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考研时间: 2005-09-17 来源:查字典考研网

姓 名:






















1992年毕业于南京农业大学获博士学位;1995-1997,在以色列Weizmann Institute of Science植物科学系从事博士后研究;2000-2001,在美国Iowa State University生态与进化系做访问学者。

主要从事植物基因组进化和利用远缘杂交及生物技术进行作物遗传改良的研究。 在植物异源多倍体基因组进化和利用野生稻(菰, Zizania latifolia)改良水稻等方面取得多项成果。 发表研究论文60余篇,其中50余篇发表在本领域国际杂志(SCI)上。研究成果受到国际权威的认可和好评,多篇论文已被国际同行广泛引用。据不完全统计,从1998年至今被SCI杂志他人引用超过500次, 包括被Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, The EMBO Journal, , PNAS, Trends in Genetics, The Plant Cell等国际权威杂志的多次引用和评述。自1999年以来分别应邀为Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Genome, Genetica 等多家本领域国际杂志评审论文。 2次被国际杂志Current Genomics 和Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 约稿撰写综述。


至今已负责并完成多项国家和地方政府支持的基础课题的研究工作。目前正在承担 “国家杰出青年科学基金”、“国家自然科学基金重点项目”和国家科技部“973项目”(子课题)等课题的研究工作。







1995-1997,以色列Weizmann Institute of Science植物科学系,博士后研究人员。

2000-2001,美国Iowa State University, 生态与进化系,访问学者。







2.“全国科技名词审定委员会” 委员

3.“吉林省遗传学会” 理事

发表的主要论文 (*为通讯作者):

1.Yu Chen, Likun Long, Xiuyun Lin, Wanli Guo and Bao Liu*. (2006) Isolation and characterization of a set of disease resistance gene analogs (RGAs) from wild rice, Zizania latifolia Griseb.I. introgression, copy number liability, sequence change and DNA methylation alteration in several rice-Zizania introgression lines. Genome (in press).

2.Wanli Guo, Yidan Li, Lei Gong, Fengxia Li, Yingshan Dong & Bao Liu*. (2006). Efficient micropropagation of Robinia ambigua var. idahoensis (Idaho Locust) and detection of genomic variation by ISSR markers. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (in press).

3.W. L. Guo, L. Gong, Z. F. Ding, Y. D. Li, F. X. Li, Y. P. Zhao and B. Liu*. (2006) Genomic instability in phenotypically normal regenerants of medicinal plant Codonopsis lanceolata Benth. et Hook. f., as revealed by ISSR and RAPD markers. Plant Cell Reports (in press).

4.Long L, Lin X, Zhai J, Kou H, Yang W, Liu B*. (2006) Heritable alteration in DNA methylation pattern occurred specifically at mobile elements in rice plants following hydrostatic pressurization.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 340: 369-376.

5.Yong-Ming Wang, Zhen-Ying Dong, Zhong-Juan Zhang, Xiu-Yun Lin, Ye Shen, Daowei Zhou and Bao Liu*. (2005) Extensive de novo Genomic Variation in Rice Induced by Introgression from Wild Rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) Genetics, 170: 1945-1956.

6.Fangpu Han, George Fedak, Wanli Guo, and Bao Liu*. (2005) Rapid And Repeatable Elimination of a Parental Genome-Specific DNA Repeat (pGc1R-1a) in Newly Synthesized Wheat Allopolyploids Genetics, 170: 11239-1245.

7.Xiaohui Shan, Zhenlan Liu, Zhenying Dong, Yongming Wang, Yu Chen, Xiuyun Lin, Likun Long, Fangpu Han, Yingshan Dong and Bao Liu*. (2005) Mobilization of the Active MITE Transposons mPing and Pong in Rice by Introgression from Wild Rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) Molecular Biology and Evolution 22: 976-990.

8.Y. Z. Dong, Z. L. Liu, X. H. Shan, T. Qiu, M. Y. He and Bao Liu*. (2005) Allopolyploidy in Wheat Induces Rapid and Heritable Alterations in DNA Methylation Patterns of Cellular Genes and Mobile Elements. Genetike, 41: 1089-1095.

9.Ye Shen, Xiuyun Lin, Xiaohui Shan, Chunjing Lin, Fangpu Han, Jinsong Pang and Bao Liu*. (2005) Extensive Genomic Rearrangement in Endogenous Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) Retrotransposons of Rice Lines Introgressed by Wild Rice, Zizania Latifolia Griseb. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47: 998-1008

10.Fangpu Han, Bao Liu, George Fedakand Zhaohui Liu. (2004) Genomic constitution and variation in five partial amphiploids of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium as revealed by GISH, multicolor GISH and seed storage protein analysis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109: 1070-1076.

11.Zhenlan Liu, Yongming Wang, Ye Shen, Wanli Guo, Shui Hao, and Bao Liu*. (2004) Extensive alterations in DNA methylation and transcription in rice caused by introgression from Zizania latifolia Plant Molecular Biology, 54: 571-582.

12.Z.L. Liu, F.P. Han, M. Tan, X.H. Shan, Y.Z. Dong, X.Z. Wang, G. Fedak, S. Hao, Bao Liu*. (2004) Activation of a rice endogenous retrotransposon Tos17 in tissue culture is accompanied by cytosine demethylation, and causes heritable alteration in methylation pattern of flanking genomic regions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109: 200-209.

13.Dong YS, Zhao LM, Liu Bao, Wang ZW, Jin ZQ, Sun H. (2004) The genetic diversity of cultivated soybean grown in China. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108: 931-936.

14.Wang Y, Lin X, Dong B, Wang Y, Liu B. 2004. DNA methylation polymorphism in a set of elite rice cultivars and its possible contribution to inter-cultivar differential gene expression. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 9: 543-556.

