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考研时间: 2011-11-08 来源:查字典考研网



Gao CQ, Wu SG, Yue HY, Ji F, Zhang HJ, Liu QS, Fan ZY, Liu FZ, Qi GH.Toxicity of Dietary Melamine to Laying Ducks: Biochemical and Histopathological Changes and Residue in Eggs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010,58(8):5199–5205

Z.Y. Niu, F.Z. Liu, Y.N. Min, W.C. Li.Effects of dietary dihydropyridine supplementation on growth performance and lipid metabolism of broiler chickens.Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2010, 55 (3): 116–122.

Zhuye Niu, Fuzhu Liu, Qiuliang Yan, Long Li. Effects of Different Levels of Selenium on Growth Performance and Immunocompetence of Broilers under Heat Stress. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2009, 63(1):56-65

Z.Y. Niu, F.X. Wei, F.Z. Liu,X.G. Qin, Y.N. Min,Y.P. Gao. Dietary vitamin A can improve immune function in heat stressed broilers. Animal, 2009, 3:1442-1448.

Z.Y. Niu, F.Z Liu, Q. L. Yan and W. C. Li. Effects of Different Levels of Vitamin E on Growth Performance and Immune Responses of Broilers under Heat Stress. Poultry Science, 2009, 88:2101–2107.

Zhuye Niu, Jingsong Shi, Fuzhu Liu, Xianhui Wang, Chunqi Gao and Likai Yao. Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein on Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Broilers during Starter Phase. International Journal of Poultry Science 2009, 8: 508-511.

Zhuye Niu, Jin Fu, Yupeng Gao and Fuzhu Liu. Influence of Paprika Extract Supplement on Egg Quality of Laying Hens Fed Wheat-Based Diet. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2008, 7 (9): 887-889

Fuzhu Liuand Zhuye Niu. Carcass Quality of Different Meat - Typed Chickens When Achieve a Common Physiological Body Weight. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2008, 7 (4): 319-322

C.L. Zhang,S.S. Hou,Y.H. Wang,F.Z. Liu, M. Xie. Feed input and excreta collection time in metabolisable energy assays for ducks. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2007, 52 (12): 463–468

F.Liu,J.Fu,Z.Niu,2004 Effects of Hippophae Rhomnoides fruit extract supplementation on egg quality and performance of layers in the wheat-based diet.Poult. Sci. Vol. 83, Suppl. 1:326

Y. Wang, Z. Niu, S. Hou, F. Liu. The amino acid ideal pattern for Pekin ducks during early growing period.Poultry Science 2004, Vol. 83(suppl.):18

Z. Niu,F. Liu, S. Zhai. A comparison of carcass fat variables in different meat-type breeds of chickens. Poultry Science, 2004,Vol. 83(suppl.):9

S. Zhai, G. Qi, F. Liu.Effect of different feedstuffs on endogenous energy losses of roosters. Poultry Science,2004,Vol.83(suppl.):312

Z. Niu, X. Liang, F. Liu. Effects of organogermanium on performance and immune response in broilers. Poultry Science,2004,Vol.83(suppl.):169

C.L. Zhang, Z.Y.Niu, S.S. Hou, F.Z. Liu.The Effect of Force-Feeding, Fasting and Glucose Saturated Water Intake on the Contents of Some Biochemical Parameters in Plasma of Peking Ducks. International Journal of Poultry Science,2004Vol.4(4):202-205

X.F.Han, Z.Y. Niu, F.Z. Liu, C.S. Yang. Effects of Diluents, Cryoprotectants, Equilibration Time and Thawing Temperature on Cryopreservation of Duck Semen.International Journal of Poultry Science, 2004Vol.4(4):197-201

Y.N.Min, F.Z.Liu,Z.Wang, C.Coto, S.Cerrate, F.P.Costa, F.Yan and P. W. Waldroup. Evaluation of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles in Combination with Glycerin in Broiler Diets. International Journal of Poultry Sciences, 2008 ,7 (7): 646-654

Y. N. Min, S. S. Hou, Y. P. Gao, W. Huang, andF. Z. Liu. Effect of Dietary Crude Protein and Energy on Gosling Growth Performance and Carcass Trait. Poultry Science, 2007, 86:661–664.

Lu WZ, Geng GX, Li QW, Li J, Liu FZ, Han ZS, Gao DW, Yan X, Yang XL. Anti-Tumor Activity of Polysaccharides Isolated from Patrinia scabra Bunge on U14 Cervical. The American journal of Chinese medicine. 2009;37(5):933-944.

Wenzong Lu, Qingwang Li, Jian Li,Fuzhu Liu, Xiaolei Yang. Polysaccharide from Patrinia heterophylla Bunge Inhibits HeLa Cell Proliferation Through Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest. LAB MEDICINE, 2009; 40(3):161-166.

