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考研时间: 2012-11-17 来源:查字典考研网




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(1). 国际地圈与生物圈计划—海洋生物地球化学和生态系统整合研究(IGBP-IMBER:International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme-Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research)科学指导委员会成员(2010-今)。

(2).北太平洋海洋科学组织/东亚边缘海研究(PICES/CREAMS:North Pacific Marine Science Organization/Circulation Research in East Asian Marginal Seas)顾问委员会委员(2005-今)。

(3). SCOR(Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research)发起,SOLAS(Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study)和INI( International Nitrogen Initiative)组织的“Anthropogenic Nitrogen Impacts on the Open Ocean”工作组成员(2006-2008)。

(4). 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第七届环境地质地球化学地球化学专业委员会委员(2009-2014)。





2010-2014,科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”: 我国陆架海生态环境演变过程、机制及未来变化趋势预测—第一课题:我国陆架海生态环境年代际变化的沉积记录重建及特征分析(2010CB428901),30万,学术骨干



1.Liu, Su Mei, Rui Huan Li, Gui Ling Zhang, Dao Ru Wang, Jin Zhou Du, Lucia S. Herbeck, Jing Zhang, Jing Ling Ren, 2011. The impact of anthropogenic activities on nutrient dynamics in the tropical Wenchanghe and Wenjiaohe Estuary and Lagoon system in East Hainan, China. Marine Chemistry 125, 49–68

2.Ren J.-L., Guo-Ling Zhang, Jing Zhang, Jin-Hui Shi, Su-Mei Liu, Fa-Ming Li, Jie Jin, Cheng-Gang Liu, 2011. Distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Southern Yellow Sea: Influences of a dust storm and the spring bloom. Marine Chemistry 125, 69–81

3.Zhu, Zhuo-Yi, Jing Zhang, Ying Wu, Ying-Ying Zhang, Jing Lin, Su-Mei Liu, 2011. Hypoxia off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary: Oxygen depletion and organic matter decomposition. Marine Chemistry 125, 108–116

4.Liu S.M., X. Guo, Q. Chen, J. Zhang, Y.F. Bi, X. Luo, J.B. Li, 2010. Nutrient dynamics in the winter thermohaline frontal zone of the northern shelf region of the South China Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C11020, doi:10.1029/2009JC005951

5.孙珊,刘素美,任景玲,张继红,蒋增杰,2010。桑沟湾养殖海域营养盐和沉积物—水界面扩散通量研究。海洋学报,32 (6), 108-117

6.Li, Jian-Bing, Gui-Ling Zhang, Jing Zhang, Zhuo-Yi Zhu, Jing-Ling Ren, Su-Mei Liu, 2010. Matrix bound phosphine in sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent shelf areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 90 206-211

7.Zhang, G.-L., J. Zhang, S.M. Liu, J.-L. Ren, and Y.-C. Zhao, 2010. Nitrous oxide in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and its adjacent marine area: Riverine input, sediment release and atmospheric fluxes. Biogeosciences, 7, 3505–3516, 2010

8.Liu S.M., B.D. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, G.S. Liu, B. Deng, M.-X. Zhao, G.Q. Liu, J.Z. Du, J.L. Ren, G.L. Zhang, 2010. Environmental change in Jiaozhou Bay recorded by nutrient components in sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 1591-1599

9.Ren J. L., J. Zhang, D. D. Li, Y. Cheng and S. M. Liu, 2010. Behavior of dissolved inorganic arsenic in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 57 (11-12), 1035-1046

10.Li, Jian-Bing, Gui-Ling Zhang, Jing Zhang, Su-Mei Liu, Jing-Ling Ren, 2010. Matrix bound phosphine in sediments of the Yellow sea and its coastal areas. Continental Shelf Research, 30, 743–751

11.Liu S.M., Y.F. Zhao, J.L. Ren, J. Zhang, S. Sun, J. Jin, and G.L. Zhang, 2010. Assessment the conventional molybdenum-blue and magnesium-induced coprecipitation procedures in phosphorus measurement in various aquatic environments. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 29(1), 42-51


13.李佩佩,张桂玲,赵玉川,刘素美,2010。夏季渤海溶解甲烷的分布与通量研究。海洋科学进展, 28(4),478-488






19.Li, Jian-Bing, Gui-Ling Zhang, Jing Zhang, Su-Mei Liu, Jing-Ling Ren, Zhong-Xin Hou, 2009. Phosphine in the Lower Atmosphere of Qingdao—A Coastal Site of the Yellow Sea (China). Water Air Soil Pollut, 204, 117–131, DOI 10.1007/s11270-009-0031-y

20.Liu, S.M., G.-H. Hong, J. Zhang, X.W. Ye and X.L. Jiang, 2009. Nutrient budgets for large Chinese estuaries. Biogeosciences, 6, 2245–2263.

