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考研时间: 2012-08-04 来源:查字典考研网







近年来主要从事半导体纳米材料的合成和应用的前沿基础研究,特别是在半导体纳米材料合成和自组装等方面做了许多原创性工作,已发表SCI研究论文20余篇和申请了2项发明专利,其中以第一作者和通讯作者身份在国际重要期刊如Adv.Mater., Adv.Funct.Mater., Inorg.Chem., J.Mater.Chem., J.Phys.Chem.C,Langmuir,CrystEngComm上发表一系列文章,单篇引用最高达80余次。曾经获得过中科院“院长”奖学金、香港“求是”奖学金、“光华”奖学金和“东港”奖学金等诸多荣誉称号。








新型炭/半导体纳米复合结构材料的可控制备与性能研究 国家自然科学基金(21171146)


量子点的化学合成及其QD-LED纳米器件组装研究 浙江省科技厅钱江人才项目(2010R10025)

ZnO量子点的化学合成及其量子点发光二极管(QD-LED)组装研究 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金([2009]1001号文件)

TiO2/CdS核/壳结构纳米晶合成及发光器件组装 浙江省教育厅重点项目(Z200909406)



1.Yu Liu, Le Yu, Yong Hu*, Changfa Guo, Fumin Zhang and Xiong Wen (David) Lou: A magnetically separable photocatalyst based on nest-like γ-Fe2O3/ZnO double-shelled hollow structures with enhanced photocatalytic activity.Nanoscale.2012, 4, 183-187.

2.Huanhuan Qian, Yong Hu*, Yu Liu, Mojiao Zhou and Changfa Guo: Electrostatic self-assembly of TiO2 nanoparticles onto carbon spheres with enhanced adsorption capability for Cr(VI).Mater.Lett.2012, 68, 174-177.

3.Zhiyu Wang, Deyan Luan, Srinivasan Madhavi, Yong Hu and Xiong Wen (David) Lou: Assembling carbon-coated α-Fe2O3 hollow nanohorns on the CNT backbone for superior lithium storage capability, Energy Environ.Sci.2012, 5, 5252-5256.

4.Yu Liu, Liang Zhou, Yong Hu*, Changfa Guo, Haisheng Qian, Fumin Zhang and Xiong Wen (David) Lou: Magnetic-field induced formation of 1D Fe3O4/C/CdS coaxial nanochains as highly efficient and reusable photocatalysts for water treatment.J.Mater.Chem.2011, 21, 18359-18364.

5.Changfa Guo, Yong Hu*, Yu Liu, Ying Mu, Yuqing Miao, Xiao Hu: Synthesis of MWCNT/nickel Glycolate Polymer Core–shell Nanostructures and Their Nonenzymatic Electrocatalytic Activity toward Glucose.Mater.Chem.Phys.2011, 130, 10-13.

6.Yong Hu*, Xinting Zheng, Junsong Chen, Mojiao Zhou, Changming Li and Xiong Wen (David) Lou: Silica-based Complex Nanorattles as Multifunctional Carrier for Anticancer Drug.J.Mater.Chem.2011, 21, 8052-8056.

7.Yu Liu, Yong Hu*, Changfa Guo and Xiao Hu: Carbon/Metal-Sulfide Composite Template: A New Facile Route Toward Well-Defined Oxide Hollow Nanospheres.J.Am.Ceram.Soc.2011, 94, 1667–1669.

8.Yong Hu*, Huanhuan Qian, Yu Liu, Gaohui Du, Fumin Zhang, Libo Wang and Xiao Hu:A Microwave-Assisted Rapid Route to Synthesize ZnO/ZnS Core-Shell Nanostructures via Controllable Surface Sulfidation of ZnO Nanorods.CrystEngComm 2011, 13, 3438–3443.

9.Changfa Guo, Yong Hu*, Haisheng Qian, Jiqiang Ning, Shijie Xu: Magnetite (Fe3O4) Tetrakaidecahedral Microcrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, and Micro-Raman Study.Mater.Charact.2011, 62, 148-151.

10.Yong Hu*, Yu Liu, Haisheng Qian, Zhengquan Li, Jiafu Chen: Coating Colloidal Carbon Spheres with CdS Nanoparticles: Microwave-Assisted Synthesis, and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity.Langmuir 2010, 26, 18570-18575.

11.Yong Hu*, Haisheng Qian, Changfa Guo, Ting Mei: Decoration of ZnO nanocrystals on the surface of shuttle-shaped Mn2O3 and its magnetic-optical properties.CrystEngComm 2010,12,2687-2690.

