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考研时间: 2016-01-23 来源:查字典考研网




201.It’s my firm belief that socialist system is________ to all other social systems.

A) advantageous

B) super

C) superior

D) beneficial

202.The most important________ of his speech was that we should all work wholeheartedly for the people.

A) element

B) spot

C) sense

D) point

203.The fire must have________ after the staff had gone home.

A) broken out

B) broken up

C) broken down

D) broken off

204.Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to________ it.

B) endure

C) persist

D) sustain


The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents’________

A) command

B) conviction

C) consent

D) compromise

206.A series of border incidents would________ lead the two countries to war.

A) consistently

B) invariably

C) constantly

D) inevitably

207.Jim isn’t________ ,but he did badly in the final exams last semester.

A) gloomy

B) dull

C) awkward

D) tedious

208.The weatherman broadcasts the________ in temperature twice a day.

A) diversion

B) variety

C) variation

D) modification

209.The old lady can’t hope to________ her cold in a few days.

A) get away

B) get off

C) get out

D)get over

210.I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be________ from it.

A) derived

B) extracted

C) abstracted

D) adapted

211.In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully________ .

A) admitted

B) acknowledged

C) absorbed

D) considered

212.Animals can become unusually________ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.

A) vigorous

B) predominant

C) aggressive

D) irritable

213.There is not much time left, so I’ll tell you about it________ .

A) in particular

B) in brief

C) in short

D) in all

214.Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to________ situations.

A) similar

B) alike

C) same

D) likely

215.With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very________ for the nineteenth-century factory workers,

A) hostile

B) tedious

C) anxious

D) obscure

216.A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and________ research.

A) carries through

B) carries off

C) carries out

D) carries about

217.Louis was asked to________ the man who stole her purse.

A) identify

B) recognize

C) claim

D) confirm

218.________ My return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.

A) At

B) On

C) With

D) During

219.The bus that________ outside the inn would soon take the visitors downtown.

A) held back

B) set forth

C) got down

D) pulled uo

220.A violent crime was________ every 32 seconds in this city last year.

A) conducted

B) performed

C) committed

D) executed


101. What is it _____ his daughter needs most?

A. what B. which C. that D. if

102. _____ was very ______ that little Jim wrote the letter.

A. It, careful B. It, carefully

C. He, careful D. He, carefully

103. It was when she was about to go to bed ______ the telephone rang.

A. since B. as C. that D. then

104. It may have been at Christmas _____ John gave Mary a handbag.

A. before B. who C. that D. when

105. “Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?” “It was in the hall ______ the students often have a meeting.”

A. where B. which

C. that D. when

106. It was what he meant rather than what he said ______ annoyed me.

A. which B. as

C. what D. that

107. It was his nervousness in the interview ______ probably lost him the job.

A. which B. since C. that D. what

108. It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one B. that C. what D. it

109. It was in the small house ______ was built with stones by his father ______ he spent his childhood.

A. which, that B. that, which

C. which, which D. that, where

110. It was the boy _____ had been in prison _____ stole the money.

A. who, where B. that, how

C. who, that D. that, which



201.答案C.superior(to) adj.“较好的,优的;有优越感的,高傲的;(职务)较高的,上级的”(如They are superior in numbers to us;He is my superior officer;This is a superior car;His superior manner makes people resent him.)○advantageous(to sb)adj.“有利的”super adj.“极好的,超级的”beneficial(to/for)adj.“有益的,有利的”

202.答案D.point n.“要点,论点,观点”element n.“成分,要素;元素”spot n.“地点,处所;斑点,污渍”sense n.“意义,意思;判断力,见识”

203.答案A.break out“爆发,突然发生;逃出,突围出来”break up“打碎,粉碎;终止,结束”break down“损坏,坏掉,(机器)出故障”break off“中止,中断”

204.答案B.endure vt.“忍受,忍耐,容忍”;vi.“持久,持续”maintain vt.“保持,维持;保养,维修”persist(in) vi.“坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留”sustain vt.“保持,使持续不息;供养,维持(生命)”

205.答案C.consent vi.“同意,赞成”(with/without sb’s consent“得到/没有争得……的同意”;by common consent“公认”作动词有以下句型:consent to-V;consent tosth/to sb’s-ing)command n.“命令,指挥;控制”conviction n.“定罪,判罪;深信,确信;说服,信服”compromise n.“妥协,折中办法”

206.答案D.inevitably adv.“不可避免的,必然的”consistently adv.“一向,一贯地”△invariably adv.“总是,不变地,始终如一地”constantly adv.“经常地,不断地”

207.答案B.dull adj.“(人)迟钝的,愚钝的;(刀具)钝的;(故事)枯燥的;(色彩)不鲜艳的”△gloomy adj.“黑暗的,昏暗的;(天气)阴沉的;令人沮丧的”awkward adj.“粗笨的,笨拙的;尴尬的,棘手的;(工具)使用不方便的”tedious adj.“(演说、故事等)乏味的,单调的,冗长的”

208.答案C.variation n.“变化,变动;(生物的)变种,变异”△diversion n.“转移,转向;(修路时的)临时支路”variety n.“变化,多样性;种种,多种多样;品种,变种”○modification n.[u]“修改;[c]修改之处”

209.答案D.get over “从(疾病、失望、震惊)中恢复过来;克服(困难);解决(问题)get away”走开,离开;逃脱“get off”下(车、船、飞机);逃脱惩罚‘get out“离去;(消息)被泄露;取出,除去”

