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考研时间: 2016-01-12 来源:查字典考研网










1. 国家最高科技奖

the State Supreme Science and Technology Award


China confers its 2015 State Science and Technology Awards on Friday. However nobody won the countrys Supreme Science and Technology Award, the highest national science honor. Last time when no winner was announced for the award was in 2004.


国家科学技术奖包括五项大奖,即国家最高科学技术奖(the State Supreme Science and Technology Award)、国家自然科学奖(the State Natural Science Award)、国家技术发明奖(the State Technological Innovation Award)、国家科技进步奖(the State Science and Technology Advancement Award)和国际科技合作奖(the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award)。

其中,级别最高、最为瞩目的奖项(the highest and most esteemed award)是国家最高科学技术奖。获奖者将得到500万元的现金奖励(cash prize)。这个奖项是为表彰在基础科学研究领域取得重大突破(achieve important breakthroughs in basic scientific research),并带来深远影响(with far-reaching influence)的科学工作者,以及创造了巨大经济效益(generate enormous economic returns)、促进了社会进步(facilitate social progress)的杰出科学家。


院士 academician

一等奖 the first class award

尖端科学 advanced science

科技创新 technical innovation

翻天覆地的改变 earth-shaking changes

2. 熔断

circuit breaker


Chinese equities rose on Friday morning amid volatile trading after the securities regulator suspended the circuit breaker mechanism, which has been blamed for aggravating market liquidity.


今年1月1日起,熔断机制(circuit breaker mechanism)正式实施,A股4天内2次触发熔断(trigger the circuit breaker)。上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所7日晚间宣布,经中国证监会(China Securities Regulatory Commission)批准,自2016年1月8日起暂停实施指数熔断机制。下一步,将在广泛征求各方意见,对方案进一步研究论证之后,对熔断机制进行修改完善(revise and improve)。

熔断机制是指股指下跌一定比例后,证券交易所(stock exchanges)采取暂停交易(temporarily halt trading)以避免恐慌性抛售(panic selling)的措施。熔断机制可以给市场一个冷静期(cooling-off period),让投资者充分消化市场信息(market information),防止市场或某一产品非理性的大幅波动(fluctuations),特别防止市场大幅下跌甚至发生股灾(stock market crash),以维护市场的稳定(maintain market stability)。


早盘 morning session

午盘 afternoon session

开盘价 opening price

收盘价 closing price

高开/低开 open high/low

高收/低收 close high/low

涨停 hit limit up

跌停 hit limit down

集中抛售 massive sell-off

恶意做空 malicious short-selling

3. 汇率中间价

central parity rate


The central parity rate of the yuan jumped 10 basis points Friday to 6.5636 per US dollar, ending eight consecutive days of devaluation.


中国人民银行对外公布的当日人民币与其他货币交易的基准价(benchmark)就叫汇率中间价(central parity rate),参考汇率(reference rate)指的就是央行公布的这个比价,所以有时也直接用来指代汇率中间价。比如:The Peoples Bank of China cut its daily reference rate to 6.5169 yuan to the dollar(中国人民银行将人民币兑美元的汇率中间价下调为1美元对人民币6.5169元)。

2005年7月21日,央行决定中国开始实行人民币不再单一盯美元(unpeg the yuan against the US dollar),而改为与一篮子货币(a basket of currencies)挂钩的汇率机制,人民币汇率改革(exchange rate reform)正式开始。自2005年汇改目标公布至今,央行缓中求进,取得了不少实质性进展,包括人民币汇率波幅(trading band)的不断扩大等,央行在汇率市场(exchange rate market)上的常态化干预(intervention)日渐退出。

展望2016年,人民币汇率形成机制(exchange rate formation mechanism)将继续呈现出以市场供求为基础(market-oriented)、参考一篮子货币、双向波动(bi-directional volatility)、有弹性的特征,人民币汇率政策(exchange rate policy)也将更多承担起自动调节国际收支的作用。


汇率 currency/exchange rate

汇率机制 exchange rate mechanism

货币升值 currency appreciation

货币贬值 currency devaluation/depreciation

浮动汇率 floating exchange rate

4. 生育登记服务制度

birth registration service system


The new birth registration service system is regarded as a significant change in Chinas family planning policy after the abolition of the one-child policy that had lasted for more than three decades in China.


根据5日公布的《中共中央、国务院关于实施全面两孩政策改革完善计划生育服务管理的决定》,我国将实行生育登记服务制度(birth registration service system)。这一文件是在我国最高立法机关不久前对人口与计划生育法(the Population and Family Planning Law)作出修改后,对全面两孩政策(universal two-child policy)实施的进一步规定。

《决定》提出,对生育两个以内(含两个)孩子的(couples having a first or second child),不实行审批(official approval),由家庭自主安排生育。要完善计划生育(family planning)奖励假制度。依法保障女性就业、休假等合法权益(legitimate rights),支持女性生育后重返工作岗位(return to work),鼓励用人单位制定有利于职工平衡工作与家庭关系的措施。对政策调整前的独生子女家庭(only-child, single-child family)和农村计划生育双女家庭,继续实行现行各项奖励扶助政策,在社会保障(social security)、集体收益分配、就业创业(employment and entrepreneurship)、新农村建设等方面予以倾斜。


社会抚养费 social maintenance fees

独生子女费 one-child bonus

超生人口 extra birth

生育率 fertility rate

婚外生育 give birth out of wedlock

失独家庭 parents/families who have lost their only child

5. 降税

tariff cut


Chinese consumers have welcomed a new round of tariff cuts on imported products from Australia and South Korea.