Wenzong LU, Yali YANG, Qingwang, LI, Fuzhu LIU. Crude Flavonoids from Carya cathayensis Sargent inhibited HeLa Cells Proliferation through Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2009; 28 (4):568-573.

F. Z. Liu, Z. Y.Niu, and S. W. Zhai.A comparison of fat deposition and heterotic effect analysis betweendifferent meat-type chickens during growing period. Poultry Science,2005;84(Suppl.1):17

Y. N. Min, F. Yan, F. Z. Liu, C. Coto and P. W. Waldroup. Effect of various dietary enzymes on energy digestibility of diets high in distillers dried grains with solubles for broilers. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2009. 18:734-740.

Y. N. Min, A. Hancock, F. Yan, C. Lu, C. Coto, A. Karimi, J. H. Park, F. Z. Liu and P. W. Waldroup. Use of combinations of canola meal and distillers dried grains with solubles in broiler starter diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2009. 18:725-733.

高春起,武书庚,齐广海,岳洪源,张海军,刘福柱. 三聚氰胺对蛋鸭产蛋性能、血清指标和肝肾组织结构的影响.中国农业科学 2010,43(5):1050-1056



李卫春,焦卫民,刘福柱,牛竹叶,高玉鹏,吴艳丽. 日粮添加茶多酚对肉鸡生产性能及肌肉抗氧化性能的影响. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2008, 36(11):16-28

牛竹叶,刘福柱,吴艳丽,陈新科,刘亚力,林海燕.小麦型日粮中添加酶制剂对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响. 中国粮油学报,2008,23(2):155-158

牛竹叶,刘福柱,王继强,赵坚丽. 蛋鸡小麦型日粮中添加叶黄素对鸡蛋品质的影响.家畜生态学报,2008,29(1):53-57

吴艳丽,刘福柱,牛竹叶,高玉鹏, 李卫春, 闵育娜. 早期限饲开始日龄对肉仔鸡生产性能和胴体品质的影响.西北农业学报 2008 ,17(4):14-18

魏立民, 刘福柱,侯水生,黄 苇, 谢 明. 0~2 周龄北京鸭维生素A 需要量的研究. 西北农业学报 2008 ,17(5):26-28

秦绪光, 刘福柱 .中草药复方添加剂对繁殖后期种公鸡精液品质及种蛋受精率的影响.中国饲料,2007,16:12-15

李龙, 刘福柱 ,利用荧光实时定量PCR 法测定猪肌肉解偶联蛋白3 mRNA 丰度.中国畜牧杂志,2007,11:22-25

杨正平, 刘福柱 ,壳聚糖对肉仔鸡生长性能和血清生化指标的影响.中国畜牧杂志,2007,7:22-25

柏华,牛竹叶, 刘福柱 , 高玉鹏.日粮添加复方中草药对产蛋后期蛋种鸡繁殖性能和新城疫抗体的影响. 饲料工业,2007,9:23-26

李龙, 刘福柱 , 矿物质与禽肉品质. 中国家禽,2006,10:12-15

马广兴, 刘福柱 ,侯水生. 日粮烟酸水平对北京鸭生产性能和血液生化指标的影响.安徽农业科学,2006,10:12-16

翟少伟,齐广海, 刘福柱 . 优质蛋白米在蛋鸡日粮中的应用研究. 中国粮油学报,2006,4:45-48

秦绪光,牛竹叶, 刘福柱 . 中草药复方添加剂对繁殖后期种公鸡精液品质和血浆激素浓度的影响. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2006,6:34-36

阎秋良,牛竹叶,刘福柱. 酶制剂在蛋鸡杂粕日粮中的应用效果. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2006,3:45-48

牛竹叶, 王继强, 刘福柱, 丁莉. 玉米型日粮与小麦型日粮饲喂蛋鸡效果比较试验. 中国农学通报2005,21(12):20-22

牛竹叶,刘福柱,刘亚力, 陈新科, 林海燕.复合酶制剂在蛋鸡小麦型日粮中的应用 中国农学通报2005,21(11)29-32

王勇生, 侯水生, 刘福柱, 黄 苇, 赵 玲, 樊红平, 谢 明. 0~ 21 日龄北京鸭色氨酸、苏氨酸、异亮氨酸需要量的研究. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2005,33(7):61-64

王勇生,侯水生,刘福柱,黄 苇,赵 玲,樊红平,谢 明.0~3 周龄北京鸭氨基酸理想模式的研究.畜牧兽医学报,2005 ,36(3):230-234

康萍,刘福柱,侯水生,黄苇. 6周龄北京鸭玉米- 豆粕型饲粮氨基酸消化率的研究. 中国饲料2004,21:11-12

张春雷,刘福柱,侯水生. 育雏期不同能量蛋白质水平对肉鹅生产性能影响. 中国饲料2004,18:24-25



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