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考研时间: 2012-11-04 来源:查字典考研网



1)1996年9月--2000年6月: 山东大学生物科学专业,获得学士学位。

2)2000年9月-2002年9月: 山东大学生态学专业,硕士研究生,2002年提前考博。

3)2002年9月-2005年6月: 山东大学生态学专业,博士研究生,获得博士学位。

4)2005年7月--2008年9月: 山东大学环境研究院,讲师。

5)2005年10月--2009年12月: 中国科学院植物研究所在职博士后。

6)2010年12月--2011年12月: 柏林工业大学,访问学者(国家留学基金委全额资助项目)。

7)2008年9月--至今: 山东大学环境研究院,副教授(科研型)。

8)2008年12月--至今: 山东大学环境研究院,院长助理。







Plos One, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Journal of Plant Ecology, Weed Research, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 生态学报、植物生态学报等学术期刊的外审专家。




E-mail: ecology@sdu.edu.cn (计划报考本专业研究生的,欢迎与我联系咨询)


1) “南四湖流域退耕还湿生态补偿与植被恢复技术研究”(山东省科技计划项目,主持人)

2) “试点湖泊生态安全调查与评估项目”(山东省环保厅项目,子任务负责人)

3) “氮沉降和氮磷比对入侵植物与本地植物竞争关系的影响”(山东大学自主创新基金,主持人)


4) “规模化人工湿地工程生态可持续运行”(国家科技重大水专项, 子任务负责人)

5) “湿地生态恢复模式与技术研究”(国家科技重大水专项, 子任务第二负责人)

6) “重金属汞在东北地区典型土壤中的结合特性及迁移机制研究”( 973专题,排名第三)

7) “暖温带几种典型落叶栎类叶性状对环境变化的响应机制研究”(国家自然科学基金,排名第三)

8) “山东省生态补偿机制研究”(山东省环境保护科技计划项目,第二负责人)

9) “山东生态省考核指标生态部分现状调研”(山东省环境保护科技计划项目,第二负责人)

10) “阿利效应对外来植物传播和危害的影响”(山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,主持人)



1) Ding WJ,Wang RQ, Yuan YF, Liang XQ & Liu J*. 2012. Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and relationship of Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus acutissima seedlings.Dendrobiology, 67: 3-13.

2) Chen H, Wang RQ, Ge XL, Zhang J, Du N, Wang W & Liu J*.2012. Competition and soil fungi affect the physiological and growth traits of an alien and a native tree species. Photosynthetica, 50: 77-85.

3) Chang RY, Wang RQ, Zhang YR, Liu J*. 2012. Effects of N:P ratio and nutrient level on the competition between invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides and native Oenanthe javanica. Advanced Materials Research, 534: 337-342.

4) Ge XL, Wang RQ, Liu J*. 2012. The comparison of the community features between the constructed wetland and the natural wetland in Nansi Lake. Advanced Materials Research, 518: 5238-5243.

5) Miao SL, Li Y, Guo QF, Yu H, Ding JQ, Yu FH, Liu J, Zhang XH & Dong M. 2012. Potential Alternatives to Classical Biocontrol: Using Native Agents in Invaded Habitats and Genetically Engineered Sterile Cultivars for Invasive Plant Management. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology,6(1): 17-21. (Invited review)

6) Yu Y, Wang H, Liu J, Wang Q, Shen TL, Guo WH & Wang RQ. 2012. Shifts in microbial community function and structure along the successional gradient of coastal wetlands in Yellow River Estuary. European Journal of Soil Biology, 49:12-21.

7) Zhang JY, Zhang J, Liu J, Liu DX, Wu HM & Xie HJ. 2012. Influence of depth on running effect of surface-flow constructed wetland treating polluted river water. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 6(3):799-803. (in Chinese with English abstract).

8) Wang SJ, Liu J, Wang RQ, Ni ZR, Xu SP & Sun YY. Impact of socio-economic development on ecosystem services and its conservation strategies: a case study of Shandong Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184: 3213-3229.


9) Ding WJ, Liu J, Wu DQ, Wang Y, Chang C & Wang RQ. 2011. Salinity stress modulates habitat selection in the clonal plant Aeluropus sinensis subjected to crude oil deposition. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 183(3): 262-271.

10) Wang YT, Liu J, Hansson L, Zhang K & Wang RQ. 2011. Implementing a relative stricter discharge standard in a regional industry to enhance eco-efficiency and sustainability: a case study of Shandong pulp and paper industry, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19: 303-310.

11) Yu H, Liu J, He WM, Miao SL & Dong M. 2011. Cuscuta australis restrains three exotic invasive plants and benefits native species. Biological Invasions. 13: 747-756.

12) Liu L, Liu J, Wang YT, Wang NJ & Wang RQ. 2011. Cost-benefit analysis and ecological compensation of watershed-scale wetland restoration: a case study in Shandong province,China. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5(3): 787-796.

