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考研时间: 2012-07-07 来源:查字典考研网












控制理论与控制工程,复杂过程系统理论与应用研究;包括, 1 信号处理与应用; 2 低功耗嵌入式系统设计与实现。



2.基于射流原理的热量计 企事业单位委托科技项目 2015-05-25



5.智能快速充电器 企事业单位委托科技项目 2009-09-29

6.智能快速充电器 企事业单位委托科技项目 2009-09-29

7.低成本智能热量计 企事业单位委托科技项目 2007-06-06

8.低功耗智能电磁锅街流量计 宁波水表股份有限公司 20060631

9.低功耗智能电磁锅街流量计 企事业单位委托科技项目 2015-05-07

10.FY-3直流无刷电机控制线路研制复核复算 上海航天局 20040831

11.多尺度双子代数建模与控制研究 20061231

12.FY-3直流无刷电机控制线路研制复核复算 企事业单位委托科技项目 2004-05-18

13.直读式智能水表及自动抄表系统 企事业单位委托科技项目 2004-10-02

14.多尺度双子代数建模与控制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2006-12-01

15.无源水表及自动抄表系统 20031231

16.直读式智能水表及自动抄表系统 宁波水表股份有限公司 20031231

17.无源水表自动抄表 企事业单位委托科技项目 2003-12-17

18.混烧锅炉成套专用控制装置 20021101

19.一类工业过程的多尺度建模与控制策略 浙江大学 20001201


1.基于神经网络的发酵时间和最优发酵温度模型 化工自动化及仪表<>, 作者:杨旭华. 戴华平. 孙优贤.

2.粗糙集理论在生物发酵过程补料控制及故障诊断中的应用研究 计算机工程与应用<>, 作者:王加成. 戴华平. 黄方. 孙优贤.

3.基于最小二乘法的SIMO傅里叶神经网络研究 信息与控制<>, 作者:杨旭华. 戴华平. 孙优贤

4.Random pseudofractal scale-free networks with small-world effect Random pseudofractal scale-free networks with small-world effect EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL卷期号53<3>, 20061001 作者:Wang L, Du F, Dai H.P,Sun X.Y

5.无输入连续事件图的代数研究方法 浙江大学学报(工学版)卷期号40<2>, 20060231 作者:张端,戴华平,孙优贤

6.混杂时间事件图的最小初始标志计算方法 浙江大学学报(工学版)卷期号40<2>, 20060231 作者:戴华平

7.Mathematical model for energy- efficient coverage and detection in wireless sensor networks Mathematical model for energy- efficient coverage and detection in wireless sensor networks LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES卷期号344<>, 20060101 作者:Wang X.D, Dai H.P, Wang Z,Sun X.Y

8.Random pseudofractal scale-free networks with small-world effect 《The European Physical Journal B》卷期号53<3>, 2006-10-01

9.A System Level Low Power Static Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm of Mixed Tasks and Its Application to FTU 《第六届全球智能控制与自动化大会(WCICA2006)》卷期号1<1>, 2006-06-21

10.Studies on the minimum initial marking of a class of hybrid timed Petri nets. Studies on the minimum initial marking of a class of hybrid timed Petri nets. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE卷期号3645<>, 20051201 作者:Dai HuaPing.

11.On the evolvement of extended continuous event graphsOn the evolvement of extended continuous event graphs LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE卷期号3645<>, 20051201 作者:Zhang Duan, Dai HuaPing, Sun YouXian,

12.Develop multi-hierarchy classification model: Rough set based feature decomposition method.Develop multi-hierarchy classification model: Rough set based feature decomposition method. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE卷期号3686<>, 20051201 作者:Wang QingDong, Dai HuaPing, Sun YouXian

13.A dioid linear algebraic model for a class of hybrid event graphsA dioid linear algebraic model for a class of hybrid event graphs Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing卷期号13<3-4>, 20051201 作者:Zhang Duan, Dai HuaPing, Sun YouXian,

