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考研时间: 2012-11-11 来源:查字典考研网

张 彩 教授

1982.8-1987.7 山东医科大学医学系学士

1997.9-2000.7 山东医科大学 免疫学硕士

2001.9-2004.6 山东大学医学院免疫学博士

2005.12—2008.4 山东大学药学院博士后

2008.4—— 山东大学药学院教授


1987.7至2008年3月在山东省医学科学院基础医学研究所山东省肿瘤免疫与医学基因工程重点实验室从事免疫学工作。2008年3月至今,山东大学药学院教授。主要研究方向:天然免疫识别和天然免疫调节;基于RNA干扰技术的核苷酸类药物的研究与开发; CD1d抗原递呈和NKT细胞Th1/Th2类细胞因子分泌的分子机制及新型糖脂类免疫增强剂的开发。目前为首承担国家自然科学基金重大研究计划面上项目一项,国家重点基础研究计划项目子课题一项。为首或作为通讯作者发表SCI收录论文10篇。


1. Zhang C, Wang Y, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Tian Z. Sodium butyrate upregulates expression of NKG2D ligand MICA/B in HeLa and

HepG2 cell lines and increases their susceptibility to NK lysis.

Cancer Immunol Immunother, 2009;58:1275-1285.

2. Zhang C, Zhang J, Niu J, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Tian Z. Interleukin-12 improves cytotoxicity of natural killer cells via upregulated

expression of NKG2D. Human Immunol, 2008;69(8): 490-500.

3. Zhang C, Niu J, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Tian Z. Opposing effect of IFNa and IFNg on expression of MHC class

I chain-related A in tumors. Cancer Sci, 2008;99(6): 1279- 1286.

4. Shang P, Zhang C, Xia C, Chen W, Han Q, Wang PG, Zhang J, Tian Z. Chemical modification of iGb3 increases IFN-γ production

by hepatic NKT cells. Int Immunopharmacol, 2008;8(5):645-653. corresponding author

5. Zhang C, Zhang J, Niu J, Zhang J, Tian Z. Interleukin-15 improves cytotoxicity of natural killer cells via up-regulating NKG2D

and cytotoxic effector molecule expression as well as STAT1 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Cytokine, 2008;42(1):128-136.

6. Zhang C, Zhang J, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z. Opposing effect of IFNg and IFNa on expression of NKG2 receptor family: negative

regulation of IFNg on NK cells. Int Immunopharmacol, 2005;5(6):1057-1067.

7. Zhang C, Zhang J, Wei H, Tian Z. Imbalance of activating and inhibitory killer cell receptors of the NKG2 family: why tumors

escape from innate immunity? Int Immunopharmacol, 2005;5(7-8):1099-111.



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