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考研时间: 2012-11-18 来源:查字典考研网




1.Ren J.L., Zhang G.L., Zhang J., Shi J.H., Liu S.M., Li F.M., Jin J. and Liu C.G., 2011. Distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Southern Yellow Sea: Influences of a dust storm and the spring bloom. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2011.02.004

2.Ren J.L., Zhang J., Li D.D., Cheng Y. and Liu S.M., 2010. Behavior of dissolved inorganic arsenic in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.02.005

3.Ren J.L., Liu S.M. and Zhang J., 2009.Dissolved Inorganic Arsenic in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea—Distributions and Seasonal Variations. Marine Science Bulletin 11(1): 24-36.

4.Ren J.L., Mi T.Z., Dou W.W., Liu S.M. and Zhang J., 2008. Colorimetric determination of nanomolar concentrations of silicate in natural water after liquid-liquid extraction into MIBK. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(1), 137-146.

5.Ren J.L., Zhang J., Li D.D., Cheng Y. and Liu S.M., 2007. Speciation and seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7: 655-671.

6.Ren J.L., Zhang J., Li J.B., Yu X.Y., Liu S.M. and Zhang E.R., 2006. Dissolved aluminum in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea – Al as a tracer of Changjiang (Yangtze River) discharge and Kuroshio incursion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 68: 165-174.

7.Zhang J., Liu S.M., Ren J.L., Wu Y. and Zhang G.L., 2007. Nutrient Gradients from the Eutrophic Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary to Oligotrophic Kuroshio Waters and Re-evaluation of Budgets for the East China Sea Shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 74, 449-478.

8.Zhang J., Ren J.L., Liu S.M., Zhang Z.F., Wu Y., Xiong H. and Chen H.T., 2003. Dissolved aluminum and silica in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and its Tributaries. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(3): 1077-1087.

9.Xu H., Zhang J., Ren J.L. and Liu C.L., 2002. Aluminum in the Macrotidal Yalujiang Estuary: Partitioning of Al along the Estuarine Gradients and Flux. Estuaries, 25(4A): 608-621.

10.Ren J.L., Zhang J., Luo J.Q., Pei X.K. and Jiang Z.X., 2001. Improved fluorimetric determination of dissolved aluminum by micelle-enhanced lumogallion complex in natural waters. The Analyst, 126, 698-702.

11.Zhang J., Xu H., Ren J.L., 2000. Fluorimetric determination of dissolved aluminum in natural waters after liquid-liquid extraction in n-hexanol. Analytica Chimica Acta, 405: 31-42.

12.Zhang J., Yu Z.G., Wang J.T., Ren J.L., Chen H.T., Xiong H., Dong L.X. and Xu W.Y., 1999. The Subtropical Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary: Nutrient, Trace Species and Their Relationship to Photosynthesis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 49: 385-400.



15.Li J.B., Ren J.L., Zhang J. and Liu S.M., 2008. The distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 7(1): 48-54.


17.窦维伟,任景玲,刘素美,张经,吴莹,2007。春季黄海及东海悬浮物中某些地球化学组分的分布特征、来源及其影响因素的研究。中国海洋大学学报,37: 213-218。

18.谢亮,任景玲,张经,刘素美,魏皓,2007。胶州湾中溶解态铝的初步研究,中国海洋大学学报,37(1): 135-140。

19.Cheng Y., Ren J.L., Li D.D., Liu S.M. and Zhang J., 2006. Distribution of Dissolved Inorganic Arsenic and Its seasonal variations in the Coastal Area of the East China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5(3): 243-250.




23.李丹丹,任景玲,张经, 2003。海洋环境样品中砷、硒测定的消化及提取方法。海洋与湖沼通报,98:30-37。







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