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考研时间: 2014-05-14 来源:查字典考研网


姓 名:胡洪营
职 称:正高级

教育背景1980. 9-1984.7 北京轻工业学院化学工程系本科

1988.10-1994.5 日本横滨国立大学工学部硕士、博士、博士后

1999. 1-1999.8 美国加州大学Berkeley分校访问学者











《Water Research》副编辑(2005.10-)

《Water Research》亚太地区编委(2001.10-2005.10)




































1) 再生水中隐孢子虫的风险分析及其去除方法研究(No.2003CB415007), 2005-2007,国家自然科学基金项目



4)Case study on wastewater re-use and development of simple analysis methods for water quality control, 2004年,丰田汽车公司项目



7)高效优良菌种选育及生物处理系统中微生物种群的优化调控(No.2002AA601150)-废水生物处理系统微生物种群监测和微生物助剂研制,2003-2005, 863项目

8)淄博市中心城区水环境质量改善技术与综合示范, 2003-2005, 863国家重大科技专项



11)区域水环境污染控制与修复原理(No.G1999045711), 1999-2004,973项目

奖励与荣誉2006年 清华大学教学优秀成果奖一等奖

2005年 建设部华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖

2004年 清华大学教学优秀成果奖一等奖

2004年 获北京市教育创新标兵称号

2004年 2003年全国十大建设科技成就

2003年 中国环境科学学会“优秀环境科技工作者奖”

2003年 清华大学“良师益友”奖

2002年 清华大学先进工作者

2002年 清华大学“清华之友-优秀教师群体奖”

2001年 2000年度日本水环境学会优秀论文奖

1991年 1990年度日本水环境学会优秀论文奖

1999年 北京市科学技术进步三等奖

1989年 轻工业部科学进步二等奖

1987年 轻工业部科学进步三等奖


1) 中外流域综合治理开发案例分析、主编:郭培章、宋群、中国计划出版社、2001年8月、ISBN 7-80058-970-6/F.509。

承担部分∶第11章 琵琶湖的开发与治理(1.3万字)、执笔人∶张祖英、胡洪营、胡林林、刘锐。

2) 中外水体富营养化治理案例研究、主编:郭培章、宋群、中国计划出版社、2002年12月、ISBN 7-80177-187-7/F.077。

承担部分:第三章 美国湖泊富营养化的治理(胡洪营、钟云霄)、第六章 加拿大水体富营养化的治理(胡洪营、刘超翔)。






1) *李国文,马广大,胡洪营,郝吉明(2000)生物过滤塔降解挥发性有机物动力学模型,环境科学研究, 13(6), 12-15.

2) 藤江幸一、後藤尚弘、胡洪??2000)地域における物?循?とゼロエミッション、?境科学?、13(1), 124-126.

3) 後藤尚弘、笠?}忠夫、藤江幸一、成??一郎、船津公人、胡洪?印⒁疤锪嶂?2000)??虻赜颏摔?堡毳讥恁ē撺氓伐绁螗庭氓去铹`ク策定?画、?境科学?、13(2), 294-296.

4) 後藤尚弘、胡洪?印⑻俳?乙?2000)??I排水の削?p??策と最??I理, 用水と??? 42(10), 870-875.

Naohiro Goto, Hong-Ying Hu and Koichi Fujie (2000) Emission minimization and optimal treatment of industrial wastewater, Journal of Water and Waste (Japan), 42(10), 870-875.(In Japanese)

5) *Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koich Fujie (2000) PVA-coated activated carbon for aerobic biological treatment of concentrated refractory organic wastewater, Water Science and Technology, 42(3/4), 205-210.

6) *Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2000) Statistical analyses of operating conditions and power consumption characteristics in small-scale conventional activated sludge plants for sewage treatment, Environmental Technology, 21(10), 1167-1172.

7) Rula A. Deeb, Shirley Nishino, Jim Spain, Hong-Ying Hu, Kate Scow and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen (2000) MTBE and benzene biodegradation by a bacterial isolate via two independent monooxygenase-initiated pathways, Prepr. Extend. Abstr., Am. Chem. Soc., 2000, 40(1), 280-282. (The MTBE Symposium, Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS National Meeting, March 26 - 30, 2000, San Francisco, CA. (SCI:IDS Number317UV)


1) Rula A. Deeb, Jessica R. Hanson, Hong-Ying Hu, Josh Sharp, Kate M. Scow and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen (2000) Substrate interactions during the biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX mixtures, In: Proceedings of Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, The Second International Conference (May 22 - 25, Monterey, CA, USA), Platform Presentation # 433.

2) Koichi Fujie and Hong-Ying Hu (2000) Emission minimization and chemicals management in industries and in regional area, In: Proceeding of the third China-Japan symposium on water environment (Beijing, China, May 8), pp.51-65.

