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考研时间: 2012-07-14 来源:查字典考研网

姓名: 徐道临 性别:男

职称:教授 学院:机械与运载工程学院


研究领域涉及车辆振动,结构有限元分析,海洋平台结构振动分析,非线性动力学等方面。尤其在非线性系统的混沌控制、同步化及混沌工学应用研究领域取得了一批国际水准的研究成果。发表论文共84篇,其中SCI收录论文61篇,论文被引用500多次,国际学术影响因子Hirsch Index 14。在国内外相关学术研讨会上作多次大会主题报告或邀请报告。获邀担任多个国际学术会议专业委员会委员、分会主持人。徐道临教授在新加坡工作期间,完成政府科研部门、大学、企业及国际著名企业委托的科研项目多项。自2009年10月回国工作后,组建深海探测装备研究开发中心、主持承担‘211’、‘987’学科建设项目和国防科研项目。




(1)获中英友好奖学金,由国家教委公派赴英国留学,1992年 - 1996年。

(2)获国际IEEE最佳论文奖。4th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing ,2004年。


在国际非线性动力学学术领域,徐道临教授开拓了Chaos Projective Synchronization新的研究方向。自开创性论文(D. Xu, "Control of Projective Synchronization in Chaotic Systems", Physical Review E 63, (2001), pp. 27201-27204)从理论上证实这种同步化现象具有不可预测性后,提出了同步化控制的概念。为了解决这种物理现象的产生条件,带领博士研究团队用了几年时间做了一系列的基础理论性探索。完成了从三维到无穷维,从连续到离散系统的同步化生成条件。在此理论基础上,展开了投射混沌同步化控制和混沌保密通讯应用研究并获得国际奖项。主要研究成果发表在美国物理学会的《物理评论》(Physical Review E),《混沌》(CHAOS),英国皇家学会期刊《数学物理及工程科学》(PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A - MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES),英国物理学报《Physics Letters A〉,德国的《混沌,孤立子和分形》(CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS)等著名国际期刊。这些研究工作获得了国际学界高度关注。近年来在Projective Synchronization研究主题上,早期工作被各国学者大量引用,每年他引次数愈百。多篇论文被国际著名学者引用。


2002年-2008年 新加坡计算力学学会 副会长

2002年-至今 香港城市大学混沌控制与同步研究中心 海外特邀会员

2005年-2008年 大连理工大学 “海天学者”特聘教授

2005年- 2008年 湖南大学 特聘教授

2009年-至今 湖南大学深海装备研究中心 主任

2010年-至今 湖南大学机械与运载学院学术委员会 副主任


·IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I

·IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

·Journal of Economic Dynamics and control

·International Journal of Systems and Science

·International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

·Journal of Vibration and Noise

·Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

·Nonlinear Dynamics

·Physica A

·Physics Letters A

·IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics

·Modern Physics Letters B

·Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations

·International Journal of Impact Engineering

·IEEE/ASME Transaction on Robotics

·Journal of Vibration and Control

·Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

·Mechanism and Machine Theory


国际期刊论文(Following citation information is from Web of Science, Dec. 2008)

1. Nonlinear observer control for full-state projective synchronization in chaotic continuous-time systems

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Pages: 71-77 Published: OCT 2005 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 38)

2. Self-locating control of chaotic systems using Newton algorithm

Author(s): Xu D, Bishop SR

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 210 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 273-278 Published: JAN 15 1996 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 34)

3. Manipulating the scaling factor of projective synchronization in three-dimensional chaotic systems

Author(s): Xu DL, Li ZG, Bishop SR

Source: CHAOS Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Pages: 439-442 Published: SEP 2001 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 34)

4. Controlling the ultimate state of projective synchronization in chaotic systems of arbitrary dimension

Author(s): Xu DL, Chee CY

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 66 Issue: 4 Article Number: 046218 Part: Part 2 Published: OCT 2002 (Impact factor: 2.483, Citation: 33)

5. Controlled projective synchronization in nonpartially-linear chaotic systems

Author(s): Xu DL, Li ZG

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Pages: 1395-1402 Published: JUN 2002

(Impact factor: 0.91, Citation: 28)

