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考研时间: 2016-01-23 来源:查字典考研网




241.His name is on the________ of my tongue, but I just can’t remember it.

A) edge

B) point

C) tip

D) top

242.The ability to use a language can be________ only by the act of using the language.

A) acquired

B) required

C) performed

D) perfected

243.The explorer________ all the way to the source of the river by coat.

A) drove

B) travelled

C) rode

D) tracked

244.It is the responsibility of the police to________ law and order in the city.

A) retain

B) sustain

C) restrain

D) maintain

245.The situation very soon got________ in that country.

A) into hand

B) out of hand

C) off hand

D) at hand

246.The customs inspector was________ for smugglers.

A) on the watch

B) on the guard

C) on watch

D) at alert

247.Trains stop here in order to________ passengers.

A) get off

B) pull up

C) pick up

D) pull in

248.I________ several interesting facts about Mexico in that book.

A) came to

B) came over

C) came into

D) came across

249.It’s a pity that he is blind________ his own faults.

A) at

B) with

C) by

D) to

250.Join did it________ his will. He did not really want to do it.

A) against

B) in

C) to

D) at

251.During that hard winter, the workers in Detroit went________ strike.

A) into

B) in

C) on

D) to

252.They took________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.

A) efficient

B) beneficial

C) valid

D) effective

253.Can a novelist remain________ to the problems of the world in which he lives.

A) impartial

B) indifferent

C) careless

D) detached

254.That story you have just told________ me of an experience I once had.

A) informs

B) recalls

C) reminds

D) refreshs

255.________ to the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.

A) Prior

B) Before

C) Preceding

D) Following

256.This room is partly________ with a few old armchairs.

A) provided

B) decorated

C) beautified

D) furnished

257.Jane was fairly good at English, but in mathematics she could not________ the rest of the students in her class.

A) put up with

B) keep up with

C) do away with

D) run away with

258.Standing on the seashore, we could just see the ship on the________ .

A) edge

B) earth

C) horizon

D) view

259.This album is________ as it was the only one ever signed by the President.

A) unusual

B) unique

C) rare

D) singular

260.They have had a good harvest for three years in________ .

A) line

B) end

C) row

D) succession


121.We must do it well, ________there are a lot of difficulties.

A.as if B.as though C.even though D.even as

122.________ difficult it may be,we are sure to stick to our principle.

A.How B.No matter how C.What D.No matter what

123.—It’s a long time__________I saw you last.

—Yes,and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time__________we see each other again.

A.before;since B.since;when C.since;before D.when;before

124.—Why didn’t you try your best to get on the bus?

—I tried to,but_________ I could,it started moving.

A.until B.when C.before D.after

125.The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort________ he returned to his office.

A.until B.while C.by the time D.the moment

126.—Did you remember to give Tom the key to his bedroom?

—Yes.I gave it to him________ I saw him.

A.while B.once C.suddenly D.the moment

127.He had already walked three or four miles_______ he saw a cart,half-full of hay,by the side of the road.

A.while B.when C.the moment D.unless

128.My grandpa sowed the flower seeds in the garden_____________ it was the best time for them to grow.

A.where B.when C.that D.until

129.I’d like to settle down somewhere__________________ the climate is mild and the sun shines all year long.

A.which B.that C.where D.when

130.Heat does not travel by connection in solid,because the solid does not move, _____.

A.so does a liquid B.so a liquid does C.as does a liquid D.so is a liquid



241.答案C.tip n.“末端,尖端”(be on the tip of one’s tongue“就在嘴边但暂时记不得了;差点说出来”,如I have his name on the tip of my tongue;John had a rude answer on the tip of his tongue,but he remembered his manners just in time.tip作动词表示“(使)倾斜,倾倒”,如The boat tipped to one side/tipped over;He tipped the water out of the bucket;The top of the desk tips up.)edge n.“边(缘);棱”(on the edge of“在……边缘;即将)”be on the point of“正要(去做某事)”on (the ) top of“在……上面;除……之外,而且”

242.答案A.acquire vt.(一般指经过一个过程或通过自己的努力)取得,获得“(以抽象名词作宾语:acquire confidence/a command of the English language/a large vocabulary/a knowledge of//information about sth)require vt.”要求,规定;需要“perform vt.”履行;表演,演出“perfect vt.”使完美,使完善“

243.答案B.travel vi.“旅行;被传送,被传播“drive v.”驾驶,开车;迫使,驱使“ride v.”乘坐,骑(马、自行车)“track vt.”跟踪,追踪“

