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考研时间: 2015-11-16 来源:查字典考研网


I. Translate the following items (including terms, abbreviations and proper nouns) into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 1 point each)

1. FAO


3. sociosemiotics

4. utopia

5. detective thriller

6. cyberspace

7. castration complex

8. binary opposition

9. Pandoras box

10. subdivided housing

11. exotic invasive species

12. threshold for theft

13. UN membership dues

14. sorted household rubbish

15. baby formula limits

11. Translate the following items {including terms, abbreviations and proper nouns) into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 1 point each)

1. 三教(儒、释、道)

2. 京剧人物脸谱

3. 条龙服务

4. 南水北调

5. 旅游搭台,经贸唱戏

6. 三羊开泰

7. 东海防空识别区

8. 产业升级换代

9. 老字号

10. 民生调查

11. 社会公平正义

12. 科教兴国、人才强国战略

13. 科研成果产业化

14. 全面深化经济体制改革

15. 拓宽实体经济融资渠道

III. Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (60 points, 30 points for each passage)

Passage One

A century ago, Progressive-era reformers, shocked by the number of teens trapped in dead-end jobs, launched a remarkable campaign to help everyone attend high school. For nearly 40 years, this country opened a new high school, on average, every day. A high school diploma allowed the children of factory workers and farmers to obtain relatively high-skilled, high-wage jobs, narrowing the wage gap among the social classes and enhancing the growth of the nations economy. Today, we face a similar problem at the university level. Young people increasingly realize that they cannot earn a living wage without going to college. Yet many are woefully unprepared to do so, both because of the inferior education In most lowincome communities and because their parents cannot help them through college. So they work extra hours and take on crippling debt loads. About a third of the students at public or private four-year universities and two-thirds of those who enroll in a community college or a for-profit institution do not earn a degree, while accumulating substantial red ink. Passage Two

Since its early appearance in the 1960s, the term globalization has been used in both popular and academic literature to describe a process, a condition, a system, a force, and an age. Given that these competing labels have very different meanings, their indiscriminate usage is often obscure and invites confusion. For example, a sloppy conflation of process and condition encourages circular definitions that possess little explanatory power. For example, the often-repeated truism that globalization [the process] leads to more globalization [the condition] does not allow us to draw meaningful analytical distinctions between causes and effects. Hence, I suggest that we use the term globality to signify a social condition characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural, and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the currently existing borders and boundaries irrelevant. Yet, we should not assume that globality refers to a determinate endpoint that precludes any further development. Rather, this concept points to a particular social condition that, like all conditions, is destined to give way to new, qualitatively distinct constellations.

IV. Translate the underlined part of the following passage into English, Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (60 points,15 points each)

(1)艺术自古以来就有无所不在的性质,这和艺术是文明的奢侈产品、文化的无用装饰、 社会的累赘藻绘的流行观点形成了鲜明的对比。(2)跟多数艺术家的信念更为一致的观点 是,艺术是人类生活的缩影,是顿悟与情感的最真实的记录,没有艺术但在军事上或经济 最强盛的社会,与拥有原始的画家、舞蹈家或偶像雕刻家的最不开化的部落相比,也是贫穷的。(3)任何一个真正达到文明程度的社会,都已产生了艺术,不是在其发展进程的末期; 而是在其最初的开端。艺术,实际上是人类进步的前导,不论就个人还是社会而言。艺术 的庸俗化是种族衰退的最确定无疑的症状。(4) 一门新艺术,或甚至一种伟大和崭新的风格 的产生,总是显示着无论是集体还是个人心智的青春与活力。



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