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考研时间: 2012-07-27 来源:查字典考研网











[1] 教育部回国人员科研启动基金,数字水印在VoIP中的研究与应用。(SRF for ROCS,SEM. 2009),2009/7-2011/12。

[2] 华侨大学国家自然科学基金培育项目,物联网安全关键技术-WSN中几个安全问题的研究(JB-ZR1131),2011/5-2014/12。

[3] 华侨大学科研启动项目,几种特殊数字水印系统的研究(10Y0199)。2010/5-2012/12。

[4] 重庆市科委科技计划项目,数字水印在网络语音通信中的应用,(CSTC-2008BB2070)。2009/1-2011/12。

[5] 重庆市科委自然科学基金,基于混沌的信息安全理论及应用(8503)。2004/7-2005/12。

[6] 重庆市教委科学技术研究基金,交通流混沌预测与控制研究(KJ050802)。2005/7-2006 /12。


[1] 教育部科技计划重点项目,自治切换系统及其最优控制问题研究,2010/1-2012/12,第2主研。

[2] 重庆市科技项目重点专项,下一代互联网安全测试技术研究与开发(CSTC- 2011AC2143),2011/4-2012/12,主研。

[3] 重庆市科技重点项目,重庆市以高新技术渗透、扩散与改造装备制造业的创新模式和运行机制研究(CSTC-2010CE0056),2010/9-2012/9,第2主研。

[4] 重庆教育委员会科技计划项目,基于智能算法的入侵检测技术研究,(KJ060804)。2006 /6 -2008/6,主研。

[5] 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目: 基于Web挖掘的电子商务推荐技术,(KJ070802),2007/1-2008/12,主研。

[6] 福建省自然科学基金项目,基于网络流媒体的多维融合隐蔽通信理论与方法研究(2011J05151),2011/9-2014/12,第2主研。


[1] Yonghong Chen, Huang Xiyue. Synchronization of the generalized Lorenz systems via observer approach, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application and Algorithms 2,2005:10(3):484-487. (SCI)

[2] Yonghong Chen, A New Secure Communication Scheme based on Synchronization of Chaotic System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006:4222(2006):452-455.9(SCI)

[3] Yonghong Chen, Synchronization of Chua System Driven by Lorenz System and Application in Secure Communication, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 2006:15(1):1847-1850. (SCI)

[4] Yonghong Chen, Huang Xiyue. A Multiple Data Hiding Algorithm for Digital Image Based on Chaos and Image Blending, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, ISBN: 1492-8760, pp.479-483, Publisher: Watam Press, 2005.7(SCI)

[5] Huang Xiyue, Yonghong Chen. A variable feedback synchronization theorem of chaotic systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, ISBN: 1492-8760,pp.474-478, Publisher: Watam Press, 2005.7 (SCI)

[6] Yonghong Chen, Xiyue Huang. Design of one Chaotic System and Method to Generate Chaotic Sequence Ciphers, Journal of System Simulation, 2005:17(1):199-202.(EI)

[7] Yonhgong Chen, Xiyue Huang. Image Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Sequence, Computer Engineering, 2004:30(21):104-106.(EI)

[8] YongHong Chen, JianCong Chen. A Novel Blind Watermarking Scheme Based on Neural Networks for Image, IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, 2010.12.(EI)

[9] Yonghong Chen, Jiyin Zhao, Deng Juan, Traffic Flow Forecasting Algorithm Research Based on Chaos Theory, Vol 2, pp.8616- 8620, IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006,7.(EI)

[10] YongHong Chen, JianCong Chen. A New Multiple Audio Watermarking Algorithm Applying DS-CDMA. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE Xplore, 2009, 2205-2210.(EI)

[11] YongHong Chen, JianCong Chen. A New Audio Watermarking for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, IEEE Xplore, 2009.(EI)

[12] Huang Xiyue, Yonghong Chen. Secure Communication by Using Key Function Based on Chaotic System Synchronization, Wavelet Analysis And Active Media Technology, 2005: 1(1): 357-362.

[13] Yonghong Chen, Deng Juan, Traffic Flow Forecasting Algorithm Research Based on Chaos Theory, Wavelet Analysis And Active Media Technology, 2006:1(3):169-173.

[14] Yonghong Chen, Shoji Kasahara, Yutaka Takahashi. A New Secure Communication Scheme Based on Synchronization of Chaotic System Driven by Auxiliary System, International Conference on Information Computing and Automation. 2007,12.

[15] Yang Degang, Chunyan Fu, Chen Yonghong. A framework of cooperating Intrusion Detection based on Clustering analysis and expert system, International conference on Information security, pp.150-154, ACM Press,USA,2004,11.

[16] Yonghong Chen, Xiyue Huang. Digital Image Hiding Technology Based on Chaos Map and Image Blending, Journal of System Simulation, 2004:16(8):1648-1651.

[17] Yonghong Chen, Xiyue Huang. An Image Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Sequence, Computer Science, 2003:30(12):139-143.

[18] Yonghong Chen, Xiyue Huang. The Design of Chaotic System and Application in Image Secure Transformation, Journal of Computer Applications, 2004:24(10):52-55.



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