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考研时间: 2012-11-18 来源:查字典考研网

王志宁,男,1979年生,副教授。2010.7 -至今,化学化工学院教师。




2005.9 -2010.1 香港科技大学化学系 化学 博士

2002.9 -2005.7 山东大学化学化工学院 物理化学专业 硕士

1998.9 -2002.7 山东大学化学化工学院 化学专业 学士


1. 国家973子课题“节能型高分子复合膜的微结构调控与制备方法”,(2009CB623402),主要参与人员,在研。


1. Zhining Wang, Xiaofang Li and Shihe Yang, Studies of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) Monolayers Embedded with Endohedral Metallofullerene (Dy@C82), Langmuir, 2009, 25, 12968-12973.

2. Zhining Wang, Shihe Yang, Effects of Fullerenes on Phospholipid Membranes: A Langmuir Monolayer Study, ChemPhysChem, 2009, 10, 2284-2289.

3. Zhining Wang,Shihe Yang, Adsorption Behaviors of DPPC/MO Aggregates on SiO2 Surfaces, Langmuir, 2008, 24, 11616-11624.

4. Zhining Wang, Liqiang Zheng, Effect of sucrose on the structure of a cubic phase formed from a monoolein/water mixture, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2005, 288, 638-641.

5. Zhining Wang, Liqiang Zheng, The Studies on the Aqueous Dispersed Particles Formed from Monoolein/Monopalmitin/Water Mixture, Chemistry Letters, 2004, 33, 416.

6. 王志宁, 郑利强, 蔗糖对MO/水立方液晶体系流变性质的影响, 化学学报, 2005, 63, 274-278.

7. 王志宁, 郑利强, 类脂立方液晶作为药物载体的研究, 化学进展, 2005, 17, 417-422.

8. 王志宁, 李干佐, 牟建海, 混合羧酸盐复合驱油体系的研究(Ⅱ)——针对中原极复杂油田, 日用化学工业, 2004, 34(1):8-1.

9. Junwu Xiao, Zhining Wang, Yecang Tang, Shihe Yang, Biomimetic Mineralization of CaCO3 on a Phospholipid Monolayer: From Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Precursor to Calcite via Vaterite, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 4977-4983.

10. Yecang Tang, Zhining Wang, Junwu Xiao, Shihe Yang, Yong Jian Wang, Penger Tong, Studies of Phospholipid Vesicle Deposition/Transformation on a Polymer Surface by Dissipative Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 14925-14933.

11. Lingling Shui, Zhining Wang, Liqiang Zheng, Rheological Properties of Cubic Liquid Crystal Formed From Monoglyceride/H2O System. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 23, 245-250.

12. 李干佐, 王志宁, 刘杰, 混合羧酸盐复合驱油体系的研究(Ⅰ)——针对高酸值原油, 日用化学工业, 2003, 33, 350-355.

13. Yijian Chen, Junwu Xiao, Zhining Wang, Shihe Yang, Observation of an Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Precursor on a Stearic Acid Monolayer Formed during the Biomimetic Mineralization of CaCO3, Langmuir, 2009, 25, 1054-1059.

14. Tohru Inoue, Yusuke Hisatsugu, Masao Suzuki, Zhining Wang, LiQiang Zheng, Solid-liquid phase behavior of binary fatty acid mixtures: 3. Mixtures of oleic acid with capric acid (decanoic acid) and caprylic acid (octanoic acid), Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2004, 132, 225-234.

15.安娅, 徐军, 张晋, 胡长刚, 李干佐, 王志宁等, Brij35/油酸钠/油酸/水体系的溶致液晶性质——应用偏光显微镜,SAXS, 2H-NMR和流变等方法, 中国科学, 2006, 36, 234-243.



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