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考研时间: 2012-08-01 来源:查字典考研网








长期从事森林生态系统C、N生物地球化学循环、人工林可持续经营、生态系统恢复与重建等研究。先后主持国家重大科技专项高分辨率对地观测系统项目课题、973计划前期研究专项课题等国家及省部级重大(点)科研项目20余项,在本学科SCI期刊(I、II区)等发表第一(通讯)作者论文18篇;在全国性学会或中科院所属研究所主办学术期刊发表第一(通讯)作者学术论文70余篇;被SCI源刊及国内权威期刊论文他引近2000篇次,被列入2009年 版《中国期刊高被引指数》生物学学科高被引作者和林业学科高被引作者的前20名排行榜(分别排名第五和第二);而2010年进入《中国期刊高被引指数》全国高被引作者前100名。获国家及省部级科技成果近20项,其中主持成果分别获福建省科学技术奖一等奖和二等奖各1项,教育部科技进步二等奖1项。


1. Lin CF, Yang YS*, Guo JF , Chen GS, Xie J S. 2011. Fine root decomposition of evergreen broadleaved and coniferous tree species in mid-subtropical China: dynamics of dry mass, nutrient and organic fractions. Plant and Soil, 338: 311-327

2. Wang CC, Yang YS*, Zhang YQ. 2011. Economic Development, Rural livelihoods, and Ecological Restoration: Evidence from China. AMBIO, 40(1): 78-87

3. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Guo JF, Xie JS, Yang ZJ. 2011. Relationships between carbon allocation and partitioning of soil respiration across world mature forests. Plant Ecology, 212:195-206

4. Sheng H, Yang YS*, Yang ZJ, Chen GS, Xie JS. 2010. The dynamic response of soil respiration to land-use changes in subtropical China. Global Change Biology, 16: 1107–1121

5. Yang YS, Guo JF, Chen GS, Yin YF, Gao R, Lin CF. 2009. Effects of forest conversion on soil labile organic carbon fractions and aggregate stability in subtropical China. Plant and Soil, 323: 153-162

6. Guo JF, Yang YS*, Chen GS, Xie JS, Gao R, Qian W. 2010. Effects of clear-cutting and slash burning on soil respiration in Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaved forests in mid-subtropical China. Plant and Soil, 333: 249-261

7. Yang YS, Xie JS, Sheng H, Chen GS, Li X, Yang ZJ. 2009. The impact of land use/cover change on storage and quality of soil organic carbon in midsubtropical mountainous area of southern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 19(1): 49-57

8. Yang YS, Chen GS, Guo JF, Xie JS, Wang XG. 2007. Soil respiration and carbon balance in a subtropical native forest and two managed plantations. Plant Ecology, 193: 71-84

9. Guo JF, Yang YS*, Chen GS,He ZM, Xie JS. 2006. Soil C and N pools in Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaf forests and changes with slash burning in mid-subtropical China. Pedosphere, 16(1):56-63

10. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Xie JS, Guo JF, Gao R, Qian W. 2005. Conversion of a natural broad-leafed evergreen forest into pure plantation forests in a subtropical area: Effects on carbon storage. Annals of Forest Science, 62: 659-668

11. Yang YS, Guo JF, Chen GS, Xie JS, Gao R, Li Z, Jin Z. 2005. Carbon and nitrogen pools in Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaved forests and changes associated with felling and burning in mid-subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 216(1-3): 216-226

12. Yang YS, Guo JF, Chen GS, Xie JS, Gao R, Li Z, Jin Z. 2005. Litter production, seasonal pattern and nutrient return in seven natural forests compared with a plantation in southern China. Forestry, 78(4): 403-415

13. Chen GS, Yang YS*, Xie JS, Li L, Gao R. 2004. Soil biological changes for a natural forest and two plantations in subtropical China. Pedosphere, 14(3):297-304

14. Yang YS, Chen GS, Guo JF, Lin P. 2004. Decomposition dynamics of fine roots in a mixed forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum in mid-subtropical China. Annals of Forest Science, 61: 64-72

15. Yang YS, Chen GS, Lin P, Xie JS, Guo JF. 2004. Fine root distribution, seasonal pattern and production in native and monoculture plantation forests in Subtropical China. Annals of Forest Science, 61: 617-627

16. Yang YS, Guo JF, Chen GS, Xie JS, Cai LP, Lin P. 2004. Litterfall, nutrient return, and leaf-litter decomposition in four plantations compared with a natural forest in subtropical China. Annals of Forest Science, 61: 465-476

17. Yang YS, Liu CJ, Kutsch W, Chen GS, Yu XT. 2004. Impact of continuous Chinese fir monoculture on soil. Pedosphere, 14(1): 117-114

18. Yang YS, Guo JF, Chen GS, He ZM, Xie JS. 2003. Effects of slash burning on nutrient removal and soil fertility in Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaved forests of mid-Subtropical China. Pedosphere, 13(1): 87-96


(1) 杨玉盛,陈光水,邹双全,郑金兴,高人,谢锦升,尹云锋,郭剑芬,郭家新,刘文忠. 杉木人工林碳吸存与碳计量技术.福建省科学技术奖一等奖,2008.

(2) 杨玉盛,谢锦升,何宗明,邹双全,陈光水. 闽江流域常绿阔叶林理水保土与培肥地力作用机制.福建省科学技术奖二等奖,2007.

(3) 俞新妥,郑郁善,范少辉,林思祖,叶功富,林开敏,梁一池,何智英,陈存及,杨玉盛,黄天章,李友恭,李平宇,张和根.杉木栽培学. 中国高校自然科学奖二等奖,2001

(4) 杨玉盛,马祥庆,吴擢溪,李振问,何宗明. 炼山对杉木人工林生态系统影响机理及计量评价的研究. 国家教委科学技术进步二等奖(甲类),1996.

(5) 盛炜彤,俞新妥,方奇,叶镜中,姚茂和,李贻铨,张先仪,何智英,陈道东,邵锦峰,熊有强,杨玉盛,李旭明,许文力,纪建书.杉木人工林地力衰退及防治技术研究.林业部科学技术进步一等奖,1994

(6) 俞新妥,何智英,林思祖,叶再春,范少辉,杨玉盛.杉木持续速生丰产原理应用.国家科技进步三等奖,1992



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