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考研时间: 2005-09-17 来源:查字典考研网

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王恩波,教授,博士生导师,东北师范大学荣誉教授,校务委员会委员。国家级有突出贡献专家(国家人事部),吉林省有突出贡献专家(吉林省委,吉林省政府),吉林省“省管优秀专家”(中共吉林省委,吉林省政府),“长春知名教授”(中共长春市委,长春市政府),吉林省优秀教师, 国家教委,国家科委曾联合授予“全国高等学校先进科技工作者”称号。曾获吉林省人民政府颁发的“吉林英才”奖章,和荣获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。2006年被评为长春市优秀共产党员。王恩波教授曾长期从事我国丰产元素钨钼稀土杂多酸,杂多蓝的性质及结构研究以及多酸型药物化学和固体化学及纳米材料的基础研究。在上述各前沿领域进行了系列性,具有一定深度的研究,得到了一系列重要结论,丰富了多酸化学及配位化学和固态化学。是国内外著名化学杂志(美国化学会志,德国应用化学,英国化学通讯,欧洲化学,美国无机化学,美国物理化学,亚洲化学,Small,纳米技术等)的审稿人和美国国家自然科学基金的评审人。


毕业于东北师范大学化学系,并留校任教。曾由中共吉林省委组织部选送北京中国科学院原子能研究所二部从事放射化学研究。曾在美国乔治城大学化学系与国际著名多酸化学家M. T. Pope教授进行合作研究。


曾任中国化学会无机化学专业委员会委员,《无机化学学报》编委,现任中国化学会《应用化学》学报编委,美国《配位化学》(J. Coor. Chem.)学报编委。

迄今,王恩波教授已发表论文600余篇。近年在J.Am.Chem.Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Comm., Chem. Eur. J., J. Phy. Chem. B.(C).,Inorg. Chem., Dalton., J. Mater. Chem., J. Eur. Inorg. Chem., New. J. Chem., Nanotechnology等国际重要杂志上相继发表论文:


1. H. Y. An, E. B. Wang*, Z. M. Su*, L. Xu et al. Chiral 3D Architectures with helical Channel Constructed from polyoxometalate Clusters and Copper-Amino Acid Complexes.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 904-908.

被(Nature Materials, 2006, 5, 165)亮点介绍

2. Z. Kang, E. B. Wang*, L. Xu et al. One-Step Water-Assisted Synthesis of High-Quality Carbon Nanotubes Directly from Graphite.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003. 125(45): p. 13652-13653.

被Science, Editor Choice 2003. v .302.p.951.报道

3. Z. Kang, E. B.Wang*, Zhong-Min Su*, Lin Xu et al.Controllable Febrication of carbon Nanotune and Nanobelt with a polyoxometalate-assisted MildHydrothermal process.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005. 125(45): p. 6534-6535.

4. X. L. Wang, C. Qin, E. B. Wang*, Z. M. Su*, L. Xu et.al, Interlocked and Interdigitated Architectures from Self-Assembly of Long Flexible Ligands and Cadmium Salts.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 5036 –5040.

5. X. L. Wang, E. B. Wang*, Y. G. Li, Z. M. Su*, L. Xu, L. Carlucci*. Entangled Coordination Networks with Inherent Features of polycatenation, Polythreading, and Polyknotting.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 5824-5827.

6.X. L. Wang, C. Qin, E. B. Wang*, Z. M. Su*, Y. G. Li, L. Xu, Self Assembly of Nanometer-Scale cages and ball shaped Keggin clusters into a (4,12)-connected 3Dframework with photoluminescent and electrochemical properties.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 904 –908.

7. D. R. Xiao, E. B. Wang*, H. Y. An, Z. M. Su*, Y. G. Li, L. Gao, C. Y. Sun, L. Xu, Rationally Designed, Polymeric Extended Metal-Ciprofloxacin Complexed.

Chem. Eur J. 2005, 11, 6673-6686.

8. X. L. Wang, C. Qin, E. B. Wang,* Z. M. Su*. Metal Nuclearity Modulated Four-, Six-, and Eight-Connected Entangled Frameworks Based on Mono-, Bi-, and Trimetallic Cores as Nodes

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 2680 – 2691.