210.答案A.derive (from) vt.“取得,得到;起源,衍生;追溯……的起源”(如He derives much pleasure from his books;Many English words derive/are derived from French.)△extract vt.“提取,提炼;设法得到(情报);抽出,拔出”abstract vt.“提炼出;抽象出;写出提纲”adapt vt.“使适应,使适合;改编,改写”

211.答案D. consider vt.“考虑,细想;认为,把……看作;关心,顾及”(注:该词后面不能跟不定式,如果跟动词必须跟-ing形式)admit vt.“承认,供认;准许进入;准许加入”acknowledge vt.“承认,认为……属实;告知(信函、礼物等)已经收到;对……表示感谢”absorb vt.“吸收;使全神贯注于”

212.答案C.aggressive adj.“侵略的;好斗的;敢作敢为的;有进取心的”vigorous adj.“有力的,用力的;精力充沛的”△predominant adj.“占主导地位的;显著的”○irritable adj.“易生气的,不耐烦的,烦躁的”

213.答案B.in brief “简单地,扼要地”in particular“特别,尤其”in short(作总结概括之用)“总之,简言之”in all“总共,合计”

214.答案A.similar (to) adj.“相似的,类似的”alike adj.(只作表语)“同样的,想象的”same adj.“相同的,一样的”(必须与定冠词连用)likely adj.(定语)“可能的,有希望的”

215.答案B. tedious adj.“乏味的,单调的,冗长的”hostile(to) adj.“敌对的,不友善的”anxious adj.“焦虑的,发愁的;急切的,渴望的”obscure adj.“模糊不清的;费解的;不出名的,不重要的”

216.答案C.carry out “进行;贯彻,执行”carry through“完成,实现;将……进行到底”carry off“拿走,夺走”carry about(with oneself)“随身携带”

217.答案A.identify vt.“认出,鉴别(身份);认为……等同于(with)”(如She identified him as her attacker;I cannot identify this signature;Wealth cannot be identified with happiness.)recognize vt.”认出,识别;承认“claim vt.”声称,主张;说……是自己的,索取“

218.答案B.on my return “我一回来“(注:on 后面跟动名词或表示动作意义的名词时,表示这个动作一发生,句子谓语的动作就接着发生,可译为”一……〈就……〉;在……时”,如I shall write to him on hearing from you;The boys stood up on the entrance of the headmaster.)(介词at后面跟表示动作意义的名词如:at sb’s request/demand/call/invitation/the mention of the thought of the vision of 等等,表示引起句子谓语动作发生的原因,可译为“应……的请求/要求/呼吁/邀请/一提到/一想起/一看到等,如He was writing at the request of Prof.Smith;My heart stood still at the vision of Alison oin a white dress.

219.答案D.pull up “(车/使车)停下“(如The car pulled up/The driver pulled up the car outside the inn.)hold back”踌躇,退缩不前;阻挡,阻止……的发展;保守(秘密),隐瞒“set forth”举出,提出,列出;动身,启程“get down”从……下来;写下

220.答案C.commit vt.“犯(罪),干(坏事)”(注:commit常与下面名词连用:commit a crime/murder/an error/a discourtesy/a breach of rules suicide)conduct vt.“指挥,引导;传导;处理,管理”perform vt.“做,履行;演出,表演”execute vt.“实施,执行;处死,处决”



解析:被强调成分为 what,该句实为类似 It is a bike that his daughter needs most. 这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的a bike 提问而得)。

102. 答案:B

解析:几个干扰项均有可能误选,但最有可能误选的可能是A,认为这是一个普通的系表结构,即认为第二空要填形容词作表语。其实,此题是一个强调句,其非强调形式为 Little Jim wrote the letter very carefully. 若用 it is … that… 的强调句式强调其中的状语 very carefully 即为上面一题的题干,所以答案应选B。

103. 答案:C

解析:被强调成分为 when she was about to go to bed 这一时间状语从句。

104. 答案:C

解析:被强调成分为 at Christmas,其中的动词 be 采用了 may have been 这一较为复杂的形式。

105. 答案:A

解析:很可能误选C,认为这是一个强调句,强调地点状语 in the hall。假若选C,即有 It was in the hall that the students often have a meeting,该句的意思是“学生们通常是在大厅开会”,单独看这一句,无论是其意思还是其语法均未错,但若将其与上文联系起来看,则不通,因为上文的意思是“你是在哪儿找到昨天作报告的那位教授的?”假若将答句改为 It was in the hall that I found the professor,则完全可以。其实,此题的最佳答案是A,where the students often have a meeting 为定语从句,用以修饰其前的名词 the hall,句意为“是在学生们经常开会的那个大厅(找到教授的)”,这样语意就通顺了。

106. 答案:D

解析:几个干扰项均有可能误选。此题为一个强调句型,空格处应填 that (即选D),被强调成分为 what he meant rather than what he said。句意为“让我生气的不是他说的话,而是他话中的意思”。

107. 答案:C

解析:为强调句型,被强调成分为 his nervousness in the interview,句意为“很可能是面试时表现出紧张,使他失去了这份工作”。

108. 答案:B

解析:为强调句型,被强调成分为 the ability to do the job,句意为“重要的是你做工作的能力,而不是你来自何地或你是从事什么工作的”。

109. 答案:A

解析:几个干扰项均有可能误选,主要是分不清为强调句型,或即使分清为强调句型,也分不清强调哪一个成分。答案选A,第一空填 which,用以引导定语从句;第二空填that,为强调句的结构词,被强调部分为 in the small house (以及修饰它的定语从句 which was built with stones by his father)。此题难就难在强调句型中套用了定语从句。

110. 答案:C

解析:全句为强调句,被强调成分是 the boy (以及修饰它的定语从句who had been in prison)。



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