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考研时间: 2013-11-30 来源:查字典考研网

秦海英,博士,副研究员。2000 年考入西安理工大学材料系,2004 年考入浙江大学材料系攻读硕士学位,在赵新兵教授指导下开展锂离子电池合金负极材料研究,2006年考入浙江大学化工系攻读博士学位,在李洲鹏教授指导下开展直接硼氢化钠燃料电池非铂催化剂研究。2009年进入浙江大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站,在陈新志教授指导下开展直接硼氢化钠燃料电池研究,2010年进入瑞典皇家工学院能源技术系,在朱斌博士指导下开展低温固体氧化物燃料电池的博士后研究工作。2011年进入杭州电子科技大学材料与环境工程学院任教,从事能源材料的微观结构、电化学性能和作用机理方面的研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1 项,浙江省钱江人才计划项目1 项。主持完成博士后基金二等资助项目1项和特别资助项目1项。已发表SCI学术论文33篇,SCI他引总数为173次。其中以第一作者身份发表的SCI论文的平均影响因子为4.9,其中一篇论文发表在能源环境领域权威期刊《Energy & Environmental Science》(影响因子11.56)。获浙江省科学技术一等奖1项,浙江省“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖1项。


1.H.Y. Qin*, J. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. He, Z.P. Li, S. Yan, A.G. Li and X.H. Yu, In situ study of the catalytic mechanism for the oxygen reduction reaction on a polypyrrole modified carbon supported cobalt hydroxide cathode in direct borohydride fuel cells, Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys, 15, pp 9070-9074, 2013.

2.H.Y. Qin, B. Zhu*, R. Raza, M. Singh, L.D. Fan, P. Lund, Integration design of membrane electrode assemblies in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37(24), pp19365-19370, 2012.

3.H.Y. Qin, K.N. Zhu, L.Q. Ye, Z.P. Li*, Oxygen reduction reaction on a polypyrrole-modified, carbon-supported cobalt hydroxide catalyst, J. Power Sources, 208(15), pp203-209, 2012.

4.H.Y. Qin, Z.G. Zhu, Q.H. Liu, Y.F. Jing, R. Raza, S. Imran, M. Singh, G. Abbas, B. Zhu,* Direct biofuel low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Energy Environ. Sci, 4, pp1273-1276, 2011.

5.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, S.J. Lao, J.K. Zhu, Z.P. Li*, Effect of heat treatment on the structure, morphology and electrocatalytic activity of cobalt hydroxide electrocatalyst, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35(5), pp1872-1878, 2010.

6.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, S.J. Lao, J.K. Zhu, Z.P. Li*, Influences of carbon support on the electrocatalysis of polypyrrole-modified cobalt hydroxide in the direct borohydride fuel cell, J. Power Sources, 195, pp3124-3129, 2010.

7.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, W.X. Yin, Z.P. Li*, The effect of membrane on the cell performance when using alkaline borohydride-hydrazine solutions as the fuel, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35(7), pp2868-2871, 2010.

8.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, L.Q. Ye, J.K. Zhu, Z.P Li, The use of polypyrrole modified carbon-supported cobalt hydroxide as cathode and anode catalysts for the direct borohydride fuel cell, J. Power Sources, 192(2), pp385-390, 2009.

9.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, W.X. Yin, J.K. Zhu, Z.P. Li, A cobalt polypyrrole composite catalyzed cathode for the direct borohydride fuel cell, J. Power Sources, 185, pp 909-912, 2008.

10.H.Y. Qin, Z.X. Liu, W.X. Yin, J.K. Zhu, Z.P. Li, Effects of hydrazine addition on gas evolution and performance of the direct borohydride fuel cell, J. Power Sources, 185, pp895-898, 2008.

11.H.Y. Qin, X.B. Zhao, N.P. Jiang, Z.P. Li, Solvothermal synthesis and ex situ XRD study of nano-Ni3Sn2 used as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries, J. Power Sources, 171, pp948–952, 2007.




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