本轮降税自1月1日起生效(come into effect),是中澳中韩自贸协定(free trade agreement)去年12月生效后的第二轮降税。澳大利亚婴儿配方奶粉(infant formula)的税率从12%降至9%,来自韩国的农产品(agricultural products)的税率也降低了1.3个百分点。中澳自贸协定将影响超过5500种澳大利亚商品的售价,占澳大利亚出口中国商品种类的2/3。同时,超过9成的韩国进口商品将在20年内享受零税率。

中韩、中澳两大自贸协定实施后,中国与韩国、澳大利亚的绝大多数贸易商品(most of the traded goods)将逐步迎来零关税(zero tariff, tariff-free)时代,给企业和百姓带来巨大利好(a huge win for both enterprises and people)。目前我国已签署并实施的自贸协定已有14个,涉及22个国家和地区。自贸伙伴遍及亚洲、拉美、大洋洲、欧洲等地区。


区域经济一体化 regional economic integration

最惠国待遇 the most favored nation (MFN) status

贸易保护主义 trade protectionism

贸易自由化 trade liberalization

贸易摩擦 trade friction

关税壁垒 tariff barrier

6. 氢弹

hydrogen bomb, H-bomb


The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test.


朝中社援引政府声明报道,这次试验是基于朝鲜自主的智慧、技术和力量进行的(be conducted with indigenous wisdom, technology and efforts)。试验充分证明了(fully prove that)朝鲜新开发的氢弹试验技术的精确性,科学性地证明了小型化氢弹的威力(scientifically verify the power of smaller H-bomb)。通过最完美地举行彪炳祖国史册(be specially recorded in history)的氢弹试验,朝鲜堂堂地进入了拥有氢弹的核国家前列(proudly join the advanced ranks of nuclear weapons states possessed of an H-bomb)。

朝鲜政府称,只要敌对势力(the hostile forces)不侵害朝鲜自主权(not encroach upon its sovereignty),朝鲜不会首先使用核武器(not be the first to use nuclear weapons),也不会在任何情况下(under any circumstances)转移相关技术手段(transfer relevant means and technology),但同时警告,只要美国不根绝敌视朝鲜政策(roll back its vicious hostile policy toward the DPRK),朝鲜绝不会停止核开发(suspend nuclear development),也不会弃核(nuclear dismantlement)。

据报道,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩代表朝鲜劳动党于2015年12月15日下达了进行首次氢弹试验的命令,本月3日签署最终命令(sign the final written order)。美国6日表示,无法确认朝鲜所说成功进行氢弹试验,但谴责任何违反联合国决议的行为(condemn any violation of UN Security Council resolutions)。


核裁军 nuclear disarmament

核威慑 nuclear deterrence

核扩散 nuclear proliferation

核泄漏 nuclear leakage

去核化 denuclearization

7. 控枪

gun control


US President Obama has announced his plans Tuesday for an executive order that will expand background checks for firearm purchases and put more resources into gun control enforcement.


在支持控枪人士(gun control advocates)和枪支暴力受害者家属(families of victims of gun violence)的陪同下,奥巴马当天在白宫举行新闻发布会,痛陈美国枪支暴力犯罪顽疾,批评美国国会在控枪问题上不作为(criticize Congressional inaction on the issue),并宣布一系列控枪举措:包括实体商店(brick-and-mortar stores)、枪展(gun shows)、互联网以及跳蚤市场(flea markets)在内的所有枪支售卖者(all dealers selling guns),均将被要求获得经营许可(be required to get licenses),并对购枪者进行背景审查(conduct background checks),否则将受到最高5年监禁(can be sentenced up to five years in prison)和最多25万美元罚款(be fined up to $250,000)的处罚。此外,美政府将雇用更多检查人员(hire more examiners)参与购枪者背景审查工作,增加200名警员以加强枪支安全相关法规的执法力度,并投入5亿美元用于治疗相关精神疾病(mental healthcare)。

奥巴马宣布控枪新举措前一天,尽管各主要股票市场出现广泛下跌(despite a widespread downturn across all major markets),但美国主要枪支制造商的股价却都上涨了(stocks for major American gun manufacturers shoot up)。在差不多每一次发生大规模枪击案(mass shooting)以及由此引发的政界强烈抗议(the resulting political outcry)后,对于购枪限制的担忧(fear of gun-buying restrictions)都会导致枪支销量猛增(send gun sales skyrocketing)。这次奥巴马绕过国会(bypass Congress),直接强行颁布行政命令(executive orders),还引发了共和党人的强烈指责。


弹药 ammunition

乱枪扫射 shooting rampage

校园枪击案 campus shooting, shooting on campus

枪支暴力 gun violence

大规模枪击 mass shooting

8. 毒保姆

deadly caregiver


Deadly caregiver refers to caregivers involved in a series of criminal cases revealed by media in Guangdong. The caregivers were accused of killing the elderly they were supposed to look after by poisoning so that they could get their salaries in advance.


犯罪嫌疑人以照顾老人(look after the elderly)为名,谋财害命(murder for money),还故意制造老人自然死亡(natural death)的假象,企图逃避公安机关的侦查打击。

家政公司从业人员素质参差不齐,准入门槛极低(extremely low access threshold),缺少培训(lack of training),而家政公司对她们也疏于约束和管理(lack of control and supervision),为毒保姆的出现,埋下了系统性隐患。不仅如此,业内还出现了许多无资质或经营不规范的黑家政公司(unqualified home management company),因此消费者协会忠告市民,即便处于保姆荒(nanny shortage),也要擦亮眼睛,拒绝黑家政。


家政服务 household management service

家政服务业 home service industry

临时照看孩子的保姆 baby sitter

管家 housekeeper



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