two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling
Chinas central bank on Wednesday raised the ceiling on cross-border renminbi (RMB) fund flows for multinationals via two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling and lowered the threshold for participation in the business.
跨境双向人民币资金池(two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling),指跨国企业集团(multi-national conglomerates)根据自身经营和管理需要,在境内外非金融成员企业之间开展的跨境人民币资金余缺调剂和归集业务,属于企业集团内部的经营性融资活动(financing activities)。
此外,央行扩大了净流入额度上限(the cap on the net inflow),对开展该业务企业的门槛也有所调整,实际上提升了跨国企业人民币的可得性,并推动人民币国际化。跨境双向人民币资金池可以使跨国企业资本配置更便利,提高资金管理效率(enhance cash management efficiency)、缩减融资成本(cut financing costs)。通知规定,主办企业可以选择1-3家具有国际结算业务(international settlement business)能力的银行办理跨境双向人民币资金池业务。
solvency 偿付能力
credit assets 信贷资产
shadow banking 影子银行
offshore finance 离岸金融
financial supervision 金融监管
short-term fluctuate 短期波动
RMBs currency ratio 人民币汇率