9. D. R. Xiao, E. B. Wang*, H. Y. An, Y. G. Li, Z. M. Su*, C. Y. Sun. A Bridge between Pillared-Layer and Helical Structures: A Series of Three-Dimensional Pillared Coordination Polymers with Multiform Helical Chains (p NA)

Chem. Eur. J. 2006,12,6528-6541..

10. L. Gao, E. B. Wang*, Z. H. Kang, Y. L. Song, B. D. Mao, L. Xu. Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyoxometalates into Microcapsules

J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 16587-16592.

11. C. Zhang, Z. Kang, E. Shen, E. B. Wang*, L. Gao, F. Luo, C. Tian, C. Wang, Y. Lan, J. Li, X. Cao. Synthesis and Evolution of PbS Nanocrystals through a Surfactant-Assisted Solvothermal Route

J. Phys. Chem. B.; (Article); 2006; 110(1); 184-189.

12. Chungui Tian, Baodongmao, Enbo Wang*, Zhenhui Kang,Yanli Song, chunlei Wang,siheng Li,simple strategy for prepatation of core collids modifed with metal nanoparticles.

J. Phys. Chem. C.,2007,111,3651-3657.

13.C. Qin , X. L. Wang , L. Carlucci , M. L. Tong , E. B. Wang*, C. W. Hu, L. Xu. From arm-shaped layers to a new type of polythreaded array: a two fold interpenetrated three-dimensional network with a rutile topology.

Chem. Commun. 2004(16): p. 1876-1877.

14.X. L. Wang, E. B. Wang*, Z. M. Su*, L. Xu, S. R. Batten. An unprecedented eight-connected self-penetrating network based on pentanuclear zinc cluster building blocks.

Chem. Commun. 2005,4789.

15.X. L. Wang, C. Qin, E. B. Wang*, Y. G. Li, Z. M. Su*. An unprecedented fivefold interpenetrated lvt network Containing the exceptional racemec motifs originated from nine interwoven helices.

Chem. Commun. 2005,5450.

16.X. L. Wang, C. Qin , E. B. Wang *, Y. G. Li, C. W. Hu, L. Xu. Designed double layer assembly: a three-dimensional open framework with two types of cavities by connection of infinite two-dimensional bilayer.

Chem. Commun. 2004(4): p. 378-379.

17.Chunyan Sun, Yangguang Li, Enbo Wang*, Dongrong Xiao, Haiyan An, and Lin Xu , A Series of New Organic-Inorganic Molybdenum Arsenate Complexes Based on [(ZnO6)(As3O3)2Mo6O18]4- and [HxAs2Mo6O26](6-x)- Clusters as SBUs

Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 1563 – 1574.

18.14. Yanfei Qi, Yangguang Li, Enbo Wang,* Chao Qin, Hua Jin, Dongrong Xiao, Xinglong Wang, Song Chang, From Chain to Network: Design and Analysis of Novel Organic-Inorganic Assemblies from Organically Functionalized Zinc-Substituted Polyoxovanadates and Zinc-Organoamine Subunits,

Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 3217-3130.

19. Dongrong Xiao, Yang-Guang Li, En-Bo Wang,* Lin-Lin Fan, Hai-Yan An, Zhong- Min Su,* and Lin Xu Exceptional Self-Penetrating Networks Containing Unprecedented Quintuple-Stranded Molecular Braid, 9-Fold Meso Helices, and 17-Fold Interwoven Helices

Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 4158-4166.

20. Zhang, Z.; Li, Y.; Wang, E.*; Wang, X.; Qin, C.; An, H. Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Two Novel High-Nuclear Nickel-Substituted Dimeric Polyoxometalates

Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45(11), 4313-4315.

21. Wang, Z.-L.; Kang, Z.-H.; Wang, E.-B.*; Su*, Z.-M.; Xu, L.Intercalation and Photophysical Properties of the Tetra-(8-hydroxyquinolinato) Boron Complex and 3,3',4,4'-Benzophenone Tetracarboxylic Anion into Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxides

Inorg. Chem.; (Article), 2006 45(11), 4364-4371.