13) Chen H, Liu J, Zhang YL, Wang Q, Ge XL, Wei YH & Wang RQ. 2011. Influence of invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora on functional diversity of soil microbial communities. Journal of Environmental Biology, 32(5): 567-572.


14) Liu J, Li JM, Yu H, He WM, Yu FH, Sang WG, Liu GF & Dong M. 2010. The relationship between functional traits and invasiveness of alien plants. Biodiversity Science, 18: 569-576. (in Chinese with English abstract).

15) Liu J, Dong M & Miao SL. 2010. The relationship between the invasiveness and clonality of alien plants. In: Invasion Ecology (eds. Zheng JM & Ma KP). Beijing: High Education Press. pp. 70-81. (in Chinese).

16) Wu DQ, Wang RQ, Gao S, Ding WJ, Wang W, Ge XL & Liu J*. 2010. Simulation and scenario analysis of arable land dynamics in Yellow River Delta. Transactions of the CSAE, 26: 285-290. (in Chinese with English abstract).

17) Wu DQ, Liu J, Wang SJ & Wang RQ. 2010. Simulating urban expansion by coupling a stochastic cellular automata model and socioeconomic indicators. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24: 235-245.

18) Wang NJ, Liu J, Wu DQ, Gao S & Wang RQ. 2010. Regional eco-compensation based on ecosystem service assessment: a case study of Shandong Province. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 30: 6646-6653.

19) Gao S, Liu J, Wu DQ, Ge XL & Wang RQ. 2010. Study on the Ecological Compensation Standard of Industries Based on CVM. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 38: 9732-9737. (in Chinese with English abstract).

20) Zhang J, Zhang JY, Liu J, Liu DX, Wu HM & Xie HJ. 2010. Application of biological island grid to treatment of polluted river water in east route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project. China Water & Wastewater, 26(21): 1-4. (in Chinese with English abstract).

21) Wang SJ, Liu PL, Ren GY & Liu J. 2010. Comprehensive improvement of Xiaosu River in Linyi City and its benefit analysis. China Water Resources, (18): 43-45. (in Chinese with English abstract).

22) Ge XL, Liu J, Wang LQ, Li WD & Wang RQ. 2010.The ecological characteristics of native plant species in region of Nansi Lake. In: Proceedings of The 13th World Lake Conference (ed. Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences). Beijing: China Agricultural University Press, pp. 2725-2728. (in Chinese with English abstract).


23) Wu DQ, Liu J*, Zhang GS, Ding WJ, Wang W & Wang RQ. 2009. Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into cellular automata model: An application to the dynamics of Chinese tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.). Ecological Modelling, 220: 3490-3498.

24) Wang SJ, Liu J*, Ren LJ, Zhang K & Wang RQ. 2009. The development and practices of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Shandong Province, China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29: 408-420.

25) Wang SJ, Li J, Wu DQ, Wang RQ, Zhang K & Liu J*. 2009. The ecological impact assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Ji’nan city, China. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 11: 427-450.

26) Wang SJ, Li J, Wu DQ, Liu J, Zhang K & Wang RQ. 2009. The strategic ecological impact assessment of urban development policies: a case study of Rizhao City, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23: 1169-1180.

27) Yu H, Liu J, He WM, Miao SL & Dong M. 2009. Restraints on Mikania micrantha by Cuscuta campestris facilitates restoration of the disturbed ecosystems. Biodiversity, 10: 72-78.

28) Yu H, He WM, Liu J, Miao SL & Dong M. 2009. Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities. Biological Invasions, 11: 835-844.

29) Wu DQ, Liu J, He TL, Wang SJ & Wang RQ. 2009. Profit and loss analysis on ecosystem services value based on land use change in YellowRiver Delta. Transactions of the CSAE, 25(8):256-261.(in Chinese with English abstract)

30) Wu DQ, Liu J, Wang W, Ding WJ & Wang RQ. 2009. Mutiscale analysis of vegetation index and topographic variables in the Yellow River Delta of China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 33: 237-245..(in Chinese with English abstract)

31) Wang YT, Guo WH, Liu J, Wang SJ, Wang Q & Wang RQ.2009. Value of ecosystem services of Kunyu Mountain Natural Reserve. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29:523-531.(in Chinese with English abstract).

32) Wang NJ, Liu J, Liu L & Wang RQ. 2009. The study of Chinese ecological compensation guarantee Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Environmental management, (4): 6-12. (in Chinese with English abstract).

33) Wang N, Yu FH, Li PX, He WM, Liu J, Yu GL, Song YB & Dong M. 2009. Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plant Biology, 11(3): 483-489.

34) Yang JH, Zhang SP, Liu J, Zhai W & Wang RQ. 2009. Genetic diversity of the endangered species Rosa rugosa Thunb. in China and implications for conservation strategies. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47: 515-524.