6. Stability criterion for projective synchronization in three-dimensional chaotic systems

Author(s): Li ZG, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 282 Issue: 3 Pages: 175-179 Published: APR 16 2001 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 27)

7. A secure communication scheme using projective chaos synchronization

Author(s): Li ZG, Xu DL

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 477-481 Published: OCT 2004 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 25)

8. Chaos synchronization of the Chua system with a fractional order

Author(s): Li CP, Deng WH, Xu D

Source: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 360 Issue: 2 Pages: 171-185 Published: FEB 1 2006 (Impact factor: 1.43, Citation: 21)

9. A necessary condition of projective synchronization in discrete-time systems of arbitrary dimensions

Author(s): Xu DL, Chee CY, Li CP

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 175-180 Published: OCT 2004 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 18)

10. Criteria for the occurrence of projective synchronization in chaotic systems of arbitrary dimension

Author(s): Xu DL, Ong WL, Li ZG

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 305 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 167-172 Published: DEC 2 2002 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 18)

11. Control of projective synchronization in chaotic systems

Author(s): Xu DL

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Part: Part 2 Pages: 27201-27204 Published: FEB 2001 (Impact factor: 2.483, Citation: 18)

12. Observer-based control for full-state projective synchronization of a general class of chaotic maps in any dimension

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 333 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 420-425 Published: DEC 13 2004 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 15)


Author(s): XU DL, BISHOP SR

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 4 Issue: 10 Pages: 1931-1942 Published: OCT 1994 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 14)

14. Secure digital communication using controlled projective synchronisation of chaos

Author(s): Chee CY, Xu DL

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Pages: 1063-1070 Published: FEB 2005 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 15)

15. On creation of Hopf bifurcations in discrete-time nonlinear systems

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL, Han X

Source: CHAOS Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Pages: 350-355 Published: JUN 2002 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 13)

16. Flexible control of the parametrically excited pendulum

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu DL, Clifford MJ

Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES Volume: 452 Issue: 1951 Pages: 1789-1806 Published: AUG 8 1996 (Impact factor: 1.523, Citation: 14)

17. Use of control to maintain period-1 motions during wind-up or wind-down operations of an impacting driven beam

Author(s): Bishop SR, Wagg DJ, Xu D

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 9 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 261-269 Published: JAN-FEB 1998 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 12)

18. A zero-crossing approach to uncover the mask by chaotic encryption with periodic modulation

Author(s): Chee CY, Xu DL, Bishop SR

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Pages: 1129-1134 Published: SEP 2004 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 9)

19. Control of degenerate Hopf bifurcations in three-dimensional maps

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL, Xie JH

Source: CHAOS Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 486-494 Published: JUN 2003 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 9)

20. Control of chaos in noisy flows

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 54 Issue: 4 Pages: 3204-3210 Part: Part A Published: OCT 1996 (Impact factor: 2.483, Citation: 9)

21. Chaotic encryption using discrete-time synchronous chaos

Author(s): Chee CY, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 348 Issue: 3-6 Pages: 284-292 Published: JAN 2 2006 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 8)

22. Feedback control of Hopf-Hopf interaction bifurcation with development of torus solutions in high-dimensional maps

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 321 Issue: 1 Pages: 24-33 Published: JAN 19 2004 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 8)

23. Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nonlinear inner-coupling functions and time delays

Author(s): Li CP, Sun WG, Xu DL

Source: PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 114 Issue: 4 Pages: 749-761 Published: OCT 2005 (Impact factor: 1.936, Citation: 7)

24. Transient responses in a functionally graded cylindrical shell to a point load

Author(s): Han X, Xu D, Liu GR

Source: JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION Volume: 251 Issue: 5 Pages: 783-805 Published: APR 11 2002 (Impact factor: 1.024, Citation: 7)

25. Switching between orbits in a periodic window

Author(s): Xu DL, Bishop SR

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 54 Issue: 6 Pages: 6940-6943 Published: DEC 1996 (Impact factor: 2.483, Citation: 7)

26. A contraction-mapping-based control approach to stabilize chaotic systems Author(s): Xu DL, Bishop SR

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Pages: 1741-1748 Published: DEC 1995 (Impact factor: 0.91, Citation: 7)