3) *Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto, and Koichi Fujie (2000) Effect of operating conditions on power consumption characteristics of small-scale conventional activated sludge plants for sewage treatment, In: Proceeding of the third China-Japan symposium on water environment (Beijing, China, May 8), pp.114-123.

4) Reiji Noda, Hironori Fujii, Hong-Ying Hu, Koichi Fujie and Tadao Kasakura (2000) Influence of operation condition on phenol oxidation by metallic Iron - H2O2 treatment, In: The texts of posters on the first congress of IWA (Paris, July)-, #L544.

5) *Byung-Ran Lim, Xia Hung, Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koich Fujie (2000) Effects of temperature on biodegradation characteristics of organic pollutants and microbial community in a solid phase aerobic bioreactor treating high strength organic wastewater, In: The Preprint Book 3 of the first congress of IWA (Paris, July), 92-99. ? Water Science and Technology

6) Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto, V. K. Bhupathiraju and Koichi Fujie (2000) Characterization of microbial community in an activated sludge process treating domestic wastewater using quinone profiles, In: The Preprint Book 3 of the first congress of IWA (Paris, July), 60-67. ? Water Science and Technology

7) *Tadao Kunihiro, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2000) Comparative Study on the Community Structures of Suspended and Sessile Microorganisms in Rivers based on Quinone Profile, In: The Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (CD) (July, 2000,Kyoto, Japan), No.O13-8.

8) *Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Akira Hiraishi, Koichi Fujie and Jiro Suzuki (2000) Analysis of microbial community structure in the soils contaminated by dioxins using quinone profiles, In: The Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (CD) (July, 2000,Kyoto, Japan), No.O17-4.

9) *Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto, Koichi Fujie, Tadao Kasakura and Toshiaki Tsubone (2000) Reductive Treatment Characteristics of Nitrate by Metallic Iron in Aquatic Solution, In: Proceedings of the First Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (Beijing, China, September 22-24), pp.158-163.

10) Naohiro Goto, Hong-Ying Hu and Koichi Fujie (2000) Study on a method to estimate waste reduction analyzing regional material flow for zero emission, In: Proceedings of the First Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (Beijing, China, September 22-24), pp.257-262.

11) Hong-Ying Hu, Koichi Fujie and Naohiro Goto (2000) Electrochemical reductive removal of nitrate from water and wastewater, In: Proceedings of 9th Japan- Korea Symposium on Water Environment (Oct.16 - Oct.17, 2000, Toyohashi, Japan), pp.1-10.

12) Koichi Fujie, Hong-Ying Hu and Naohiro Goto (2000) Materials flow analysis and industrial recycling network in regional scale for emission minimization, Paper presented at CREST Workshop on Integrated Water Quality Management-The 4th Japan-Netherlands Workshop (Oct.9 - Oct.11, 2000 KIRORO Resort, Hokkaido, Japan)



1) Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto, V. K. Bhupathiraju and Koichi Fujie (2001) Characterization of microbial community in an activated sludge process treating domestic wastewater using quinone profiles, Water Science and Technology, 43(1), 99-106.

2) Byung-Ran Lim, Xia Huang, Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koich Fujie (2001) Effects of temperature on biodegradation characteristics of organic pollutants and microbial community in a solid phase aerobic bioreactor treating high strength organic wastewater, Water Science and Technology, 43(1), 131-138.

3) 李国文,胡洪营,郝吉明,马广大(2001)生物滴滤塔中挥发性有机物降解模型,中国环境科学,21(1):81—84.

Gui-Wen Li, Hong-Ying Hu, Ji-Ming Hao and Guang-Da Ma (2001) Biodegradation model of VOCs in bio-tricking reactor and its application, China Environmental Science, 21(1), 81-84.

4) 李国文,胡洪营,郝吉明,马广大(2001)生物过滤塔甲苯降解性能研究,环境科学,22(2),31-35.

Gui-Wen Li, Hong-Ying Hu, Ji-Ming Hao and Guang-Da Ma (2001) Biological removal of VOCs emissions, Environmental Science (China), 22(2),31-35.

5) 李国文, 胡洪营, 郝吉明,马广大,生物过滤塔、生物滴滤塔降解苯、甲苯性能比较,环境科学学报,2001,21(增刊):116—120.

6) *Rula A. Deeb, Hong-Ying Hu, Jessica R. Hanson, Kate M. Scow and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen (2001) Substrate interaction in BTEX and MTBE mixtures by an MTBE-degrading Isolate, Envrion. Sci. and Technol., 35(2), 312-317.

7) Kang K.-Y., Quintain A.T., Daimon H., Noda R. Goto N. Hu H.-Y. and Fujie K.(2001) Optimization of amino acids production from waste fish entrails by

hydrolysis in sub- and supercritical water, The Canadian Journal of Chemical

Engineering, 79(1), 65-70.