22. Lu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Li, Y.; Wang, E.*; Xu, X.; Ma, Y.New Polyoxometalate Compounds Built up of Lacunary Wells-Dawson Anions and Trivalent Lanthanide Cations

Inorg. Chem.; (Article); 2006; 45(5); 2055-2060.

23. Haiyan An, Yangguang Li, Enbo Wang*, Dongrong Xiao, Chunyan Sun, and Lin Xu, Self-Assembly of a Series of Extended Architectures Based on Polyoxometalate Ciusters and Silver Coordination Complexes.

Inorg. Chem., 2005, 44, 6062-6070.

24. Chao Qin, XinLong Wang, EnBo Wang*, and ZhongMin Su*, A Series of Three-Dimensional Lanthanide Coordination Polymers With Rutile and Unprecedented Rutile-Topologies.

Inorg. Chem., 2005, 44, 7122-7129.

25.Xinlong Wang, Chao Qin, Enbo Wang*, Yangguang Li, Na Hao, Changwen Hu, and, and Lin Xu Syntheses, Structures, and Photoluminescence of a Novel Class of d10 Metal Complexes Constructed from Pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid with Different Coordination Architectures

Inorg. Chem., 2004. 43(6), 1850-1856.

26.Y. Li, N. Hao, Y. Lu, E. B. Wang*, et al New Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Networks Constructed from 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylate and Chelate Ligands.

Inorg. Chem., 2003. 42(9): 3119-3124.

27.X. Wang, Y. Guo, Y. Li, E. B. Wang*, et al Novel Polyoxometalate-Templated, 3-D Supramolecular Networks Based on Lanthanide Dimers: Synthesis, Structure, and Fluorescent Properties of [Ln2(DNBA)4(DMF)8][Mo6O19] (DNBA = 3,5-Dinitrobenzoate).

Inorg. Chem., 2003. 42(13): 4135-4140.

28.H. Zhang, L. Duan, Y. Lan, E. B. Wang*, et al. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Photochromism of Novel Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Networks Based on Keggin-Type Polyoxoanion and Lanthanide Coordination Cations.

Inorg. Chem., 2003(42) 8053-8058.

29.M. Yuan, Y. Li, E. B.Wang*, et al. Modified Polyoxometalates: Hydrothermal Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Three Novel Reduced and Capped Keggin Derivatives Decorated by Transition Metal Complexes.

Inorg. Chem., 2003. 42(11): 3670-3676.

30.D. Xiao, Y. Li, E. B. Wang*, et al. Two Novel Vanadium Tellurites Covalently Bonded with Metal-Organic Complex Moieties: M(phen)V2TeO8 (M = Cu, Ni).

Inorganic Chemistry, 2003. 42(23): 7652-7657.

31. J. Lü, E. Shen, E. B.Wang*, et al. A Novel Three-Dimensional Network Constructed from Tetramolybdate Clusters Linked via Two Types of Copper Complex Fragments: Synthesis, Characterization, and Magnetic Behavior of [{CuII(2,2'-bpy)}{CuII(IN)2}{Mo4O12(OH)2}].

Inorg. Chem., 2003. 42(22): 6956-6958.

32.X. L. Wang, C. Qin, E. B. Wang*, et al. Syntheses, Structures, and Photoluminescence of a Novel Class of d10 Metal Complexes Constructed from Pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic Acid with Different Coordination Architectures.

Inorg. Chem., 2004. 43(6): 1850-1852.

33.Y. Li, N. Hao, E. B. Wang*, et al New High-Dimensional Networks Based on Polyoxometalate and Crown Ether Building Blocks.

Inorg. Chem., 2003. 42(8): 2729-2735.










5、由效曾等主编,配位化学进展,(王恩波写其中的“多酸化合物” )


6、韩万书主编,中国固体化学十年进展(王恩波写其中的“同多杂多化合物的合成结构及功能特性” )


7、参与编写英国John Wiley& Sons, Ltd杂志社的《无机化学大百科全书》



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