35) Liu J, He WM, Zhang SM, Liu FH, Dong M & Wang RQ. 2008. Effects of clonal integration on photosynthesis of the invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Photosynthetica, 46: 299-302.

36) Liang Y, Liu J, Zhang S P, Wang S J, Guo WH & Wang RQ. 2008. Genetic diversity of the invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora at different altitudes in Laoshan Mountain, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 88: 831-837.

37) Wang SJ, Liu J, Wang RQ & Wang YT. 2008. Ecological compensation and ecosystem services function assessment. Advances in Ecological Sciences, 4: 127-139. (in Chinese with English abstract).


38) Liu FH, Liu J, Yu FH & Dong M. 2007. Water integration patterns in two rhizomatous dune perennials of different clonal fragment size. Flora, 202: 106-110.

39) Liu J, Wang SJ, Wang Y & Wang RQ. 2007. The effects of ecological eompensation on the construction of ecological culture. China Soft Science, (9): 56-60. (in Chinese with English abstract).

40) Wang Y, Liu J & Wang RQ. 2007. Allee effect and its significance to small population management in nature reservation and biological invasions. Journal of Shandong University (Natural Science), 42(1): 76-82. (in Chinese with English abstract).

41) Han XM, Wang RQ, Liu J, Wang MC, Zhou J & Guo WH. 2007. Effects of vegetation type on the soil microbial community structure and catabolic diversity assessed by polyphasic methods in North China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19: 1228-1234.


42) Liu J, Dong M, Miao S L, Li Z Y, Song M H & Wang R Q. 2006. Invasive plants in China: role of clonality and geographical origin. Biological Invasions, 8: 1461-1470.

43) Song N, Song Y N, Wang RQ, Guo WH & Liu J*. 2006. Analysis of the present situation and control strategies of the agricultural alien plants in Shandong Province. Shandong Science, 19(3): 15-21.) (in Chinese with English abstract).

44) Chu Y, He W M, Liu HD, Liu J, Zhu X W & Dong M. 2006. Phytomass and plant functional diversity in early restoration of the degraded, semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 67: 678-687.

45) Zhang XQ, Liu J, Welham CVJ, Liu CC, Li DN, Chen L & Wang RQ. 2006. The effects of clonal integration on morphological plasticity and placement of daughter ramets in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). Flora, 201: 547-554.


46) Liu J, Liang SC, Liu FH, Wang RQ & Dong M. 2005. Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns. Diversity and Distributions, 11: 341-347.

47) Liu J, Zhu XW, Wang RQ & Dong M. 2005. Effects of grasshoppers on the dominant plants naturally growing in degraded grassland ecosystem in Northern China. Ekologia (Bratislava), 24: 117-124.

48) Liu J, Liu FH, Dong M & Wang RQ. 2005. Size structure and neighbor pattern of Ulmus pumila L. population at the southern edge of the Otindag Sandy Land. Journal of Desert Research, 25(1): 75-80. (in Chinese with English abstract).

49) Liu J, He WM & Fang ZL. 2005. Spatial characteristics of soil moisture and organic matter and light in Pinus tabulaeformis forest and Quercus liaotungensis forest on Dongling Mountain, Beijing, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 25: 2954-2960. (in Chinese with English abstract).

50) Song N, Song YN, Liu J, Wang RQ & Guo WH. 2005. Analysis of the present situation and control strategies of the biological invasion in forestry in Shandong Province. Shandong forestry science and technology,(5):72-74.(in Chinese with English abstract).

51) Liu FH, Liu J & Dong M. 2005. Response of biomass allocation to small-scale variation of vegetation coverage in dominant clonal semi-shrubs in the Mu Us Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 25: 3415-3419. (in Chinese with English abstract).


52) Liu FH, Liu J & Dong M. 2004. Spatial pattern of sandy vegetation and two dominant clonal semi-shrubs in the Ordos Plateu. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24:2374-2381. (in Chinese with English abstract).


53) Liu J, Zhu XW, Yu FH, Dong M, Zhang SM & Wang RQ. 2003. Spatial heterogeneity of Ulmus pumila open forest ecosystem in Otindag Sandy Land. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science, 23(4): 29-34. (in Chinese with English abstract).

54) Zhang SP, Wang RQ, Zhang ZG, Guo WH, Liu J & Song BM. 2003. Study on Morphological Variation of Phragmites Australis in the Yellow River Downstream Wetland Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 27(1): 78-85. (in Chinese with English abstract).


55) Ge XL, Wang RQ, Liu J & Li HJ. 2002. Study on the Advanced Plants of Wetlands in Shandong Province. Shandong Forestry Science and Technology, (5): 3-6. (in Chinese with English abstract).


56) Liu J, Wang RQ & Zhang ZG. 2001. Advances in nonindigenous plant species. Advances in Plant Sciences, 4: 335-344. (in Chinese).


57) 刘建(编委之一). 2011. 克隆植物生态学(主编:董鸣). 北京:科学出版社.



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