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考研时间: 2005-09-14 来源:查字典考研网

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2001 - 现在 香港科技大学海岸与大气研究中心 职位:助理研究工程师。学术职称:海岸科学研究员。1998 - 2001 香港科技大学海岸与大气研究中心助理研究工程师。1997 - 1998 香港科技大学研究中心助理研究工程师 。1997 - 1997 香港科技大学研究中心博士后。1992 - 1997 香港科技大学研究中心研究助理。1992.9 - 1997.3 香港科技大学工程学院机械工程系博士生。1997.3月毕业并获博士学位。1984.9 - 1986.1 天津大学力学系固体力学专业助教进修班进修研究生课程并获得结业证书。1987 - 1992 吉林工业大学理学院力学系, 讲师。 1982 - 1987 吉林工业大学理学院力学系, 助教。

1-6 SCI 文章: Lai Ah Wong, J. C. Chen and L. X. Dong, 2004, "A Model Study for Plume Front of the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent Coastal Waters in Winter Dry Season”, Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 24 (16), 1779-1796. Lai Ah Wong, J. C. Chen, H. Xue, L. Dong, J. Su and G. W. Heinke, 2003, “A Model Study of the Circulation in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and Its Adjacent Coastal Waters: 1. Simulations and Comparison with Observations”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, NO. C5, 3156, doi:10.1029/2003JC001451, 2003, pp 25-1 ~25-17 Lai Ah Wong, J. C. Chen, H. Xue, L. Dong, W. B. Guan and J. Su, 2003, “A Model Study of the Circulation in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and Its Adjacent Coastal Waters: 2. Sensitivity Experiments”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, NO. C5, 3157, doi:10.1029/2002JC001452, 2003. pp 26-1 ~26-12. Lai Ah Wong and J. C. Chen, 2000, “Damage Identification of Nonlinear Structural Systems” AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp: 1444-1452. Lai Ah Wong and J. C. Chen, 2001, “Nonlinear and Chaotic Behavior of Structural System Investigated by Wavelet Transform Techniques”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 36, pp-221-235. (SCI影响因子: 0.603, page 98) L. Dong, J. Su, Lai Ah Wong, Z. Cao and J. C. Chen, 2004, “Seasonal Variation and Dynamics of the Pearl River Plume”, Continental Shelf Research. Vol. 24(16), 1761-1778. 7-14 SCI Expanded 文章: Lai Ah Wong, H. Xue, K. H. Lau and J. C. Chen, 2005, "A model study of the storm surge in the coastal waters near the Pearl River Estuary due to Typhoon Leo, 1. Temporal Variation in the Coastal Circulation”. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (英文版), (in press). Lai Ah Wong, J. C. Chen, K. H. Lau and H. Xue, 2005, "A model study of the storm surge in the coastal waters near the Pearl River Estuary due to Typhoon Leo, 2. Energy Budget”. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (英文版), (in press). Lai Ah Wong, L. Dong, J. C. Chen and J. L. Su, 2005, “An analytical study on the second order resonance system of tide in an ideal partial-enclosed bay”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (英文版), (in press). Lai Ah Wong, W. B. Guan, J. C. Chen, J. L. Su, 2004, “A model study of influence of circulation to pollutants’ transport in the Pearl River Estuary and coastal waters”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (英文版), Vol. 23(2), 225-237. J. C. Chen and Lai Ah Wong, 2004, “Methodology for estimation of river discharge and application of the Zhujiang River Estuary”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(英文版), V23 (3), 377-386. W. B. Guan and Lai Ah Wong, 2001a, "Numerical Simulation of the Circulation of Nutrients and Mechanism of Dissolved Oxygen, Part I: Numerical Model of Water Quality, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(英文版), Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 493-504 W. B. Guan, Lai Ah Wong, 2001b, " Numerical Simulation of Nutrients Cycles and Dissolved Oxygen Part II: Model Results”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(英文版), Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 505-514 J. C. Chen, L. Dong, Lai Ah Wong and G. W. Heinke, 2002, “Environmental Monitoring of the Zhujiang Estuary and Its Coastal Waters”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (英文版), Vol. 21, No. 2, 275-304. 中国核心期刊文章 L. Wang, Lai Ah Wong and H. Wei, 2004, “An analysis of the sea-surface thermal fronts in the northern shelf region of the South China Sea with satellite data”, Periodical of Ocean University of China (in Chinese), Vol.34 (3), 351-357. Z. Wu, Lai Ah Wong, X. Lu, J. Tian and J. C. Chen, 2003, “Data Assimilation for Tides in Tonken Gulf”, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (中文版), Vol. 25, No. 2, 128-136 (in Chinese). Z. Wu, J. Tian, X. Lu and Lai Ah Wong, 2003, “Data Assimilation for Tides in the South China Sea”, Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica (中文版), Vol. 34, No.1, 101-108. Dong L., J. Su and Lai Ah Wong, 1999, Tide Response and Tidal Wave Distoration in the Xianshan Bay, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (中文版),, Vol. 21, No.3, May, 1999. Xue H., F. Chai, Lai Ah Wong and J. C. Chen, 2001, “Zhujiang River Estuarine Circulation Model”, Oceanography in China, Vol. 13, Ocean Press, Beijing, pp 138-151. (in Chinese)