14.城市道路交通系统的混杂Petri网方法城市道路交通系统的混杂Petri网方法 卷期号35, 20051101

15.Studies on the minimum initial marking of a class of hybrid timed Petri netsStudies on the minimum initial marking of a class of hybrid timed Petri nets <>, 20050901

16.造纸机加压网前箱的非线性控制造纸机加压网前箱的非线性控制 卷期号4<4>, 20050801

17.Studies on Complex Synchronization Events Based on Hybrid Timed Event GraphsStudies on Complex Synchronization Events Based on Hybrid Timed Event Graphs <>, 20050801

18.在μCOS-II中消除优先级反转在μCOS-II中消除优先级反转 <>, 20050701

19.多尺度条件下制造系统的监控器设计——极大代数方法 系统工程理论与实践卷期号25<6>, 20050631 作者:戴华平

20.A Novel Feature Decomposition Method to Develop Multi-hierarchy ModelA Novel Feature Decomposition Method to Develop Multi-hierarchy Model <>, 20050601

21.Designing a supervisory controller for multi-scale manufacturing systems - A max-plus algebraic methodDesigning a supervisory controller for multi-scale manufacturing systems - A max-plus algebraic method 卷期号25<6>, 20050601

22.在uc/os-II中消除优先级反转 计算机工程与应用卷期号41<7>, 20050301 作者:杨静,戴华平

23.一种低成本的DSP嵌入式开发平台及其应用 工业控制计算机卷期号18<1>, 20050101 作者:杨静,戴华平

24.A dioid linear algebraic model for a class of hybrid event graphs Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing卷期号13<3-4>, 2005-12-31

25.Develop multi-hierarchy classification model: Rough set based feature decomposition method 《LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE》卷期号3686<1>, 2005-12-01

26.On the evolvement of extended continuous event graphs 《LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE》卷期号3645<1>, 2005-12-01

27.城市道路交通系统的混杂Petri网方法 中国科学技术大学学报卷期号35, 2005-11-01

28.On the evolvement of extended continuous event graphs <>, 2005-09-01

29.Studies on the minimum initial marking of a class of hybrid timed Petri nets <>, 2005-09-01

30.Develop Multi-hierarchy Classification Model: Rough Set Based Feature Decomposition Method <>, 2005-08-01

31.造纸机加压网前箱的非线性控制 江南大学学报(自然科学版)卷期号4<4>, 2005-08-01

32.Studies on Complex Synchronization Events Based on Hybrid Timed Event Graphs 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics<>, 2005-08-01

33.直读式水表及抄表系统的研究 自动化仪表卷期号26<7>, 2005-07-01

34.在μCOS-II中消除优先级反转 计算机工程与应用<>, 2005-07-01

35.A Novel Feature Decomposition Method to Develop Multi-hierarchy Model <>, 2005-06-01

36.Designing a supervisory controller for multi-scale manufacturing systems - A max-plus algebraic method 系统工程理论与实践卷期号25<6>, 2005-06-01

37.一种低成本的DSP嵌入式开发平台及其应用 工业控制计算机卷期号18<1>, 2005-01-01 38.一类混杂Petri网的极大代数模型研究 浙江大学学报(工学版)卷期号38<12>, 20041231 作者:戴华平

39.基于粗糙集属性量度的数据库分解方法 浙江大学学报(工学版)卷期号38<9>, 20041231 作者:王庆东,马昕,戴华平,孙优贤

40.无源电感耦合式射频识别系统天线的设计与优化 江南大学学报(自然科学版)卷期号3<6>, 20041201 作者:杜雪亮,戴华平,吴烈

41.基于遗传算法的可进化模拟滤波器的实现 江南大学学报(自然科学版)卷期号3<6>, 20041201 作者:邓凌,戴华平

42.低功耗CPU卡智能水表设计 工业控制计算机<8>, 20040831 作者:邓凌,戴华平,卢建刚

43.掌上电脑在智能小区自动抄表系统中的应用 卷期号25<8>, 20040801 作者:杜雪亮,戴华平

44.电网参量的无纸记录仪 江南大学学报(自然科学版)卷期号3<4>, 20040801 作者:张震宇,戴华平

45.A Dioid Linear Algebra Approach to Study a Class of Continuous Petri NetsA Dioid Linear Algebra Approach to Study a Class of Continuous Petri Nets <>, 20040801 作者:张端,戴华平,孙优贤