12.Yong Hu*, Haisheng Qian, Ting Mei, Jun Guo, Tim White: Facile synthesis of magnetic metal (Mn, Co, Fe, and Ni) oxide nanosheets.Mater.Lett.2010, 64, 1095-1098.

13.Yong Hu*, Ting Mei, Libo Wang, Haisheng Qian: A Facile and Generic Strategy to Synthesize Large-Scale Carbon Nanotubes.Journal of Nanomaterials 2010, 2010, 415940-415945.

14.Haisheng Qian, Yong Hu, Zhengquan Li, Xingyun Yang, Liangchao Li, Xianting Zhang, Rong Xu: ZnO/ZnFe2O4 Magnetic Fluorescent Bifunctional Hollow Nanospheres: Synthesis, Characterization, and Their Optical/Magnetic Properties.J.Phys.Chem.C 2010, 114, 17455-17359.

15.Zhengquan Li, Huichen Guo, Haisheng Qian, Yong Hu: Facile microemulsion route to coat carbonized glucose on upconversion nanocrystals as high luminescence and biocompatible cell-imaging probes.Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 315105.

16.Yong Hu*, Ting Mei, Jun Guo, Tim White: Temperature-triggered Self-assembly of ZnO: From Nanocrystals to Nanorods, to Tablets.Inorg.Chem.2007, 46, 11031-11035.

17.Yong Hu, Zhimin Jiang, Chengdong Xu, Ting Mei, Jun Guo, Tim White: Monodisperse ZnO Nanodots: Synthesis, Charterization, and Optoelectronic Properties.J.Phys.Chem.C 2007, 111, 9757-9760.

18.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen: Synthesis and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanomaterials and Micromaterials via Gamma-irradiation Route.J.Cluster Sci.2007, 18, 371-387.

19.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Haitao Zhang, Tanwei Li, Xuan Xue: Using Silicon Dioxide Nanosphere Gaps to Confine Growth of Single-Crystal Nickel Sulfide Nanowires in the Polyacrylamide Gel.Scripta Mater.2006, 55, 131-134.

20.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Xuan Xue, Tanwei Li: Synthesis of monodispersed single-crystal compass-shaped Mn3O4 via gamma-ray irradiation.Mater.Lett.2006, 60, 383-385.

21.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Xuan Xue , Tanwei Li, Yi Xie: Room-Temperature Irradiation Route to Synthesize Large-Scale Single-Crystalline ZnO Hexangular Prism.Inorg.Chem.2005, 44, 7280-7282.

22.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Xiaoze Jin, Wenming Chen: Synthesis of Hollow Lead Sulfide Microspheres.Mater.Lett.2005, 59, 234-237.

23.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Wenming Chen, Jiqiang Ning: Preparation of hollow CdSe nanospheres.Mater.Lett.2004, 58, 2911-2913.

24.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Wenming Chen, Xiaolong Li: Synthesis of nickel sulfide submicrometer-sized hollow spheres using a gamma-irradiation route.Adv.Funct.Mater.2004, 14, 383-386.

25.Yong Hu, Wenming Chen, Jiafu Chen, Shuyuan Zhang: A novel route to prepare CdSe hollow structures.Mater.Lett.2003, 57, 3137-3139.

26.Yong Hu, Jiafu Chen, Wenming Chen, Xiaohui Lin, Xiaolong Li: Synthesis of novel nickel sulfide submicrometer hollow spheres.Adv.Mater.2003, 15, 726-729.

27.Yong Hu, Wenming Chen, Jiafu Chen, Zhicheng Zhang: Preparation of ZnS nanocrystals in network of hydrogel.Mater.Lett.2003, 57, 1312-1316.


1.胡勇:一种制备多壁纳米碳管的方法, 中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 200810163196.0.

2.胡勇,钟依均:二元磁性氧化物单晶纳米片的制备方法, 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 200810060743.2.


1.Ting Mei, Yong Hu* Book title: Optoelectronic Devices and Properties (ISBN 978-953-307-511-2)Chapter title: Synthesis, Self-assembly and Optoelectronic Properties of Monodisperse ZnO Quantum Dots InTech-Open Access Publisher, 2011, 215-239.

2.Yong Hu*, Changfa Guo Book title: Carbon Nanotubes / Book 1 (ISBN 978-953-307-189-3)Chapter title: Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Naotubes/Metal Oxide Heterostructures: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Property InTech-Open Access Publisher, 2011, accepted.









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