244.答案D.maintain vt.“保持,维持;坚持,主张;维修,保养“retain vt.”保留,保持,保有“sustain vt.”支持;保持,使持续不息;供养,维持“restrain (from) vt.”阻止,控制;抑制,遏制“

245.答案B.get out of hand (以事物作主语)“失去控制“fall/come/get into the hands of”落到……的手中“(没有get into hand的说法)off hand(状语)”脱口而出,立即(回答)“at hand“在手边,在附近”

246.答案A.be on the watch for“提防,警惕,当心,留心”;on watch“站岗,执勤守夜”(不说on watch for)on guard“站岗,值勤”;on one’s guard(against)“警惕,提防”(不说on the guard for)alert adj.“留神的,注意的;警觉的,警惕的”;n.“警戒(状态),戒备(状态)”(句型:be alert to sth“警惕,提防”;be on the alert for“警戒着,提防,随时准备着,密切注意着”,不说at alert for)

247.答案C.pick up(停车)“让人上车,让搭乘;拿起,捡起”get off“下(车、船、飞机)”pull up“(使车、马等)停下;拔起”pull in“(车)进站,(船)到岸”

248.答案D.come across“偶然碰到,偶然发现”come to“苏醒;总数为”come over“从远处来到;顺访”come into“继承(财产)”

249.答案D.be blind to“对……视而不见,假装没看见”(blind后面不跟其它三个动词)

250.答案A.do sth against one’s will“违背自己意愿地,违心地“(有成语at will”任意地,随自己意愿地“;with a will”热情地,努力地,起劲地“;of one’s own will”处于自愿地“;不说in/to/at one’s will)

251.答案C.go on strike“开始罢工“(strike不与其它三个介词搭配)

252.答案D.effective adj.“有效的,效果好的,得力的;(法律、规章等)生效的“efficient adj.”效率高的,有能力的“beneficial(to/for)adj.”有利的,有益的,有好处的”valid adj.“有效的,有法律效力的;有根据的,有理的”

253.答案B.indifferent(to) adj.“冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的”○impartial(to) adj.“公正的,客观的,不依不饶的”careless adj.“粗心的,疏忽的”detached adj.“超然的,不卷入的;不相连的”

254.答案C.remind vt.“提醒;使回忆起”(句型:remind sb of sth;remind sb to-V;remind sb that…)inform(sb of/that) vt.“通知,报告”recall vt.“回忆,(使)回想起;召回,收回”(句型:可以以人作主语recall sth/-ing/having done/that…;以事物作主语recall sb’s sth/sth to sb) refresh vt.“使精神振作,使精力恢复”

255.答案A.prior(to) adj.“优先的,在前的”(prior to“在……之前”)(before是介词,后面不能再跟介词to)preceding adj.(定语)“在先的,在前的,前面的”following adj.“接着的,下列的”;prep.“在……之后的”

256.答案D.furnish vt.“装备,布置(家具);供应,提供(信息、物品、活力等)”provide vt.“供给,提供”(句型:provide sth for sb;provide sb with sth)decorate vt.“装饰,装潢”○beautify vt.“美化”

257.答案B.keep up with“跟上(步伐、速度、工作进度、时代);了解(最新情况)”put up with“容忍,忍受”do away with“废除,去掉”ran away with“(感情等)战胜,不受……约束”

258.答案C.on the horizon“在地平线上”on the edge“在边缘上”(on the edge of“在……的边缘上;即将”)on (the)earth“在地球上”(不说on the view)

259.答案B.unique adj.“唯一的,独特的,独一无二的”unusual adj.“不平常的,少有的;与众不同的,独特的”rare adj.“稀有的,难得的;稀薄的,稀疏的”singular adj.“单数的;非平凡的,突出的”

260.答案D.succession n.“连续,接续;接替,继任”(in succession“一连一个接一个”;have a succession of misfortunes;in succession to[the throne]“继承<王位>”;have succession to“继承”) be in line “排成一行”(be in line for“下面该轮到”; in line with“〈表语〉符合,与……一致;〈状语〉按照”)(可以说in the end“结果,最后”;不说in end;可以说in a row“排成一排”;不说in row)











解析:本题考查状语从句引导词的用法。the moment作为连词使用,引导状语从句,相当于as soon as;until表示“直到”,在此不合情理;while作“在……时”讲时,后面不跟短暂动词;by the time的主句中常用将来完成时或过去完成时。


解析:本题考查时间状语从句的引导词的用法。the moment相当于as soon as,用来引导时间状语从句。


解析:本题考查状语从句连词的用法。when“这时(突然)”,常见搭配:be doing...when;be about to do...when;had done...when。









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