46.一种基于粗糙集与信息理论的加权聚类及类提纯方法 <>, 20040615 作者:王庆东,戴华平,孙优贤

47.基于反馈线性化的造纸机加压网前箱控制 <>, 20040615 作者:张端,戴华平,孙优贤

48.A novel approach to analyzing and designing time problems of sequential circuitsA novel approach to analyzing and designing time problems of sequential circuits <>, 20040615 作者:邓凌,戴华平

49.Study on Urban Expressway Multilayer Intelligent Control System.Study on Urban Expressway Multilayer Intelligent Control System. <>, 20040615 作者:李志明,沈国江,戴华平

50.An Algebraic Model for Performance Evaluation of Class of Continuous Petri NetsAn Algebraic Model for Performance Evaluation of Class of Continuous Petri Nets <>, 20040601 作者:张端,戴华平,孙优贤

51.无源自动抄表系统及其关键技术研究 自动化与仪表<2>, 20040231 作者:戴华平,李志明

52.基于遗传算法的可进化模拟滤波器的实现 江南大学学报(自然科学版)卷期号3<6>, 2004-12-01 53.A novel approach to computing the confidence of rules and composite decisions in rough sets theoryA novel approach to computing the confidence of rules and composite decisions in rough sets theory Proceeding of The Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi’an,<>, 20031105 作者:Jiacheng Wang, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun

54.Urban Expressway Traffic Flow Modeling and Control Using Artificial Neural Networks the 6th IEEE International Conference on intelligent transportation Systems<>, 20031008 作者:Shen Guojiang, Dai Huaping, Liu Xiang, Wang Zhi, Sun Youxian

55.Fuzzy Neural Network Controller and Simulation for Urban Region Traffic Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on intelligent control<>, 20031005 作者:Shen Guojiang, Dai Huaping, Yang Xuhua, Sun Youxian

56.A Hybrid Modeling Method Based on Mechanism Analysis,Identification and RBF Neural Networks Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics<>, 20031005 作者:Xuhua Yang(杨旭华),Huaping Dai(戴华平),Youxian Sun(孙优贤)

57.An Algebraic Model for Performance Evaluation of Timed Event MultigraphsAn Algebraic Model for Performance Evaluation of Timed Event Multigraphs IEEE on Automatic Control卷期号47<7>, 20030731 作者:Dai Huaping and Sun Youxian

58.间歇过程基于Dioid代数模型的分析与协调控制研究 控制理论与应用卷期号18<1>, 20010131 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

59.基于受控混合Petri网的死锁避免间歇控制研究 信息与控制卷期号29<7>, 20000731 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

60.一种新型的混合Petri网建模及其分析方法 浙江大学学报卷期号34<6>, 20000631 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

61.一类混合生产过程的最优配置求解研究 系统工程理论与实践卷期号20<4>, 20000431 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

62.生产系统的建模方法及其动态特性研究 控制理论与应用卷期号17<4>, 20000431 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

63.A novel modeling and optimal control method for discrete-event chemical process一种新型的离散化工建模和最优控制方法 Development in chemical engineering and mineral processing卷期号9<1>, 20000131 作者:戴华平,孙优贤

64.连续工业中离散事件建模和控制的新方法研究(2)-控制方法 信息与控制卷期号28, 19991231 作者:戴华平,徐则,孙优贤



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