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考研时间: 2008-06-07 来源:查字典考研网





科研方面,本专业始终以“依托学校强势学科、利用学校现有优势,服务于学校强势学科,打造同济国际政治学专业特色”为学科建设原则。在欧洲研究、亚太研究、中美关系研究、俄罗斯研究等方面发挥我们的特长,凝练我们的特色。此外,在本专业不断发展过程中,我们还计划不断与学校德国所、亚太所开展交流与合作,开拓了 ,拓展了研究领域。专业设立以来,累计出版学术著作12部,教材5部、论文100多篇。初步形成了一个完整的教学研究体系。作为国内同类专业的新生力量赢得了国际政治专业专家的普遍关注和积极评价。

Department of International Politics

China has been deeply involved in international affairs with its opening to the outside world. Consequently, colleges and universities in China can no longer satisfy its need of personnel with an international perspective majoring in international politics as there are only a limited number of colleges and universities with such kind of undergraduate students in China. This is why Tongji, one of China’s leading universities, with the guideline to establish a research-oriented comprehensive open-ended university, set up the four-year full-time undergraduate major of international politics in 2001 and began to enroll students in 2002. The Department began to enroll full-time postgraduate students majoring in international politics and international relations in 2004, and planned to enroll Ph.D. students of the major in the next two or three years.

The respective enrolled undergraduate and postgraduate students of the major have been over 250 and 65 update. The students in the Department as a whole appreciate their learning and college life in Tongji University. There are now 15 faculty members in the Department, with 10 members having received a Ph.D. degree. There are 4 professors, 3 associate professors, 8 lecturers, and 2 guest professors in the Department faculty, among them there are 4 Ph.D. candidate tutors and another 7 postgraduate candidate tutors.

Regarding the undergraduate teaching, the Department focuses its guideline on the training of inter-disciplinary talents with the combination of theoretical understanding of international politics and capabilities in practice, which is in accordance with the general guideline of Tongji University. The research fields in which the Department enjoys advantages include Europe studies and Asian-Pacific studies. The requirements that students should meet in their college life include their expertise in mastering the basic knowledge in this major and attending courses beyond the major. It is noteworthy that special emphasis is put on the improvement of students’ foreign language skills. Besides, students have opportunities to practice as interns in governmental agencies, business enterprises, as well as social organizations.

The Department faculty members have their academic expertise in Europe studies, Asia-Pacific studies, China-U.S. relations studies and Russia studies. The Department has established a cooperative relationship with Tongji University’s other two international studies institutes, Center for Asia-Pacific Studies and Institute for Germany Studies.



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