蔡 鹏
现任职务职称:电子工程系主任, 工学博士, 硕士生导师,副教授
[1] Peng Cai, Xue-xia Yang, Jian Huang, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen and Xuehui Guan, “Full-wave analysis of a microwave rectifying circuit using finite difference time domain algorithm,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, John Wiley, Vol.53, No. 9, pp.2022-2025, Sept. 2011. (SCI:790PE)
[2] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Hitoshi Kanzaki, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen, “Millimeter-wave Ultra-wideband bandpass filter employing dual-mode ring resonators fed by step-impedance coupled lines,” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol.30, no.5, pp. 432-438, May 2009. (SCI: 423GL)
[3] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma and Hitoshi Kanzaki, “A wideband quasi-millimeter wave bandpass filter using dual-mode resonator with 5/4 wavelength folded stubs,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, John Wiley, Vol.51, No. 7, pp.1708-1711, July 2009. (SCI: 443JE)
[4] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Xuehui Guan, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen, Bo Xu “Dual-Mode Square Ring Resonators for Design of Millimeter-Wave Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, John Wiley, Vol.50, No. 3, pp.879-883, Apr. 2008. (SCI: 275EW)
[5] Peng Cai, “Design of Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Step-impedance Four-Mode Resonator and Aperture-Enhanced Coupled Structure,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, John Wiley, Vol.50, No.3, pp. 696-699, Mar. 2008. (SCI: 261UV).
[6] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Xuehui Guan, Guoxin Zheng, Tetsuo Anada and Gen Hagiwara, “A compact and low-loss sub-millimeter-wave ultra-wideband bandpass filter,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.49, no.2, pp. 481-484, 2007. (SCI:000243297000068)
[7] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Xuehui Guan, Yoshio Kobayashi, Tetsuo Anada and Gen Hagiwara, “Novel compact microstrip dual-Mode ring resonator wideband bandpass filter with significantly improved stopband,” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol.E89-C, no.12, pp.1858-1864, 2006. (SCI: 000242878300028).
[8] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Xuehui Guan, Xuexia Yang, Tetsuo Anada and Gen Hagiwara, “Synthesis and realization of ultra-wideband bandpass filters using the Z-transform technique,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.48, no.7, pp. 1398-1401, 2006. (SCI: 000237881300049).
[9] Peng Cai, Zhewang Ma, Yoshio Kobayashi, Chun-Ping Chen, and Tetsuo Anada, “Synthesis Theory and Implementation Method of Novel Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filters,” IEICE Microwave Workshop Digest, WS12-2. pp. 331-336, Nov. 2007.
[10] Peng Cai, Xuehui Guan, Xuexia Yang, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen, Jian Huang and Yunsong Wu, “Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Parallel-Coupled Line and Step-Impedance Open Stubs” The Third IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, pp.1071-1073, Oct. 2009. (EI: 20101312814689)
[11] Peng Cai, Xuexia Yang, Zhewang Ma and Wenjun Zhang, “Analysis of the stability of high-order FDTD (2, 4) algorithm,” 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf. Dig., pp.1791-1794, Dec. 2005. (EI: 070910449032)