  查字典考研网 >> 历年真题 >> 专业课试题 >> 南京财经大学2007年英语考研翻译与写作试题


考研时间: 2008-11-06 来源:查字典考研网

Ⅰ、Explain the following terms in Chinese. (共2题,每题10分,共计20分)

1. 转态译法


Ⅱ、Answer the following questions.(You may use both English and Chinese) (共1题,每题20分,共计20分)

Applying translation theory and giving examples to illustrate the variety of translation.

Ⅲ、Translate the following phrases from Chinese into English and vice versa. (共10题,每题1分,共计10分)






forgive and forget

the fifth column

at a nonplus

to haggle over every penny

to hold a candle to the sun

Ⅳ、Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (共1题,每题25分,共计25分)




Ⅴ、Translate the following English passage into writings in classical Chinese. (共1题,每题25分,共计25分)

Adding Feet to a Snake While Drawing It

A native of Chu after worshipping his ancestors gave his retainers a pot of wine. One of the retainers said: It''s insufficient for all of us, but too much for one of us. I suggest, therefore, that we draw snakes on the ground, and the one who first finishes drawing the snake will win the pot of wine. When one retainer had completed his drawing, he took the pot to drink. As he held it in his left hand, he continued to draw the snake with his right hand, saying: I can add feet to it. While he was adding feet to his snake, another man who had then drawn his snake snatched the pot from his hand, protesting: No snake has feet. How can you add feet to it? Then he drank the wine.

Ⅵ、Writing. (共1题,每题30分,共计30分)

Suppose you are writing an essay of about 400 words on this topic: Is It Wise to Begin English Learning in Kindergarten'' You should argue from the following three aspects: the teacher, the learner, and the learning environment. (30 points)

a) Write the introductory paragraph of this essay. This paragraph should contain a thesis statement and should not be too long.

b) Write down the topic sentences for the three body paragraphs.

c) Write out the entire paragraph that presents you most important argument. The paragraph should have a topic sentence and should have supporting evidence. It should not be too long. (Note the entire essay is only about 400 words.)

(Warning: you will not get any score if you write out the entire essay.)

Ⅶ、Read the following passage. Write a précis of about 80 words. (共1题,每题20分,共计20分)

The great artists of the past, despite the love lavished on them by the scholars and esthetes, are becoming more and more remote and unfamiliar. They are not replaced by others because we are moving into a world of non-art. One has only to compare the world of the long sea voyage, sunsets, leisure, complete works of so-and-so, with the still mildly esthetic world of the train and then with the completely incurious existence of the air passenger with his few reassuring leaflets issued by the company, his meals wrapped up in cellophane in a cardboard box, his copy of time in case the sleeping pill doesn''t work. This unseen, unreading traveler is a symbol of the new public. Poetry of this civilization may well cease to exist, for no one except a few professors will possess the necessary ear to follow its subtleties. Reading aloud is almost extinct and the poet who wrestles with his subtle tone-effects secures his victories for himself alone.





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