27. Control of the formation of projective synchronisation in lower-dimensional discrete-time systems

Author(s): Chee CY, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 318 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 112-118 Published: NOV 3 2003 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 6)

28. A computational inverse technique for material characterization of a functionally graded cylinder using a progressive neural network

Author(s): Han X, Xu D, Liu GR

Source: NEUROCOMPUTING Volume: 51 Pages: 341-360 Published: APR 2003 (Impact factor: 0.865, Citation: 6)

29. The use of control to eliminate subharmonic and chaotic impacting motions of a driven beam

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu D

Source: JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION Volume: 205 Issue: 2 Pages: 223-234 Published: AUG 14 1997 (Impact factor: 1.024, Citation: 6)

30. Control algorithm for creation of Hopf bifurcations in continuous-time systems of arbitrary dimension

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 337 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 93-100 Published: MAR 28 2005 (Impact factor: 1.711, Citation: 4)

31. Implicit criteria of eigenvalue assignment and transversality for bifurcation control in four-dimensional maps

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 14 Issue: 10 Pages: 3489-3503 Published: OCT 2004 (Impact factor: 0.91, Citation: 4)

32. Chaotic encryption with transient dynamics induced by pseudo-random switching keys

Author(s): Xu DL, Chee CY

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 14 Issue: 10 Pages: 3625-3631 Published: OCT 2004 (Impact factor: 0.91, Citation: 4)

33. Controlling Hopf bifurcations of discrete-time systems in resonance

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL, Xie JH

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 23 Issue: 5 Pages: 1865-1877 Published: MAR 2005 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 3)

34. Multiple stability and unpredictable outcomes in the chaotic vibrations of Euler beams

Author(s): Ng TY, Xu DL

Source: JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Volume: 124 Issue: 1 Pages: 126-131 Published: JAN 2002 (Impact factor: 0.553, Citation: 3)

35. Stabilizing the parametrically excited pendulum onto high order periodic orbits

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu D

Source: JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION Volume: 194 Issue: 2 Pages: 287-293 Published: JUL 11 1996 (Impact factor: 1.024, Citation: 3)

36. Modeling global vector fields of chaotic systems from noisy time series with the aid of structure-selection techniques

Author(s): Xu DL, Lu FF

Source: CHAOS Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043109 Published: DEC 2006 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 2)

37. An approach of parameter estimation for non-synchronous systems

Author(s): Xu DL, Lu FF

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Pages: 361-366 Published: JUL 2005 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 2)

38. Designing Hopf bifurcations into nonlinear discrete-time systems via feedback control

Author(s): Wen GL, Xu DL

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Volume: 14 Issue: 7 Pages: 2283-2293 Published: JUL 2004 (Impact factor: 0.91, Citation: 2)

39. Identification of spring-force factors of suspension systems using progressive neural network on a validated computer model

Author(s): Xu D, Yap FF, Han X, et al.

Source: INVERSE PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-74 Published: FEB 2003 (Impact factor: 0.667, Citation: 2)

40. Estimation of periodic-like motions of chaotic evolutions using detected unstable periodic patterns

Author(s): Xu DL, Li ZG, Bishop SR, et al.

Source: PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS Volume: 23 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 245-252 Published: JAN 2002 (Impact factor: 0.853, Citation: 2)

41. Applying chaos control in periodic windows

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu DL, Liaw CY, et al.

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 1297-1305 Published: AUG 1998 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 2)

42. Tracing initial conditions, historical evolutionary path and parameters of chaotic processes from a short segment of scalar time series

Author(s): Lu FF, Xu DL, Wen GL

Source: CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Pages: 265-271 Published: APR 2005 (Impact factor: 3.025, Citation: 1)

43. Estimation of initial conditions and parameters of a chaotic evolution process from a short time series

Author(s): Lu FF, Xu DL, Wen GL

Source: CHAOS Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Pages: 1050-1055 Published: DEC 2004 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 1)

44. Onset of degenerate Hopf bifurcation of a vibro-impact oscillator

Author(s): Wen GL, Xie JH, Xu DL

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS - TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Volume: 71 Issue: 4 Pages: 579-581 Published: JUL 2004 (Impact factor: 0.956, Citation: 1)

45. On determination of the material constants of laminated cylindrical shells based on an inverse optimal approach

Author(s): Han X, Xu D, Yap FF, et al.