8) 李国文,胡洪营,郝吉明 (2001)生物降解废气中苯、甲苯性能研究,In.钱易、郝吉明、陈吉宁、唐新华编:环境科学与工程研究、北京清华大学出版社(ISBN:7-302-00884-1/X32)(2001年4月)、pp.116-121.

9) 胡洪营,董春宏,钱易 (2001) 生物毒性检测技术及其在水环境保护中的应用, In.钱易、郝吉明、陈吉宁、唐新华编:环境科学与工程研究、北京清华大学出版社(ISBN:7-302-00884-1/X32)(2001年4月)、pp.133-142. (973-project)

10) *後藤尚弘、内藤ゆかり、胡洪?印⑻俳?乙?2001)地域ゼロエミッションを目指した?壑?h物?フロ?の解析, ?境科学会?, 14(2), 211–119.

Naohiro Goto, Yukari Naito, Hong-Ying Hu and Koichi Fujie (2001) Analysis and assessment of material flow in Aichi prefecture for zero emission (In Japanese), Environmental Science (Japan), 14(2), 211–119.

11) *Naohiro Goto, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim Koichi Fujie (2001) Analysis of material and energy flow in sewage treatment facilities in Japan, Environmental Technology, 22, 487-496.

12) *Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Effect of pH on the reduction of nitrite in water by metallic iron, Water Research, 35(11), 2789-2793.

13) *Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto, Koichi Fujie, Tadao Kasakura and Toshiaki Tsubone (2001) Reductive treatment characteristics of nitrate by metallic iron in aquatic solution, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 34(9), 1097-1102.

14) Hiraishi A, Miyakoda H, Lim BR, Hu HY, Fujie K, Suzuki J (2001.10) Toward the bioremediation of dioxin-polluted soil: structural and functional analyses of in situ microbial populations by quinone profiling and culture-dependent methods. Appl. Microbiol.and Biot., 57 (1-2), 248-256.

15) *Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001.10) Analytical precision and repeatability of respiratory quinones for quantitative study of microbial community structure in environmental samples, Journal of Microbial Methods, 47(1), 17-24. (973-project)


1) Rula A. Deeb, Hong-Ying Hu, Jonathan Sharp, Michael Kavanaugh and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen (2001) Subsurface Fate and Transport of Ethanol and its Potential Impact on BTEX Bioattenuation, In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on in situ and on-site Bioremediation (June 4-7, 2001, San Diego, California)(Platform Section A5).

2) Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim Tadao Kunihiro, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie(2001) Evaluation of the reliability of quinone analytical method for quantitative study on microbial community structure, In Proceedings of the 3rd IWA Specialized Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Process (CD) (June 13-15, Rome, Italy), No. P199 (973-project)

3) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie(2001) Analysis of correlation between organic matter degradation activity and quinone content of Rhodococcus Rhodochrous, In Proceedings of the 3rd IWA Specialized Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Process (CD) (June 13-15, Rome, Italy), No. P95.

4) Tadao Kunihiro, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Effect of village effluent discharge on the microbial community structure in a stream, In Proceedings of the 3rd IWA Specialized Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Process (CD) (June 13-15, Rome, Italy), No. P71.

5) Naohiro Goto, Hong Ying Hu and Koichi Fujie (2001) Methodology to evaluate industrial waste water for minimization pollutant discharge, In: Proceeding of 2001 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments (June 20,2001, Cheju Seogwipo, Korea)

6) Guo-Wen Li, Hong-Ying Hu, Ji-Ming Hao and He-Qing Zhang (2001) Biological treatment characteristics of benzene and toluene in a biofilter packed with cylindrical activated carbon, In. Proceedings of First IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference I, pp.141-146. (Asian Waterqual 2001) (Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 12-15, 2001).

7) Udin Hasanudin, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Yuko Mano, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Effect of pentachlorophenol on the microbial community structure in activated. In. Proceedings of First IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference II, pp.339-344. (Asian Waterqual 2001) (Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 12-15, 2001).

8) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Xia Huang, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Effect of sea water on the microbial community structure in a biofilter treating coke-oven wastewater, In. Proceedings of First IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference II. pp.881-886. (Asian Waterqual 2001) (Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 12-15, 2001)

9) Tadao Kunihiro, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie, Microbial comminity structures of suspended and sessile microorganisms in rivers, In. Proceedings of First IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference II. pp.917-922. (Asian Waterqual 2001) (Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 12-15, 2001).

10) Tadao KUNIHIRO, Hong-Ying HU, Byung-Ran LIM, N. GOTO and Koichi FUJIE (2001) Evaluation of the impact of village effluent on the microbial population in a stream,In. Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies, pp. Oral-23 (October 9-12, 2001, Beijing, China).

11) Naofumi Okuda, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Zhang-Mao Jin and Kouihi Fujie(2001) Electrolytic transformation of nitrate to nitrogen gas in aquatic solution, Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies,pp.P-A-6 (October 9-12, 2001, Beijing, China).

12) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Oxidative treatment characteristics of refractory organic pollutants in textile-dyeing wastewater by ozonation with and without hydrogen peroxide, Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies,pp.P-A-7 (October 9-12, 2001, Beijing, China).

13) Dongbin Wei, Chunde Wu, Hong-Ying Hu and Wang Liansheng (2001) Sorption of halogenated aromatics on yellow- brown soil and robustness test of prediction model, Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies, pp. Poster-37. (October 9-12, 2001, Beijing, China).

14) Koichi Fujie, Naohiro Goto and Hong-Ying Hu (2001) Chemical management and pollution-load control in industrial and regional scales, In: Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment, pp.10-20. (Nov.8, 2001, Beijing, China)

15) Dobgbin Wei, Aiqian Zhang, Shoukui Han, Liansheng Wang and Hong-Ying Hu (2001) A Joint QSAR analysis on the relationships between molecular structure of benzanilides and their acute toxicity to Daphnia magna, In: Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment, pp.52-59. (Nov.8, 2001, Beijing, China)

16) Dobgbin Wei, Hong-Ying Hu, Kosei Hiramoto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Determination and QSPR study on the electrochemical reduction characteristics of chlorinated aromatic compounds, In: Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment, pp.69-73. (Nov.8, 2001, Beijing, China) (In Chinese) (973-project)


17) Chun-Hong Dong, Hong-Ying Hu, Xia Huang and Yi Qian (2001) Toxicity of copper (II) to nitrifying bacteria in sediment and activated sludge, In: Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment, pp.74-78. (Nov.8, 2001, Beijing, China) (In Chinese) (973-project)


18) Zhonghua Tong, Hong-Ying Hu, and Dobgbin Wei (2001) Genotoxicity assay using dark mutant strains of luminescent bacteria, In: Proceedings of the Fourth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment, pp.79-84. (Nov.8, 2001, Beijing, China) (In Chinese)


19) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2001) Evaluation of oxidative treatment characteristics of chemical agents used in a textile-dyeing process, In: Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, pp.147-152. (Shiga,Japan; November 16-18, 2001).



1) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Xia Huang, and Koichi Fujie (2002) Effect of seawater on the treatment performance and microbial population in a biofilter treating coke-oven wastewater, Process Biochemistry, 37(9), 943-948.

2) Wei Dongbin, Tan Yongrui, Liu Xinhui, Wang Liansheng, Hu Hong-Ying (2002) Partition properties of 18 polychlorinated organic compounds (POOCs): Correlation with molecular structural descriptors, JRNL of Liq. Chrom. And Related Tech., 25(4), 25(4): 627-637.

3) Dongbin Wei, Hong-Ying Hu, Kosei Hiramoto,Koichi Fujie (APR 5, 2002) Quantitative prediction of electrochemical reduction characteristics for chlorinated aromatics based on their molecular structures, Chemistry Letters, 2002(4): 456-457.(973-project)

4) Guo-Wen Li,Hong-Ying Hu,Ji-Ming Hao and Koichi Fujie (2002) Use of biological activated carbon to treat toluene and benzene in biofilter, Environmental Technology, 23, 467-477.

5) Tadao Kunihiro, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2002) Analysis of the Differences in Microbial Community Structures between Suspended and Sessile Microorganisms in Rivers Based on Quinone Profile, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 48(1), 35-41.

6) Akira Katayama, Hong-Ying HU, Mamie Nozawa, SayuliTakahashi, Koichi Fujie (2002) Changes in the microbial community structure in soils treated with a mixture of glucose and peptone with reference to the respiratory quinone profile, SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION , 48 (6): 841-846.

7) Guo-Wen Li, Hong-Ying Hu, Ji-Ming Hao and He-Qing Zhang (2002.11) Biological treatment characteristics of benzene and toluene in a biofilter packed with cylindrical activated carbon, Water Science and Technology, 46(11/12), 51-56.

8) 刘超翔,胡洪营,张健,盛建武,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2002)人工复合生态床处理低浓度农村污水. 中国给水排水, 18(7),1-4.

9) 胡洪营,童中华 (2002)微生物醌指纹在环境微生物群体组成研究中的应用,微生物学通报,29(4),95-98.

10) 李国文,胡洪营,郝吉明,生物洗涤塔降解氯苯废气性能研究,化学工程(待刊)(EI).

11) 张键,黄霞,施汉昌,胡洪营(2002)地下渗滤系统在污水处理中的应用研究进展,环境污染治理技术与设备,3(4),47-51。

12) 李国文,胡洪营,郝吉明,张鹤清(2002.9)生物炭降解苯和甲苯混合气体性能研究,环境科学,23(5),13-18。

13) 段志永,刘超翔,施汉昌,黄霞,胡洪营(2002)复合植物床式人工湿地研究,环境污染治理技术与设备,3(8),4-7。

14) 刘超翔,胡洪营,张健,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2002)表面流与潜流式生态床处理农村污水. 中国给水排水, 18(11),5-8.

