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考研时间: 2009-05-10 来源:查字典考研网

Part Two Linguistics 30 points (Write down your answers to the questions in this part of the test in separate blank answer sheets provided at your test center.)

1.Which is more useful in language studies, descriptive linguistics or prescriptive linguistics? Why? 10 points

2.Please show the difference between tone and intonation. 5 points

3.How is meaning often analyzed in semantics? 5 points

4.What is the difference between dialect and language? What is the criterion that is generally used to define a national language? 10 points

Part Three Literature 50 points (Write down your answers to the questions in this part of the test in separate blank answer sheets provided at your test center.)

1.Write down the names of the authors of the following literary works: (9 points)

(A) As I Lay Dying

(B) Pale Fire

(C) Catch-22

(D) The Hairy Ape

(E) The Waste Land F. Julius Caesar

(G) The Golden Notebook H. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

(I) Canterbury tales

2.Explain THREE of the following literary terms: (in about 50 words for each)(9 points)

(A) postmodernism (B) feminism

(C) narration (D) stream of consciousness

(E) monologue (F) realism

3.Describe and make a comment on THREE of the following characters (in about 50 words for each)(12 points)

(A) Falstaff (in Henry IV)

(B) Heathcliff (in Wuthering Height)

(C) Lolita (in Lolita)

(D) Bloom (in Ulysses)

(E). Scarlett (in Gone with the Wind)

4.Answer ONE of the following questions on British Literature (in no less than 100 words)(10 points):

(A) Some critics regard Joseph Conrad and Virginia Woolf as impressionist novelists. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

(B) Why does Thomas Hardy gives his novel Tess of d''Urbervilles a subtitle, A Pure Women?

5.Answer ONE of the following questions on American Literature (in no less than 100 words)(10 points):

(A) What do you know about "The Lost Generation" in the history of American literature?

(B) Give some examples of pluralism in modern American literature.



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