21.Zhu, Z.-Y., W.-M. Ng, S.-M. Liu, J. Zhang, J.-C. Chen, Y. Wu, 2009. Estuarine phytoplankton dynamics and shift of limiting factors: A study in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and adjacent area. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84, 393–401.

22.Liu, S.M., J. Zhang, H.W. Gao, Z. Liu, 2008. Historic Changes in Flux of Materials and Nutrient Budgets in the Bohai. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(5): 81-97






28.Zhang G.L., J. Zhang, S.M. Liu, J.L. Ren, J. Xu, F. Zhang, 2008. Methane in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and its adjacent marine area: riverine input, sediment release and atmospheric fluxes. Biogeochemistry, 91: 71-84. DOI 10.1007/s10533-008-9259-7

29.Liu, S.M., X.W. Ye, J. Zhang, G.S. Zhang, Y. Wu, 2008. The silicon balance in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Journal of Marine Systems, 74, 639-648.

30.刘素美,Pall Tréguer, Charlotte Beucher, Rudolph Corvaisier, 张经, 2008。生物硅的生成与溶解速率的研究-以胶州湾为例。中国海洋大学学报,38(5):781-785。


32.Duce, R. A., J. LaRoche, K. Altieri, K. R. Arrigo, A. R. Baker, D. G. Capone, S. Cornell, F. Dentener, J. Galloway, R. S. Ganeshram, R. J. Geider, T. Jickells, M. M. Kuypers, R. Langlois, P. S. Liss, S. M. Liu, J. J. Middelburg, C. M. Moore, S. Nickovic, A. Oschlies, T. Pedersen, J. Prospero, R. Schlitzer, S. Seitzinger, L. L. Sorensen, M. Uematsu, O. Ulloa, M. Voss, B. Ward, L. Zamora, 2008. Impacts of Atmospheric Anthropogenic Nitrogen on the Open Ocean. Science, 320, 893-897. DOI: 10.1126/science.1150369.

33.Ren, J.L., T.-Z. Mi, W.W. Dou, S.M. Liu, J. Zhang, 2008. Colorimetric determination of nanomolar concentrations of silicate in natural waters after liquid-liquid extraction using methyl isobutyl keton. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27 (1), 137-146.

34.Zhang, G.L., J. Zhang, J.L. Ren, J.B. Li, S.M. Liu, 2008. Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in the north East China Sea in summer. Marine Chemistry, 110, 42-55.

35.Li J.B., J.L. Ren, J. Zhang and S.M. Liu, 2008. The Distribution of Dissolved Aluminum in the Yellow and East China Seas. J. Ocean Univ. Chin. 7(1): 48-54.

36.Liu S.M., X.N. Li, J. Zhang, H. Wei, J.L. Ren, G.L. Zhang, 2007. Nutrient dynamics in Jiaozhou Bay. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 625-643. 10.1007/s11267-007-9125-y.

37.Zhang J., S.M. Liu, J.L. Ren, Y. Wu, G.L. Zhang, 2007. Nutrient gradients from the eutrophic Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary to the oligotrophic Kuroshio waters and re-evaluation of budgets for the East China Sea Shelf. Progress in Oceanography 74: 449–478.



40.Ren J.L., J. Zhang, D.D. Li, Y. Cheng and S.M. Liu, 2007. Speciation and seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 655-671. 10.1007/s11267-007-9123-0.


42.张经,刘素美,任景玲,2007。第四章 渤海生源要素的迁移与归宿。见:渤海环境动力学导论,冯士笮,张经,魏皓等著,科学出版社,北京,78-117

43.Zhang G.S., J. Zhang and S.M. Liu, 2007. Chemical composition of atmospheric wet depositions from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Atmospheric Research 85: 84–97.

44.Liu G.S., S.M. Liu, J. Zhang, Y.P. Huang and M. Chen, 2007. Sedimentary processes of the Qingdao nearshore traced using a multi-radionuclide approach. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 693-701. 10.1007/s11267-007-9122-1.