15) 胡洪营,魏东斌,董春宏(2002.11)污/废水的水质安全性评价与管理,环境保护,No.301,37-38.

16) 董春宏、胡洪营、黄霞、钱易(2002)底泥硝化菌群用于生物毒性测试的初步研究,环境科学研究, 15(6), 45-48.

17) 段志永,施汉昌,黄霞,胡洪营(2002)人工湿地控制滇池面源水污染实用性研究,环境工程,20(6),64-65。

18) 魏东斌,翟丽华,董春宏,胡洪营(2002.12) 取代苯化合物对发光菌急性毒性的测定及预测,环境科学,23(增刊),1-5。

19) 魏东斌,张爱茜,王连生,胡洪营(2002.12)取代萘系列化合物对发光菌毒性的建模及稳健性检验,环境科学,23(增刊),16-20。


1) Hong-Ying Hu, Tadao Kunihiro, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie (2002) Evaluation of the Impact of Domestic Wastewater on the Microbial Community Structure in a Stream, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, pp.45-51. (Jan. 15-16, 2002, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)

2) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu, Tadao Kunihiro, Naohiro Goto, Koichi Fujie and Kei BABA, Nohiro GOTO and Koichi FUJIE (2002) Microbial Community Structure in a Biological Nitrification/Denitrification Process of Domestic Wastewater, In: Proceedings of The 3rd World Congress of IWA. (April,2002)

3) Jian Zhan, Xia Huang, Chaoxiang Liu, Hong-Ying Hu and Hanchang Shi (Dec.,2002 Nitrogen removal enhanced by intermittent operation in subsurface wastewater infiltration system, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (Shanghai, China, Nov.2002).

4) Koichi Fujie and Hong-Ying Hu (2002) *****, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint China/Japan Chemical Engineering Symposium (Shanghai, China, Nov.2002).

5) 胡洪营,魏东斌,董春宏(2002.10)污水/废水的水质安全性评价与管理,中日循环经济理论与实践学术研讨会论文集,国家环保总局主办(北京,2002.10)



1) Byung-Ran Lim, Hong-Ying Hu and Koichi Fujie (2003) Biological degradation and chemical oxidation characteristics of coke-oven wastewater, Water, Soil and Air pollution, 146(1-4), 23-33. (通讯作者)

2) Tadao Kunihiro, Hong-Ying Hu, Byung-Ran Lim, Naohiro Goto and Koichi Fujie, (2003) Application of quinone profiling method to primary evaluation of the impact of domestic effluent on the microbial population in a stream, Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 49 (2), 135-139.(973-project)

3) Koichi Fujie, tadao Kunihiro and Hong-Ying Hu (2003) control of pollution load from industrial wastewaters and their appropriate treatments, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36(10), 1137-1142.

4) 席劲瑛,胡洪营,钱易(2003)Biolog方法在环境微生物群落研究中的应用,微生物学报,43(1),138-141。

5) 刘超翔,董春宏,李锋民,胡洪营,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2003)潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统硝化能力研究, 环境科学,24(1),80-83。

6) 刘超翔,胡洪营,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2003)滇池流域农村污水生态处理系统设计, 中国给水排水,19(2),93-94。

7) 魏东斌、胡洪营、平本兴正、滕江幸一(2003)氯代芳香族化合物电化学还原特性的测定与研究,环境科学,24(2),19-22。 (973-project)

8) 李锋民,熊治延,胡洪营(2003)海州香薷对铜的蓄积及铜的毒性效应,环境科学,24(3),30-34。

9) 王小毛,黄霞,胡洪营(2003)O3/UV降解喹啉过程中不同氧化剂的相对重要性,环境科学,24(3),35-39。

10) 种云霄,胡洪营,钱易(2003)pH值及无机氮化合物对小浮萍生长的影响,环境科学,24(4),35-40。(973-project)

11) 刘超翔,胡洪营,张健,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2003),不同深度人工复合生态床处理农村生活污水的比较,环境科学,24(5),92-96。

12) 李锋民,胡洪营(2003)生物化感作用在水处理中的应用,中国给水排水,19(7),38-40。(973-project)

