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考研时间: 2016-11-18 来源:查字典考研网


(5) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) state your point of view.

You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.


The cartoon features the sharp contrast between the students of the same elementary school in 1970 and 2000. In 1970, the school is named ―Labor School‖ where most students were very skinny compared to one fat guy. But in 2000, the schools name changed to ―Doctor School‖ in which the majority of students were well-fed with round bodies.

It is abundantly clear that the picture aims at criticizing obesity among todays Chinese children. In the past, our society valued labor as the supreme virtue, and thus most people were content with hard work supported by ordinary food. However, recent accumulation of material wealth has led to changed values and individual enjoyment as the most important task. In particular, a generation of the ―only child‖ has grown up with their desires greatly indulged. Parents provide them with feasts and comfortable facilities, while the children do not even have the chance to labor or exercise. All of these factors contribute to the drastic change in childrens weight in general.

It is important to note that the improvement of population quality is one of the main tasks that Chinas population policy addresses. In brief, tentative measures should be adopted to promote a healthy life style and outlook of value in the society, particularly among the next generation.


这幅漫画刻画了在1970年和2000年同一所小学的两代学生之间的鲜明对比。在1970年,这个名为劳动小学的学校中,大部分学生都非常瘦,相比之下只有一个胖小子。但是在2000年,学校更名为博士小学,大多数学生都是胖胖的身材。 很清楚这幅图意在批判在当今中国的孩子们中一种肥胖趋势。过去,我们的社会以劳动为最高的美德,因此人们满足于辛苦的劳动和简单的食物。但是,现在物质财富的积累改变

了人们的价值取向,大家都把个人享受最为最重要的任务。特别是一代独生子女在成长过程中他们的各种欲望得到了极大的满足。父母们为他们提供了无数的盛宴和舒适的生活设施,孩子们根本没有机会劳动或者锻炼。所有的这些因素导致了孩子们体重普遍的上升。 我们要注意到,改进人口质量是我国人口政策的一个重要任务之一。简单地说,要实施各种措施,在社会上、特别是在下一代孩子中发扬一种健康的生活方式和价值观。


skinny: adj. 瘦的

well-fed: adj. 营养充足的,肥胖的 obesity: n. 肥胖

supreme: adj. 至高的,最高的 virtue: n. 美德,品德 accumulation: n. 积累 feast: n. 盛宴,宴席

drastic: adj. 巨大的,激烈的 tentative: adj. 暂定的,试行的


The cartoon features the sharp contrast between It is abundantly clear that the picture aims at It is important to note that




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