Source: INVERSE PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Pages: 309-322 Published: AUG 2002 (Impact factor: 0.667, Citation: 1)

46. Chaos-based M-ary digital communication technique using controlled projective synchronisation

Author(s): Chee CY, Xu D

Source: IEE PROCEEDINGS-CIRCUITS DEVICES AND SYSTEMS Volume: 153 Issue: 4 Pages: 357-360 Published: AUG 2006 (Impact factor: 0.638, Citation: 0)

47. Spatiotemporal system reconstruction using Fourier spectral operators and structure selection techniques

Author(s): Xu DL, Khanmohamadi O

Source: CHAOS Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043122 Published: DEC 2008 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 0)

48. Spatiotemporal System Identification on Non-periodic Domains with Chebyshev Spectral Operators and System Reduction Algorithms

Author(s): Khanmohamadi O, Xu DL

Source: CHAOS Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033117 Published: SEP 2009 (Impact factor: 2.188, Citation: 0)

49. Complexity of cable dynamics

Author(s): Xu DL, Guo YF

Source: Computational Methods, Pts 1 and 2 Pages: 1689-1694 Published: 2006 (Impact factor:, Citation: 0)

50. Control of the parametrically excited pendulum

Author(s): Bishop SR, Xu DL

SOLID MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 52 Pages: 43-50 Published: 1997 (Impact factor:, Citation: 0)

51. Adaptive control of chaotic stick-slip mechanical systems

Author(s): Galvanetto U, Bishop SR, Xu DL

CONTROL OF OSCILLATIONS AND CHAOS, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS Pages: 225-228 Published: 2000 (Impact factor:, Citation: 0)

52. Elastic waves propagating in a laminated cylinder subjected to a point load

Author(s): Han X, Xu DL


53. An application of a progressive neural network technique in the identification of suspension properties of tracked vehicles

Author(s): Yao SJ, Xu DL

COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR THE E-AGE Pages: 542-546 Published: 2002 (Impact factor:, Citation: 0)


54. Liu Tie-Niu and D. Xu, "Large range analysis for nonlinear dynamic systems -- element mapping method," Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 6 (1992), pp. 577-586.

55. Liu Tie-Niu, Xing Xian-Jun, D. Xu and Zhang Xichang, "Investigation of the residual strength of perforate-cracked casings," Journal of Petroleum Machinery, Vol. 19, No. 8, (1991) (in Chinese), pp. 24-28.

56. D. Xu, Liu Tie-Niu and Xing Xian-Jun, "Investigation of the strength of perforated casing under composed loads," Journal of Oil Drilling & Production Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, (1991) (in Chinese), pp. 9-15.

57. D. Xu and Zhang Xichang, "Hydroelastic perturbation method for multi-variable parameter platforms," The Ocean Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, (1992) (in Chinese), pp. 65-72.


58. D. Xu, C.T. Loy, K.Y. Lam and K.G. Lim,“Chaos theory in stock forecasting”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, 12 (1998), pp. 30-33.

59. C.T. Loy, D. Xu and K.Y. Lam,“An Application of neural networks in stock markets”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, 10 (1998), pp.1-6

60. C.T. Loy, D. Xu and K.Y. Lam,“A look at warrants”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, 4 (1999), pp.17-18.

61. D. Xu, C.T. Loy, K.Y. Lam and K.G. Lim,“Three dominant cycles in Singapore’s stock index”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, 9 (1999), pp. 25-27.


62. Zhang Xichang, Wu Yousheng and D. Xu, "Hydroelastic random response and decomposed matrix perturbation method of platforms," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), Vol. II, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., (1988), pp. 363-368.

63. Zhang Xichang, Wu Yousheng and D. Xu, "Hydroelastic analysis for platforms with sea growths," Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Offshore Engineering, Shanghai, Nov. (1987)

64. S.R. Bishop and D. Xu, "Flexible control using chaotic dynamics," Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Systems Engineering,Vol. I, Coventry, England, U.K., Sept. 6-8, (1994), pp. 95-102.