13) 张鹤清,胡洪营,席劲瑛(2003)6种挥发性有机物在甲苯驯化微生物种的好氧生物降解性能,环境科学,24(6),83-89。

14) 李锋民,熊治廷,胡洪营(2003)螯合剂对铜毒性的影响,环境科学,24(6),96-10。

15) 种云霄,胡洪营,钱易(2003)大型水生植物在水污染治理中的应用研究进展,环境污染治理技术与设备,3(8),4-7。

16) 梁威,胡洪营(2003)人工湿地净化污水过程中的生物作用,中国给水排水,19(10),28-31。

17) 钱易,黄霞,胡洪营(2003)中国の水?境の?状と都市下水?I理技?の??、用水と????5(10),952-958。

18) 种云霄,胡洪营,钱易(2003)pH及无机氮化合物对细脉浮萍生长的影响,生态学报,23(11),2293-2298。

19) 刘超翔,胡洪营,孟远航,黄霞,施汉昌,钱易(2003)人工复合生态床的除污性能及流态, 中国给水排水,19(13),13-16。


1) Xi Jin Ying, Hu Hong-Ying and Qian Yi(2003)Biological removal of gaseous toluene by a biofilter packed with buckwheat hull, In: Proceedings of The 2nd IWA International Conference on Odor & VOCs - Measurement, Regulation and Control Techniques. (September, 2003)

2) Chong yunxiao, Hong-Ying Hu, Qian yi, (2003) Effect of Nitrate on the Tolerance of Dckweed to Amonia, In: Proceedings of IWA 6th Specialty Symposium on Strong Nitrogenous and Aro-Wastewater Smposium.(June,2003)

3) Byung-Ran Lim, Kyu-Hong Ahn, Hong-Ying Hu, Koichi Fujie(2003)Oxidative Treatment Characteristics of Biotreated Textile-dyeing Wastewater and Chemical Agents used in a Textile-dyeing process by Advanced Oxidation Process, In: Proceedings of IWA 6th Specialty Symposium on Strong Nitrogenous and Aro-Wastewater(June,2003)

4) Liu Chao-xiang, Hu Hong-Ying, Huang Xia, Shi Hang-chang, Qian Yi and Koichi Fujie(2003) Pilot constructed wetland systems for treating rural domestic

wastewater in Lake Dianchi Valley under subtropical conditions, In: Proceedings of The Asian Water Qual 2003 of IWA conference. (October ,2003)



1) 魏东斌,胡洪营(2004)污水再生回用的水质安全指标体系,中国给水排水,20(1),36-39。

2) 梁威,胡洪营(2004)印染废水生物强化处理技术研究进展,环境污染治理技术与设备,5(1),8-11。

3) 董春宏,胡洪营,魏东斌,黄霞,钱易(2004)苯取代物对底泥氨氧化活性的抑制作用研究,环境科学,25(2),94-97。

4) 董春宏,胡洪营,魏东斌,黄霞,钱易(2004)苯及其一取代化合物对底泥氨氧化活性联合抑制作用,环境科学,25(3),106-109。

5) 李锋民,胡洪营(2004)植物化感作用控制天然水体中有害藻类的机理与应用,给水排水,30(2),1-4。

6) D.B. WEI, L.H. ZHAI and H.-Y. HU (2004) QSAR-based toxicity classification and prediction for single and mixed aromatic compounds, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 15(3), 207-216. (通讯作者)

7) Lim BR, Hu HY, Ahn KH, et al.(2004) Oxidative treatment characteristics of biotreated textile-dyeing wastewater and chemical agents used in a textile-dyeing process by advanced oxidation process, Water Science and Technology, 49 (5-6), 137-143

8) 李锋民,胡洪营(2004)芦苇抑藻化感物质的分离及其抑制蛋白核小球藻效果的研究,环境科学,25(5),89-92。

9) 梁威,胡洪营,宋玉栋,王慧,郭玉凤,车玉伶(2004.6)维生素B1对毛纺废水活性污泥处理效果的影响,环境科学,25(增刊),35-38。

10) 王丽莎,魏东斌,胡洪营(2004)发光细菌毒性测试条件的优化与毒性参照物的应用,环境科学研究,17(4),61-62,66。

11) 张健,邵长飞,刘志强,黄霞,施汉昌,胡洪营(2004)地下渗滤系统的中间分流强化脱氮研究,中国给水排水,20(4),1-4。

12) 魏杰,王丽莎,宁大亮,魏东斌,胡洪营(2004)脱氯对降低消毒污水致生物毒性的作用,中国给水排水,20(4),16-19。

13) 魏杰,胡洪营,宁大亮,王丽莎,魏东斌,(2004)污水氯化/脱氯消毒副产物的生物毒性,中国给水排水,20(4),5-8。

14) 张健,黄霞,施汉昌,胡洪营,钱易(2004)掺加草炭的地下渗滤系统处理生活污水,中国给水排水,20(4),41-43。

15) Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, Chenyan Zuo, Hong-Ying HU (2004) Kinetics of quinoline degradation by O3/UV in aqueous phase, Chemosphere, 55, 733-741.

16) Tadao Kunihiro, Kohei Ichikawa, Hong-Ying HU, Koichi Fujie (2004) Development of ecotoxicity assay based on inhibition of respiring activity in microbial community using XTT reduction, J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 50, 91-96.