45.Liu G.Q., S.Y. Wang, X.J. Zhu, S. M. Liu, J. Zhang, 2007. Groundwater and nutrients discharge into Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 593-605. 10.1007/s11267-007-9127-9

46.Liu Z., H. Wei, J. Bai, J. Zhang, D. Liu, S.M. Liu, 2007. Nutrients seasonal variation and budget in Jiaozhou Bay, China: A 3-dimensional physical-biological coupled model study. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 607-623. 10.1007/s11267-007-9126-x.

47.Zhang G.L., J. Zhang, J. Xu, J.L. Ren and S.M. Liu, 2007. Distributions, land-source input and atmospheric fluxes of methane in Jiaozhou Bay. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7(6), 645-654. 10.1007/s11267-007-9128-8.

48.林雨霏,刘素美,纪雷,赵中华,张经,2007. 黄海春夏季降水中常量离子化学特征分析。海洋环境科学,26(2):116-120


50.Wu Y., J. Zhang, S.M. Liu, Z.F. Zhang, H.T. Chen and H. Xiong, 2007. Particulate n-alkanes and fatty acids in the Changjiang river system. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26(2): 36-48.

51.Zhang G.S., J. Zhang and S. M. Liu, 2007. Characterization of nutrients in the atmospheric wet and dry deposition observed at the two monitoring sites over Yellow Sea and East China Sea. J. Atmos. Chem., 57: 41-57.

52.Wu Y., J. Zhang, S.M. Liu, Z.F. Zhang, Q.Z. Yao, G.H. Hong and L. Cooper, 2007. Sources and distribution of carbon within the Yangtze River system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 71(1-2), 13-25.


54.Ren J.L., J. Zhang, J.B. Li, X.Y. Yu, S.M. Liu, E.R. Zhang, 2006. Dissolved aluminum in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea-Al as a tracer of Changjiang (Yangtze River) discharge and Kuroshio incursion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68, 165-174

55.Zhang J., S.M. Liu, Y. Wu, X.H. Qi, G.S. Zhang and R.X. Li, 2006. Dissolved silica in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and adjacent coastal waters of the East China Sea. In: The Silicon Cycle-Human Perturbations and Impacts on Aquatic Systems (V. Ittekkot, D. Unger, C. Humborg and N. Tac An eds.). Island Press, Washington. 71-80

56.刘素美, 赵颖翡, 张经, 任景玲, 张桂玲, 2006。氢氧化镁共沉淀测定低浓度磷方法在东海赤潮高发区的应用。中国海洋大学学报,36(5):836-840。





61.Cheng Y., Ren J. L., Li D. D., Liu S. M. and Zhang J, 2006. Distribution of dissolved inorganic arsenic and its seasonal variations in the coastal area of the East China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5 (3): 243-250.

62.Liu S.M., J. Zhang, H.T. Chen and G.S. Zhang, 2005. Factors influencing nutrient dynamics in the eutrophic Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Progress in Oceanography, 66: 66–85.

63.赵颖翡,刘素美,叶曦雯,张经,2005。黄、东海柱状沉积物中生物硅含量的分析。中国海洋大学学报,35 (3): 423-428

64.赵颖翡,刘素美,张经,2005。海水中磷化合物的分析进展。海洋环境科学,24 (2): 70-74

65.Liu S.M., J. Zhang and R.X. Li, 2005. Ecological significance of biogenic silica in the East China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 290: 15-26.

66.Zhang J., G. S. Zhang, S. M. Liu, 2005. Dissolved silicate in coastal marine rainwaters: Comparison between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea on the impact and potential link with primary production. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, D16304, doi: 10.1029/2004JD005411

67.刘素美,江文胜,张经,2005。用成岩模型计算沉积物—水界面营养盐的交换通量——以渤海为例。中国海洋大学学报,35 (1): 145-151




71.Liu S.M., J. Zhang and D.J. Li, 2004. Phosphorus cycling in sediments of the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 59: 209-218.

72.Liu S.M., J. Zhang, H.T. Chen and T. Rabbe, 2004. Benthic nutrient recycling in shallow coastal waters of the Bohai. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 22 (4): 365-372.

73.Liu S.M. and J. Zhang, 2004. Nutrient dynamics in the macro-tidal Yalujiang Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, SI(43): 147-161.

74.Zhang J., Z.G. Yu, T. Raabe, S.M. Liu, A. Starke, L. Zou, H.W. Gao and U. Brockmann, 2004. Dynamics of inorganics nutrient species in the Bohai seawaters. Journal of Marine Systems, 44: 189-212.