65. S.R. Bishop and D. Xu,“Control of the parametrically excited pendulum”, IUTAM-Symposium on Interaction between Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 24-27 (1996).

66. D. Xu and H.C. Lai,“Orbital transition in periodic windows by small perturbations”, The 4th International Conference on Computational Physics, Singapore, June 2-4, (1997).

67. C.Y. Liaw, E.S. Chan and D. Xu,“Stability, Bifurcations and dynamics of offshore mooring systems”, The 4th Int. Conf. on Computational Physics, Singapore, June 2-4, (1997).

68. T.Y. Ng, D. Xu and K.Y. Lam,“Harmonic and chaotic motions and sensitivity to Initial Conditions”,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance Computing, Singapore, Sept. 22-25, (1998), pp. 1078-1088.

69. D. Xu, W.S. Ng, T.Y. Ng and K.Y Lam,“Optimisation of micro-plate singulation process”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance Computing, Singapore, Sept. 22-25, (1998), pp. 1089-1100.

70. C. Wong, X.R. Liu and D. Xu,“Chaos theory in technology forecasting”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology‘99. Portland, Oregon, USA July 25-29, (1999), pp.393-

71. U. Galvanetto, S.R. Bishop and D. Xu,“Adaptive control of chaotic stick-slip mechanical systems”, IUTAM - The 2nd International Conference on Control of Oscillations and Chaos, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July5-7, (2000).

72. D. Xu, S.R. Bishop and U. Galvanetto, " Pattern Recognition and Forecast of Chaotic Time Series in Economics ",The 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2000 and The 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS 2000, Orlando, Florida (USA), July 23 - 26, (2000).

73. D. Xu and Z. Li, "Manipulating chaotic systems via projective synchronization", Sixth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbrid, Utah (USA), May 20-24, (2001)

74. Z. Li and D. Xu, "A stability condition for projective synchronization of 3-dimensional chaotic systems", Sixth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbrid, Utah (USA), May 20-24, (2001)

75. X. Han and D. Xu, "A computational method for reconstruction of elastic constants of anisotropic laminated plate", the Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics. August 1-4, 2001. Dearborn, Michigan, US.

76. X. Han and D. Xu, "Elastic waves propagating in a functionally graded cylinder subjected to a point load", theFirst Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, November 20-23, 2001. Sydney, Australia.

77. S. Yao and D. Xu, "An application of a progressive neural network technique in the identification of suspension properties of tracked vehicles", the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, November 18 - 22, 2002, Singapore, pp. 542-546.

78. D. Xu " A necessary condition for projective synchronization in autonomous chaotic systems of arbitrary dimension ",The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, ShanghaiInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications, Nov. 7-8, 2003, Shanghai, China

79. D. Xu and C.Y. Chee,“Regulating projective synchronization in high-dimensional chaotic systems via feedback control”, The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Chaos Control and Synchronization, ShanghaiInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications, Nov 9-13, 2003, Shanghai, China

80. Y.K. Koh, F.W. Chang, K.Y. Yap, D. Xu, F.F. Yap, G.L. Wen, "Validation of ATV Tracked Vehicle Model and Evaluation of Ride Comfort on Random Road",The 2nd International Conference on Scientific & Engineering Computation IC-SEC, 30 June to 2 July 2004, at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore

81. C.Y. Chee and D. Xu," M-ary Digital Communication Using Controlled Projective Synchronisation of Chaos", Dynamics Days Asia Pacific 3, Singapore 2004. June 30 - July 2

82. C.Y. Chee and D. Xu," Transmission of M-ary digital signals using Controlled projective synchronisation of chaos," IEEE 4th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing, Newcastle, UK (2004) July 20 -July 22. (Awarded the Best Paper Prize)

83. Xu D. and Guo Y., "Complexity of Cable Dynamics", The International Conference on Computational Methods,Singapore, (2004) December 15-17.

84. Xu D. "A multi-variable pseudo-random key for chaos secure communications",ShanghaiInternational Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications, June 3-7, 2005, Shanghai, China.

85. Khanmohamadi O, Xu DL,“Spatiotemporal system reconstruction with Spectral Methods”, The 3rd East Asia SIAM Conference,Xiamen, China 2007 Nov. 2-5





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