17) 种云霄,胡洪营,钱易(2004)细脉浮萍和紫被浮萍在污水条件下的生长特性,环境科学,25(6),59-64。


1) Dongbin WEI, Lihua ZHAI and Hong-Ying HU(2004)Toxicity classification and prediction for single and mixed aromatic compounds by using QSAR method,In:Proceedings of IWA 4th World Water Congress and Exhibition (September, Marrakech, Morocco) (Oral presentation).

2) Udin Hasanudi, Tadao Kunihiro, Masafumi Fujita, Hong-Ying Hu, Koichi Fujie and Teruaki Suzuki (2004) The contribution of clams on tidal flat purification capacity, In:Proceedings of the Fifth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment (May 9th-12th, 2004 Kunming, China), pp.1-9.

3) Chao-xiang Liu, Hong-Ying Hu, Xia Huang, Hang-chang Shi, Yi Qian and Koichi Fujie(2004)Performance of a combined constructed wetland systems for treating village sewage in lake dianchi valley,In:Proceedings of the Fifth China-Japan Symposium on Water Environment (May 9th-12th, 2004 Kunming, China), pp.72-78.

4) Li-Sha Wang, Jie Wei, Da-Liang Ning, Dong-Bin Wei, Hong-Ying Hu (2004)Effect of Chlorination/Dechlorination on the Toxicity of Domestic Wastewater Treated by Biological Processes,In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control (August 14-15, 2004, Beijing, China)

5) Hong-Ying HU, Tadao KUNIHIRO, Yufeng GUO and Koichi FUJIE(2004)Application of Quinone Profiling Method on Characterization of Microbial Community Structure of Suspended Microorganisms in Ponds with Different Pollution Level,首届中德环境微生物学研讨会论文集,(October, 2004, Beijing)

6) Lisha Wang, Jie Wei, Daliang Ning, Dongbin Wei, Hong-Ying Hu(2004)Effect of water quality on the toxicity of wastewater after chlorination/dechlorination on photobacterium,In: Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Symposium on Environmental Chemistry (October, 2004, Beijing), p.334-336.

7) ?}?蚝旰汀??胫疑?⒑??印⑻俳?乙唬?004.3)?I理?程における容??荷および温度が及ぼす?I理性能への影?の解析,第38回水?境学会年会?演要旨集。

8) Liu Chao-xiang, Hu Hong-Ying, Huang Xia, Qian Yi and Katsuyuki Nakano (2004) A Field study on treatment performance of a combined free water, subsurface flow constructed wetlands and pond systems for village sewage, In: Proceedings of the 9th International conference on wetland systems, France, Sep. 26th –Oct. 1st, 2004.



1) Feng-min Li, Hong-Ying Hu. (2005) Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Antialgal Allelochemical from Phragmites communis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(11): 6545-6553.

2) Feng-min Li, Hong-Ying-Hu. (2005) Allelopathic effects of different macrophytes on the growth of Micrcystis aeruginosa. Allelopathy Journal, 15(1): 145-152.

3) Jin-Ying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu, Hong-Bo Zhu, Yi Qian. (2005) Effects of adding inert spheres into the filter bed on the performance of biofilters for gaseous toluene removal. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 23(2): 123-130.

4) Yun-Xiao Chong, Hong-Ying Hu, Yi Qian (2005) Improvement on tolerance of Spirodela polyrrhiza to ammonia at presence of nitrate, Journal of South China Agricultural University, 26(3), 14-17.

5) Yun-Xiao Chong, Hong-Ying Hu, Yi Qian (2005) Effect of ammonia on the ultrastructure of duckweed species, Journal of South China Agricultural University, 26(4), 77-80.

6) 车玉伶,王慧,胡洪营,梁威,郭玉凤(2005)微生物群落结构和多样性解析技术研究进展,生态环境,21(1),127-133。

7) 李梅,胡洪营(2005)噬菌体作为水中病毒指示物的研究进展,生态环境,21(2),23-26。

8) 席劲瑛,胡洪营,姜健,钱易(2005)生物过滤塔中微生物群落代谢特性,环境科学,26(4):165-170。

9) 宋蕾,王慧,施汉昌,胡洪营(2005)1,2,4-三氯苯降解菌的分离及其降解质粒的研究,中国环境科学,25(4),385-388。

10) 王丽莎,张彤,胡洪营 (2005) 污水氯、二氧化氯消毒处理中水质和毒性变化的比较,环境科学,26(6),75-78。

11) 席劲瑛,胡洪营,朱洪博,钱易(2005) 两株甲苯高效降解菌降解性能的比较,中国环境科学,25(Suppl.):102-105。

12) 李梅,胡洪营(2005)F-RNA噬菌体及其作为水中肠道病毒指示物的研究进展,生态环境,14(4),585-589。

13) 梁 威,胡洪营,王慧,郭玉凤,宋玉栋,车玉伶(2005) 微量营养物质对毛纺废水生物处理效果的影响,给水排水,31(11),53-56。

14) 王灿,胡洪营,席劲瑛(2005)城市污水处理厂恶臭污染及其评价体系,给水排水,31(9),15-19。

15) 宗祖胜,胡洪营,卢益新,张金松(2005)某市贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫污染现状,中国给水排水,21(5),44-46。