75.Zhang G.L., J. Zhang, Y.B. Kang and S.M. Liu, 2004. Distributions and fluxes of dissolved methane in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in spring. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109: C07011.

76.叶曦雯,刘素美,赵颖翡,张经, 2004。东黄海沉积物中生物硅的分布及其环境意义。中国环境科学, 24 (3): 265-269

77.李肖娜,刘素美,吕瑞华,张经,邹立,2004。东、黄海沉积物中叶绿素的分析。中国海洋大学学报,34(4): 603-610

78.Zhang J., S.M. Liu, Y. Wu and J.L. Ren, 2004. The East China Sea Shelf: eutrophication in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and incursion of Kuroshio. Proceedings of International Symposium on long-term variations in the coastal environments and ecosystems, 27-28 September 2004, Matsuyama, Japan.



81.Liu S.M., J. Zhang, H.T. Chen, H. Xiong, Y. Wu and Z.F. Zhang, 2003. Nutrients in the Changjiang and its tributaries. Biogeochemistry, 62 (1): 1-18.


83.Liu S.M., J. Zhang and W.S. Jiang, 2003. Pore water nutrient regeneration in shallow coastal Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Oceanography 59, 377-385.

84.Liu S.M., J. Zhang, S.Z. Chen, H.T. Chen, G.H. Hong, H. Wei and Q.M. Wu, 2003. Inventory of nutrient compounds in the Yellow Sea. Continental Shelf Research 23, 1161-1174.

85.Zhang J., J.L. Ren, S.M. Liu, Z.F. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Xiong and H.T. Chen, 2003. Dissolved aluminum and silica in the Changjiang (Yangtze River): impacts of weathering in subcontinental scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(3), 1077.





90.Liu S.M., X.W. Ye, J. Zhang and Y.F. Zhao, 2002. Problems with biogenic silica measurement in marginal seas. Marine Geology, 192 (4): 383-392.

91.叶曦雯,刘素美,张经,2002。黄、渤海沉积物中生物硅的测定及存在问题的讨论。海洋学报,24 (1): 129-134

92.刘素美,张经, 2002。沉积物中生物硅分析方法的评述。海洋科学, 2: 23-26

93.陈洪涛,陈淑珠,张经,刘素美,吴强明,2002。南黄海海水中各种形态磷的分布变化特征。海洋环境科学,21 (1): 9-13

94.刘昌岭,张经,刘素美,2002。我国不同矿物气溶胶源区物质的物理化学特征。环境科学, 23 (4): 28-32

95.Chen H.T., S.Z. Chen, J. Zhang, S.M. Liu and Q.M. Wu, 2002. Distribution and changes of speciation of phosphorus in the Yellow Sea. Marine Science Bulletin, 4(2): 32-38.

96.叶曦雯,刘素美,张经,2002。鸭绿江潮滩沉积物间隙水中的营养盐,环境科学,23 (3): 120-124

97.Zhang J., L.W. Cooper, Y. Wu, G.H. Hong, S.M. Liu, C.S. Chung, S.H. Kim and Y.I. Kim, 2002. Elemental and isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen of organic matter in plant and soils in the river bank and suspended particulate matter of the Changjiang (Yangtze River). In: Impact of interface exchange on the biogeochemical processes of the Yellow and East China Seas (G. H. Hong, J. Zhang and C. S. Chung eds.). Bum Shin Press, Seoul, 189-232.

98.Liu S.M., J. Zhang, F. Dong and Q. Feng, 2002. Phosphorus in the sediments of the Yellow Sea. In: Impact of interface exchange on the biogeochemical processes of the Yellow and East China Seas (G. H. Hong, J. Zhang and C. S. Chung eds.). Bum Shin Press, Seoul, 291-303.

99.吴增茂,张新玲,刘素美,万小芳, 2002。陆架浅海沉积物—海水界面溶质通量的计算方法及其应用。海洋环境科学, 21 (3): 23-28

100.于志刚,刘素美,张经,陈洪涛,姚庆祯, 2002。影响对虾栖息地环境的关键生物地球化学过程。见:中国海洋生态系统动力学研究,II 渤海生态系统动力学过程,苏纪兰,唐启升等著,科学出版社,北京,39-50

101.魏皓,刘素美,赵亮,2002。渤海生态系统动力学模型:三维初级生产模型。见:中国海洋生态系统动力学研究,II 渤海生态系统动力学过程,苏纪兰,唐启升等著,科学出版社,北京,382-413



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