  查字典考研网 >> >> 专业硕士 >> 2017翻译硕士考研单项选择第十五组练习题


考研时间: 2016-12-06 来源:查字典考研网




41. John has to prepare the mathematic examination ____.

A. he can as best B. best as he can

C. as he can best D. as best he can

42. He is the best investment adviser and____can tell you which share you should buy.

A. as such B. as to C. so as to D. such as to

43. They have____to cover both of them.

A. too small an umbrella B. very small an umbrella

C. a too small umbrella D. a small umbrella

44. Where is your farther?

He ____flowers in the garden.

A. waters D. must water C. must be watering

D. must have watered

45. The girl under the tree is____my sister.

A. no one than B. no other than

C. no one that D. none other than

46.____ the book?

A. What do you like

B. What do you think

C. How do you think of

D. How do you like

47. She is going to have____ X-rays examination this morning.

A. a B. an C. the D. some

48. She cant have written to me, or____the letter by now.

A. Ill get B. I would get

C. Id have got D. Ill have got

49. This____boy is Johns nephew.

A. Japanese handsome little B. little handsome Japanese

C. little Japanese handsome D. handsome little Japanese

50. There are many kinds of metals,____ its special properties.

A. each having B. every having C. each has D. one has

51. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I ___.

A. was not invited B. am not invited

C. was not being invited D. will not be invited

52. Would you attend my ____party?

A. Birthdays B. Birthday C. Birthdays D. Birthdays

53. My wife and I have ____ideas on how to raise children.

A. irregular B. resistant C. persistent D. diverse

54. After much____they decided to give him the position of manager.

A. communication B. composition

C. decision D. calculation

55. We are to____our house according to our financial capability.

A. furnish B. restore C. provide D. establish

56. In between parts of a play, there is often a(an)____ .

A. interruption B. interval

C. gap D. breach

57. It was only a small test; dont take it____.

A. strictly B. solely C. seriously

D. sternly

58. I cant ____any difference between these two pictures.

A. decisive B. perceive C. deceive D. precise

59. The police thought that piece of evidence was ____early in the investigation, but it turned out to be vital in convicting the man of murder.

A. insignificant B. important

C. unsuitable D. essential

60. With the development of modern science and technology, a manned trip to Mars should be____.

A. potential B. attentive

C. feasible D. substantial

61. Who is now attending ____ the infant?

A. to B. up C. with D. for

62. I can put up with his____any longer.

A. personality B. character

C. feature D. temper

63. Hearing the news, they are ____joy and sorrow.

A. alternatively B. alternately

C. jointly D. mutually

64. She decorated the room ____ good taste.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

65. You can find Dr. Johnson in the operating ____.

A. house B. space C. room D. area 




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