全光开关有机聚合物薄膜和器件研制 省级-科技计划项目-重大科技专项项目 纵向

[5] 弱光空间孤子及其全光开关效应的研究 部级-教育部重点项目 纵向

[6] 强光束传输的研究 国家级-自然科学基金-重点项目 纵向

[7] 光折变空间孤子及其相互作用的研究 国家级-自然科学基金-面上项目 纵向

[8] 光折变空间孤子及其全光开关效应的研究 省级-自然学科基金-自由申请项目

[9] 复合光伏空间孤子及其相互作用的研究 国家级-自然科学基金-面上项目 纵向

[10] 多分量光伏空间孤子及其相互作用的研究 省级-自然学科基金-自由申请项目 纵向

[11] fs激光脉冲生物软组织实时全息成像的研究 广东省自然科学基金



[1] Weilong She, Jianhui Yu, and Raohui Feng, "Observation of a Push Force on the End Face of a Nanometer Silica Filament Exerted by Outgoing Light", Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.101 (2008) 243601.

[2] W. L. She, K. K. LEE, and W. K. LEE, "All Optical Quansi-Steady-State Photorefractive Spatial Solitons", Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.85 (2000) 2498.

[3] W. L. She, K. K. LEE, and W. K. LEE, "Observation of two-dimensional bright photovoltaic spatial solitons", Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol.83 (1999)3182.

[4] Weilong She, "Light quantum from classical electromagnetic theory", Proceedings of SPIE (Invited Paper), Vol. 6664, (2007) 66640A.

[5] Weilong She and Wingkee Lee, "Wave coupling theory of linear electrooptic effect", Opt. Commun. Vol.195 (2001) 303.

[6] Weilong She, C. W. Chan, and W. K. Lee, "Dark and bright photovoltaic spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals with positive refractive-index perturbation", Opt. Lett. Vol.26 (2001) 1093-1095.

[7] Lixiang Chen and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Sorting photons of different rotational Doppler shifts (RDS) by orbital angular momentum of single-photon with spin-orbit-RDS entanglement", Optics Express Vol. 16, No. 19 (2008) 14629-14634.

[8] Lixiang Chen and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Electro-optically forbidden or enhanced spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in a focused light beam", Opt. Lett. Vol.33, No.7 (2008) 696-698.

[9] Lixiang Chen and Weilong She(通讯作者),"Arbitrary-to-linear or linear-to-arbitrary polarization controller based on Faraday and Pockels effects in a single BGO crystal", Opt. Express Vol.15 No.23 (2007) 15589-15594.

[10] Lixiang Chen, Guoliang Zheng, Weilong She(通讯作者), "Electrically and magnetically controlled optical spanner based on the transfer of spin angular momentum of light in an optically active medium", Phys. Rev. A(Rapid communications) Vol.75 (2007) R061403.

[11] Dong Huang, Weilong She(通讯作者), "High-flux photon-pair source from electrically induced parametric down conversion after second-harmonic generation in single optical superlattice", Optics Express Vol.15, No.13 (2007) 8275-8283.

[12] Lixiang Chen, Guoliang Zheng, Jie Xu, Bingzhi Zhang, and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Electrically controlled transfer of spin angular momentum of light in an optically active medium", Opt. Lett. Vol.31, No.23 (2006) 3474-3476.

[13] Guoliang Zheng, Hongcheng Wang, and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Wave coupling theory of quasi-phase-matched linear electro-optic effect", Opt. Express Vol.14, No.12 (2006) 5535-5540.

[14] Hongcheng Wang and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Nonparaxial optical Kerr vortex solitons with radial polarization", Opt. Express Vol.14, No.4 (2006)1590-1595.

[15] Guoliang Zheng and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Generalized wave coupling theory of linear electro-optic effect in absorbent medium", Opt. Commun. Vol.268 (2006) 323-329.

[16] Hongcheng Wang and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Circularly polarized spatial solitons in Kerr media beyond paraxial approximation", Opt. Express Vol.13, No.18 (2005) 6931-6936.

[17] Dandan Wu , Haibo Chen , Weilong She(通讯作者), and Wingkee Lee, "Wave Coupling theory of the linear electro-optic effect in a linear absorbent medium", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B Vol.22, No.11 (2005) 2366-2371.

[18] Xiaosheng Wang, Weilong She(通讯作者), "Spontaneous one- and two-dimensional optical spatial solitons supported by photoisomerization nonlinearity in a bulk polymer", Phys. Rev. E Vol.71 (2005) 026601.

[19] Xiaosheng Wang, Weilong She(通讯作者), Shui Zhu Wu, and Fang Zeng, "Circularly polarized optical spatial solitons”, Opt. Lett. Vol.30, No.8 (2005) 863-865.

[20] Kunyuan Xu, Xiguang Zheng, Cailian Li, and Weilong She, "Design of omnidirectional and multiple channeled filters using one-dimensional photonic crystals containing a defect layer with a negative refractive index", Phys. Rev. E Vol.71 (2005) 066604.

[21] Xiaosheng Wang , Weilong She, and Wingkee Lee, "Optical spatial solitons supported by photoisomerization nonlinearity in a polymer", Opt. Lett. Vol.29, No.3 (2004) 277-279.

[22] Kunyuan Xu , Xiguang Zheng, and Weilong She, "Properties of defect modes in one-dimensional photonic crystals containing a defect layer with a negative refractive index", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.85, No.25 (2004) 6089-6091.

[23]Lixiang Chen and Weilong She(通讯作者), "Electrically tunable and spin-dependent integer or noninteger orbital angular momentum generator", Opt. Lett. Vol.34, No.2 (2009) 178-180.

[24]Jianhui Yu, Raohui Feng, and Weilong She(通讯作者)," Low-power all-optical switch based on the bend effect of a nm fiber taper driven by outgoing light ", Opt. Express Vol.17 No.6 (2009) 4640-4645.


● 佘卫龙,李荣基等,光折变空间孤子的研究,2005年教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖。

● 佘卫龙,李庆行,余振新等,新型人工晶体掺Mn的KNSBN光折效应和光学非线性过程研究,1993年广东省自然科学成果奖三等奖。

● 佘卫龙,李庆行,余振新等,光折变光学非线性的研究1997年广东省自然科学成果三等奖。

● 佘卫龙,光折变现象的研究,1996年光华科技成果奖三等奖。

● 佘卫龙,光折变晶体中连续光和ps激光脉冲二波耦合的研究,1994-1995年广东省优秀科学论文二等奖。

● 佘卫龙,李荣基, 二维光伏空间亮孤子的实验观察, 2000-2001年度广东省优秀科学论文一等奖。

● 佘卫龙,李庆行,余振新等,光折变非线性光学的研究,1997 年广州市优秀科学论文一等奖。



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