  查字典考研网 >> 院校信息 >> 导师介绍 >> 青岛科技大学化学与分子工程学院导师介绍:张晓茹


考研时间: 2013-07-19 来源:查字典考研网
招生专业分析化学 材料化学
研究方向生物传感器 材料合成
联系方式84926083, Zhangxr7407@126.com




(1)Xiaoru Zhang, Shuguo Li, Xia Jin, Shusheng Zhang, A new photoelectrochemical aptasensor for the detection of thrombin based on functionalized graphene and CdSe nanoparticles multilayers, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 4929–4931. (IF 5.504)

(2) Xiaoru Zhang, Yanqing Zhao, Shuguo Li, Shusheng Zhang, Photoelectrochemical biosensor for detection of adenosine triphosphate in the extracts of cancer cells, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 9173–9175. (IF 5.504)

(3) Xiaoru Zhang, Huanran Zhou, Caifeng Ding, Shusheng Zhang, A dicopper complex chemiluminescence probe for the determination of thiols in the extracts of murine P388 lymphocytic leukemia cell, Chem Commun, 2009, 5624-5626. (IF 5.504)

(4) Xiaoru Zhang, Yanqing Zhao, Huanran Zhou, Bin Qu, A new strategy for photoelectrochemical DNA biosensor using chemiluminescence reaction as light source, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 2737–2741. (IF 5.429)

(5) Xiaoru Zhang, Shuguo Li, Xia Jin, Xuemei Li, Aptamer based photoelectrochemical cytosensor with layer-by-layer assembly of CdSe semiconductor nanoparticles as photoelectrochemically active species, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 3674–3678. (IF 5.429)

(6) Xiaoru Zhang, Haoran Su, Sai Bi, Shuguo Li, Shusheng Zhang,DNA-based amplified electrical bio-barcode assay for one-pot detection of two target DNAs, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24(8), 2730-2734. (IF 5.429)

(7) Xiaoru Zhang, Ying Li, Haoran Su, Shusheng Zhang,Highly sensitive and selective detection of Hg2+using mismatched DNA and a molecular light switch complex in aqueous solution. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25(6), 1338-1343. (IF 5.429)

(8) Xiaoru Zhang, Baoping, Qi, Shusheng Zhang, Amplified electrochemical aptasensor for thrombin based on bio-barcode method, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 25,259-262. (IF 5.429)

(9) Xiaoru Zhang;Xiaohui Yang; Shusheng Zhang,Synthesis of Triazole-Linked Glycoconjugates by Copper(I)-Catalyzed Regiospecific Cycloaddition of Alkynes and Azides, Synthetic Communications, 2009, 39(5), 830 – 844. (IF 1.0)

(10) Xiaoru Zhang; Baoping Qi; Shusheng Zhang,Direct Electrochemistry of Hemoglobin in Cerium Dioxide/Carbon Nanotubes/Chitosan for Amperometric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide,Analytical Letters, 2008, 41(17), 3100 – 3112. (IF 1.0)

(11) Xiaoru Zhang, Minhua Xu, Shusheng, Synthesis of four triazole compounds and their corrosion inhibitive effect on carbon steel in hydrochloric acid medium, Chin. J. Chem.,2008, 26, 745-750(IF 1.0)

(12) Xiaoru Zhang, Jilong Jia, Rongjun Zhang, Minhua Xu, Shusheng Zhang, Design of Multivalent Galactoside Ligands and Their Binding to Hepatic Asialoglycoprotein Receptor, Chin. J. Chem., 2006, 24 (8), 1058-1061. (IF 1.0)

(13) Xiaoru Zhang, Yingxia Li, Shidong Chu, Ning Ding, Chunxia Li, Huashi Guan, Synthesis of Glutamic Acid-based Cluster Galactosides and Their Binding Affinities with Liver Cells, Chin. J. Chem. 2004, 22(5), 482-486. (IF 1.0)

(14) Xiaoru Zhang, Yingxia Li, Shidong Chu, Kunyu Yu, Huashi Guan, One-Pot Synthesis of Divalent and Trivalent Cluster Mannosides via Ugi Four-component Reaction, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2003, 14(11), 1130-1132. (IF 1.0)



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