15.Yingshan Dong, Xiuling Bu, Yushi Luan, Mengyuan He and Bao Liu*. (2004) Molecular characterization of a cryptic wheat- Thinopyrum intermedium translocation line: evidence for genomic instability in nascent allopolyploid and aneuploid lines. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 27: 237-241.

16.Bao Liu & Jonathan F. Wendel. (2003) Epigenetic phenomena and genome evolution in allopolyploid plants. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 29: 365-379.

17.Bao Liu, G. Segal, J. K. Rong and M. Feldman. (2003) Characterization of a chromosome-specific sequence in genome B of common wheat implies its origin from Aegilops searsii. Plant Systmatics & Evolution 241: 55-66.

18.F. P. Han, G. Fedak, T. Quellet and Bao Liu. (2003) Rapid genomic changes in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids and allopolyploids of Triticeae. Genome 46:716-723.

19.David S. Senchina1, Ines Alvarez1, Richard C. Cronn, Bao Liu, Junkang Rong, Richard D. Noyes, Andrew H. Paterson, Rod A. Wing, Thea A. Wilkins, and Jonathan F. Wendel. (2003) Rate variation among nuclear genes and the age of polyploidy in Gossypium. Molecular Biology & Evolution 20: 633-643.

20.Bao Liu & Jonathan F. Wendel. (2002) Non-Mendelian phenomena in polyploid genome evolution. Current Genomics 3: 489-506.

21. Jonathan F. Wendel, Richard C. Cronn, Ines Alvarez, Bao Liu, Randall L. Small and David S. Senchina. (2002) Intron Size and Genome Size in Plants. Molecular Biology & Evolution 19: 2346–2352.

22.Bao Liu, CL Brubaker, G Mergeai, RC Cronn & JF Wendel. (2001) Polyploid formation in cotton is not accompanied by rapid genomic changes. Genome 44: 321-330.

23.Bao Liu & Jonathan F. Wendel. 2001. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) polymorphisms as a genetic marker system in cotton. Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 205-208.

24.Bao Liu*, Zhenlan Liu, Yuzhu Dong, Jihong Zhao, Baiqu Huang & Mengyuan He. 2001. Cytosine methylation changes in rice centromeric and telomeric sequences induced by foreign DNA introgression. Biologia Plantarum 44: 203-206.

25.Bao Liu*, Yushi Luan, Fangpu Han, Wanquan Ji & Mengyuan He. 2001. Cell culture induced introgression of Thinopyrum intermedium chromatin into common wheat. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 65: 9-13.

26.Bao Liu & Jonathan F. Wendel. (2000) Retrotransposon activation followed by rapid repression in introgressed rice plants. Genome 43: 874-880.

27.Ueng PP, A Hang, H Tsang, JM Vega, L Wang, CS Burton, FT He & Bao Liu. (2000) Molecular analyses of a repetitive DNA sequence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genome 43: 556-563.

28.Bao Liu*, ZL Liu and XW Li. (1999) Production of a highly asymmetric somatic hybrid between rice and Zizania latifolia: evidence for inter-genomic exchange. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 98: 1099-1103 .

29.Bao Liu, Hengmao Piao, Fenshan Zhao, Jihong Zhao, Zhenlan Liu & Baiqu Huang. (1999) DNA methylation changes in rice induced by Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) DNA introgression. Hereditas 131: 75-78.

30.Bao Liu, JM Vega, M Feldman. (1998) Rapid genomic changes in newly synthesized amphiploids of Triticum and Aegilops. II. changes in low-copy coding DNA sequences. Genome 41: 535-542.

31.Bao Liu, JM Vega, G Segal, S Abbo, M Rodova, M Feldman. (1998) Rapid genomic changes in newly synthesized amphiploids of Triticum and Aegilops. I. changes in low-copy noncoding DNA sequences. Genome 41: 272-277.

32.Bao Liu, G Segal, JM Vega, M Feldman & S Abbo. (1997) Isolation and characterization of chromosome-specific DNA sequences from a chromosome arm-specific library of common wheat. The Plant Journal 11: 959-965.

33.Moshe Feldman, Bao Liu, Gregorio Segal, Shahal Abbo and June M. Vega. (1997) Rapid elimination of low-copy DNA sequences in polyploid wheat: a possible mechanism for differentiation of homoeologous chromosomes. Genetics 147: 1381-1387.

34.Segal G, Bao Liu, J.M Vega, S Abbo & M Feldman. (1997) Identification of a chromosome-specific probe that maps within the Ph1 deletion in common and durum wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 94: 968-970.

35.Tao Wenjing, Liu Bao* & Xing Miao. (1997) Estabilishing japonica rice suspensions retaining a high regeneration potential after 14 months of culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 47: 213-216.




(1) 高等植物远缘杂交诱导的表观遗传变异及其在物种进化和新种形成中的可能作用“国家自然科学基金” 重点项目, 2005-2008,负责。

(2) 水稻重要农艺性状的比较基因组研究(编号:2005CB120805)。2006-2010,参加人。

(3) 大豆抗食心虫、高蛋白、高油、抗蚜虫分子标记及新品种选育。“科技部863计划” 2004-2006,负责(第二位)。

(4) 菰DNA渐渗诱导水稻表观遗传变异及其与表型变异的关系。“国家自然科学基金”, 2004.1-2006.12,负责。

(5) 高等植物异源多倍体物种形成和基因组进化的机制和规律研究 “国家杰出青年科学基金”, 2003.1-2006.12, 负责

(6) 菰DNA渐渗诱导水稻遗传变异的机理研究“吉林省杰出青年科学研究计划”(2002-2005),负责



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