2003-2005, 与中国海洋大学合作申请的 国家高科技研究发展(863) 计划-资源环境技术领域海洋监测技术主题-个人探索项目(2002AA639150) “近岸海洋动力环境地波雷达信息同化技术” (RMB500,000)。(作为香港方面的课题负责人)。 2004-2005 与上述项目同名配套的深圳市科技计划项目。(作为课题负责人)。(RMB50,000) 2004-2005 华东师范大学河口海岸动力沉积和动力地貌综合国家重点实验室开放课题基金项目:“利用数模研究南海北部穿越陆架的海水交换所引起的海洋生物地球化学效应”,(RMB25,000)。(作为课题负责人) 2003-2005 与华东华东师范大学河口海岸动力沉积和动力地貌综合国家重点实验室联合申请国家自然科学基金与香港研究发展资金资助委员会联合项目(国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目-40218001)NHKUST609/02:“南海北部陆架锋附近的涡,环流及水交换”,(HK$698,000 (RGC) + RMB400,000 (NSFC))。 (作为香港方面负责人) 2003-2005 深圳市水务局深圳河治理办公室委托项目:“深圳河水质改善工程(大鹏湾引水方案)对深圳湾水环境影响研究及对米埔生态环境影响初步研究”(RMB850,000)。作为子课题“大鹏湾引水工程对深圳湾水环境影响研究”负责人和首要调查者。(RMB300,000) 2003-2005 深圳市水务局深圳河水资源管理办公室委托项目:“深圳河(湾)水系生态环境需水与环境影响评价研究” (RMB900,000)。子课题:“深圳河水系各种可能的治理措施对深圳湾水环境影响评价研究”(RMB300,000)的负责人和首要调查者。 2003-2005 国家高科技研究发展(863)计划资源环境技术领域海洋监测技术主题(2002AA635361)-“沿岸海洋环境数据融合,同化和预测系统技术”(RMB2,000,000). 子课题:“沿岸海洋环境数据同化技术”(RMB700,000)的负责人。 2003-2004 香港合和基建有限公司(Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited )委托项目: “Hydrodynamic and Sedimentation variability study of the Pearl River Estuary due to the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge” 。(HK$250,000) (主要调查者) 1999-2002 香港特别行政区特首项目/香港赛马会慈善信托基金资助:“珠江水域污染研究计划”(HK$18,000,000), 子课题:“珠江口数学模式研究”(HK$2,650,000) 的负责人和首要调查者。 1998-2000 国家863/818重大项目(863/818-09-01): “珠江河口海洋环境立体监测综合技术示范试验” (RMB 6,280,000)。子课题:“珠江河口及沿岸水域水动力,悬浮物沉积输运和水质综合数值模型的开发和研制”(RMB1,600,000)的负责人和首要调查者。 1997-1999 香港科技大学研究中心与国家海洋局海洋动力过程重点实验室联合项目: “海南省三亚市榆林湾水环境容量研究”。(技术骨干) 1997 香港地下铁路有限公司赞助项目: “高速铁路强风监控系统” (HK$2,000,000). (技术骨干). 1995-1998 香港政府研究资金委赞助项目(RGC):“航空动力载荷下长悬挂桥梁的损坏诊断” (HKUST721/95E, HK$1,380,000) (作为技术骨干)。



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