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考研时间: 2013-08-18 来源:查字典考研网


1990.9-1994.7 重庆师范学院生物系获学士学位;

1995.9-2001.7 中国科学院昆明动物研究所获博士学位;


2003.3-2009.3美国Temple大学医学院Fels研究所 (Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology,Temple University School of Medicine)和美国国立卫生研究院糖尿病、消化和肾病研究所(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,National Institutes of Health )从事博士后研究工作


主要以猕猴和小鼠为研究对象,从事哺乳动物卵母细胞发育及成熟调控的研究,以及卵细胞蛋白对着床前胚胎发育的调控研究。卵细胞受精至配子基因组激活(zygotic genome activation)间,早期胚胎内发生两个重要的事件-配子基因组的再程序化(reprogramming)和配子基因组的激活。由于胚胎基因组尚未激活,这两个事件的发生都是通过卵细胞储存的物质(蛋白质或RNA)进行调控。目前我们对再程序化及配子基因组激活机制的了解仍极其有限,深入研究和理解配子基因组再程序化的机制将有助于提高动物克隆(somatic cell nuclear transfer)的效率。本课题组主要以小鼠为模型动物,研究卵细胞因子对早期胚胎发育的调控以及配子基因组再程序化的机制。


1.Zheng P,Dean J.2009.Role of Filia,a Maternal Effect Gene,in Maintaining Euploidy during Cleavage Stage Mouse Embryogenesis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,106(18):7473-7478.

2.Ohsugi M,Zheng P,Baibakov B,Li L,Dean J.2008.Maternally derived FILIA-MATER complex localizes asymmetrically in cleavage-stage mouse embryos.Development,135(2):259-269.

3.Zheng p,Vassena R,Latham KE.2007.Effects of in vitro oocyte maturation and embryo culture on the expression of glucose transporters,glucose metabolism and insulin signaling genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and preimplantation embryos.Mol Hum Reprod,13:361-371.

4.Zheng P#,Dean J.2007.Oocyte-specific genes affect folliculogenesis,fertilization,and early development (Invited review).Semin Reprod Med,25(4):243-251.

5.Zheng P#.2007.Effects of in vitro maturation of monkey oocytes on their developmental capacity (Invited review).Anim Reprod Sci,98:56-71.

6.Zheng P,Vassena R,latham K.2006.Expression and downregulation of WNT signaling pathway genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos.Mol Reprod Dev,73:667-677.

7.Zheng P,Patel B,McMenamin M,Moran E,Paprocki AM,Kihara M,Schramm RD,Latham KE.2005.Effects of follicle size and oocyte maturation conditions on maternal message RNA regulation and gene expression in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos.Biol Reprod,72:890-897.

8.Zheng P,Schramm RD,Latham KE.2005.Developmental regulation and in vitro culture effects on expression of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint control genes in rhesus monkey oocytes and embryos.Biol Reprod,72:1359-1369.

9.Zheng P,Patel B,McMenamin M,Reddy,S,Paprocki AM,Schramm RD,Latham KE.2004.The primate embryo gene expression resource:A novel resource to facilitate rapid analysis of gene expression patterns in non-human primate oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos.Biol Reprod,70:1411-1418.

10.Zheng P,Patel B,McMenamin M,Paprocki AM,Schramm RD,Nagl N,Wilsker D,Wang G,Moran E,Latham KE.2004.Expression of genes encoding chromatin regulatory factors in developing rhesus monkey oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos:Possible roles in genome.Biol Reprod,70:1419-1427.

11.Wei Si,Ping Zheng,Yuhui Li,Andras Dinnyes,Weizhi Ji.2004.Effect of Glycerol and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on cyropreservation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) sperm.Am J Primatol,62:301-306.

12.Ping Zheng,Wei Si,Barry D.Bavister,Jifeng Yang,Chenghui Ding,Weizhi Ji.2003.17b-Estradiol and progesterone improve in-vitro cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated prepubertal and adult rhesus monkeys.Hum Reprod,18(10):2137-2144.

13.Ping Zheng,Barry D.Bavistser and Wei Z.Ji.2002.Amino acid requirements for maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in culture.Reproduction,124:515-525.

14.Ping Zheng,Hong Wang,Barry D.Bavister and Weizhi Ji.2001.Maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in chemically defined culture media and their functional assessmental by IVF and embryo development.Hum Reprod,16(2):300-305.

15.Ping Zheng,Barry D.Bavister,Weizhi Ji.2001.Energy substrate requirement for in vitro maturation of oocytes from unstimulated adult rhesus monkeys.Mol Reprod Dev,58:348-355.

16.Ping Zheng,Wei Si,Hong Wang,Roujin Zou,Barry D.Bavister,Weizhi Ji.2001.Effect of age and breeding season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and FSH-stimulated rhesus monkeys.Biol Reprod,64:1417-1421.

17.Wei Si,Ping Zheng,Xiang Hui Tang,Xie Chao He,Hong Wang,Barry D.Bavister,and Wei Zhi Ji.2000.Cryopreservation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) spermatozoa and their functional assessment by in vitro fertilization.Cryobiology,41(3):232-240.


地址:云南省昆明市教场东路 32 号中国科学院昆明动物研究所




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