16) 宗祖胜,胡洪营,卢益新(2005)隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫的成套分析方法介绍,中国给水排水,21(6),8-11。

17) 宋玉栋,胡洪营(2005)自热式高温好氧消化技术用于污泥处理,中国给水排水,21 (6),20-23。

18) 郭美婷,胡洪营,王超(2005)城市污水中的PPCPs及其去除特性,中国给水排水,21(10),25-27。

19) 车玉伶,王慧,胡洪营,梁 威,郭玉凤(2005) 微生物群落结构和多样性解析技术研究进展,生态环境,14(1),127-133。

20) 胡洪营,王超,郭美婷(2005)药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)对环境的污染现状与研究进展,生态环境(已接收)

21) 胡洪营,门玉洁(2006)植物化感作用抑制藻类生长的研究进展,生态环境(已接收)

22) 申欢,陈建,金奇庭,胡洪营 (2005) 好氧膜生物反应器的硝化特性研究.环境科学与技术(已接收)。

23) 申欢,崔喜勤,金奇庭,胡洪营 (2005)好氧MBR污泥与厌氧MBR污泥过滤性能的比较,膜科学与技术(已接收)。

24) 张薛, 胡洪营, 李梅(2005) 小区生活污水再生水中病原指示微生物的浓度水平研究, 中国给水排水(已接收)。

25) 宋玉栋,胡洪营(2005)污泥自热式高温好氧消化(ATAD)技术研究进展,环境污染治理技术与设备 (已接收)。

26) 王丽莎, 胡洪营, 魏杰, 魏东斌 (2005) 城市污水再生处理工艺中发光细菌毒性变化的初步研究,安全与环境学报(已接收)。


1) Li-Sha Wang, Jie Tian, Hong-Ying Hu, Kohei Urano (2005) Effects of chlorination and dechlorination on genotoxicity of reclaimed wastewater, In: Proceedings of China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, p. 86. (Oct, 2005, Beijing)

2) Jin-ying Xi, Hong-ying Hu (2005) Long-term performance of a wood-chip biofilter for gaseous toluene removal under different inlet concentrations and velocities, In: Proceedings of China/USA/Japan Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, p. 52. ( Oct, 2005,Beijing)

3) Dongbin Wei, Li-Sha Wang, Jie Wei, Hong-Ying Hu (2005) Toxicity screening and evaluation on chlorination disinfection of waste water reclamation processes, In: Proceedings of the International Water Association (IWA) Conference 2005, Xi’an, p.717-725. (May, 2005, Xi’an)

4) Li-Sha Wang, Hong-Ying Hu and Tong Zhang (2005) Comparison study on changes in water quality and toxicity of wastewater after chlorine and chlorine dioxide disinfections, In: Proceedings of the International Water Association (IWA) Conference 2005, Xi’an, p.677-683. (May, 2005, Xi’an)

5) Li-Sha Wang, Tong Zhang, Hong-Ying Hu, Kohei Urano (2005) Effects of disinfection conditions on the toxicity of wastewater after clorine dioxide disinfection, In: 日本水环境学会年会摘要集,p. 483. (March, 2005, Japan)


1) 胡洪营,李国文,郝吉明:低浓度有机废气的生物净化方法,发明专利,申请号01139833.7(2001)

2) 黄霞,张健,施汉昌,胡洪营:强化布水式地下渗滤污水处理方法与设备,发明专利,申请号02130946.9(2002)

3) 黄霞,张健,施汉昌,胡洪营:一种强化布水式地下渗滤污水处理设备,实用新型专利,申请号02256764.X(2002)

4) 胡洪营、刘超翔、钱易:废砖块在废水处理中的应用,发明专利,申请号03100396.6(2003)

5) 胡洪营、刘超翔、钱易、黄霞、施汉昌:一种强化人工湿地污水处理方法及系统,发明专利,申请号:03150053.6(申请日:2003年7月31日)

6) 胡洪营、梁威、宋玉栋、王慧:一种用锌、钼、镁盐类做水处理剂的方法,发明专利,申请号:200310101644.1(申请日:2003年10月27日)

7) 胡洪营、梁威、宋玉栋、王慧:一种用维生素做水处理剂的方法,发明专利,申请号:200310101643.7(申请日:2003年10月27日)

8) 胡洪营、李锋民:一种藻类抑制剂的制备方法,发明专利,申请号:200310103191.6 。

9) 胡洪营、李锋民:芦苇作为藻类抑制材料的应用,发明专利,申请号:200310103192.0。



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