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考研时间: 2006-09-03 来源:查字典考研网

宿兵,中国科学院知识创新工程比较基因组学学科带头人; 中科院“百人计划”引进人才,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师;中科院昆明动物研究所细胞与分子进化重点实验室主任;美国辛辛那提大学助理教授;复旦大学生命科学院客座教授;从事灵长类比较基因组学及现代人类起源和迁徙的研究。已在《Science》、《Nature Reviews Genetics》、《PNAS》、《American Journal of Human Genetics》、《Human Molecular Genetics》和《Molecular Biology and Evolution》等国际核心刊物上发表论文40余篇。曾获中国科学院自然科学奖一等奖(1996);云南省自然科学一等奖(2002) 和教育部科技进步一等奖(2003)。







2. 人类和非人灵长类大脑快速进化基因的研究。

3. 东亚现代人起源和史前迁徙的研究。






Wang YQ, Su B. 2004 Molecular evolution of microcephalin, a gene determining human brain size. Human Molecular Genetics (in press)

Qian, YP, Jin L, Su B. 2004 Construction and characterization of bacterial artificial chromosome library of black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) Genome 47:239-245.

Xu HL., Qian YP., Nie WH., Chi JX., Yang FT., Su B. 2004 Construction, characterization and chromosomal mapping of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti)。 Chromosome Research 12:251-262.

Lell, JT., Sukernik, RI., Starikovskaya, YB., Su B. et al. 2002 The dual origin and Siberian affinities of Native American Y chromosomes. American Journal of Human Genetics 70:192-206.

Wells RS, Yuldasheva NY, Ruzibakiev RM, Underhill PA, Evseeva I, Blue-Smith J, Jin L, Su, B. et al. 2001 The Eurasian heartland:A continental perspective on Y-chromosome diversity. PNAS 98:10244-10249.

Ke YH, Su B.(co-first author) et al. 2001 No independent origin of modern humans in East Asia: a tale of 12,000 Y chromosomes. Science 292:1151-1153.

Ramana GV, Su B et al. 2001 Y chromosome SNP haplotypes suggest evidence of gene flow among caste, tribe, and the migrant Siddi populations of Andhra Pradesh, South India. Eur. J. Hum Genet. 9:695-700

Su, B et al. 2001 Genetic diversity and population history in Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence variations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18:1070-1076.

Akey, J.M.;Sosnoski, D.;Parra, E.;Dios, S.;Hiester, K.;Su, B. et al. 2001

Melting Curve Analysis of SNPs (McSNP): A Gel-Free and Inexpensive Approach for SNP Genotyping. BioTechniques 30:358-367

Ke, YH., Su, B et al. 2001 Y-chromosome haplotype distribution in Han Chinese populatiions and modern human origin in East Asians. Science in China (Series C) 44:225-232.

Ke, YH., Su, B et al. 2001 Y-chromosome evidence for no independent origin of modern human in China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46:935-937.

Su, B et al. 2000 Y chromosome haplotypes reveal prehistorical migrations to the Himalayas. Human Genetics 107:582-590

Su, B et al. 2000 Distributions of three HIV-1 resistant polymorphisms (SDF1-3''A, CCR2-64I, and CCR5-?32) in Global Populations. European Journal of Human Genetics 8:939-945

Su, B et al. 2000 Polynesian Origins: New Insights from the Y-chromosome PNAS, USA 97:8225-8228

Jin L and Su B. 2000 Natives or Immgrants: Modern human origin in East Asia. Nature Reviews Genetics 1:126-133.

Qian YP, Qian BZ, Su B. 2000 Multiple Origins of Tibetan: Y Chromosome Evidences. Human Genetics 106:453-454

Peterson, B., Su, B et al., 2000 World population data for the HLA-DQA1,PM and D1S80 loci with least and most common profile frequencies for combinations of loci estimated following NRC II guidelines. Journal of Forensic Science. 45 (1):118-146

Su, B et al. 1999 Y Chromosome evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into East Asia during the Last Ice Age. American Journal of Human Genetics 65:1718-1724

Su, B et al. 1999 Distribution of two HIV-1 polymorphisms (SDF1-3‘A and CCR2-64I) in East Asia and world populations and its implication in AIDS epidemiology. American Journal of Human Genetics 65:1047-1053

Su, B et al. 1999 Phylogenetic study of complete cytochrome b genes of musk deer (genus Moschus) using museum samples. Molecular Phylogentics and Evolution 12:241-249

Chakraborty, R., Stivers, DN. and Su, B et al., 1999 The utility of short tandem repeat loci beyond human identification: Implications for development of new DNA typing systems. Electrophresis 20:1682-1696

Su, B et al. 1998 Frequency of an HIV-resistant allele is exceptionally high in New Guinea Highlanders. Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA. 280:1830


电话:0871-5120202 (实验室);0871-5120212(办公室)

Email:sub@mail.kiz.ac.cn 或 bing.su@uc.edu






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