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中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室 100101

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1994年于中国科学院动物研究所获得博士学位。1996年晋升副研究员,2000年晋升研究员,并为科学院动物研究所鸟类学研究组组长。1998,10-2000,2 访问美国华盛顿大学、加州科学院和美国密西根大学。主持科技部攻关项目、科学院重大项目课题、重点项目,科学院院长基金,国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目,国家教委留学回国人员择优基金等数十项,发表论著160余篇(部),其中在Science,Molecular Ecology,PLOS ONE,BMC Evolutionary Biology,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,Journal of Avian Biology等26种国际SCI源刊发表论文60余篇。



1998-2000 美国Michigan大学博士后,导师:Robert B.Payne教授;

1991-1994 中国科学院动物研究所获博士学位,导师:郑作新院士;

1987-1990 陕西师范大学获硕士学位,导师:王廷正教授、方荣盛教授;

1983-1987 陕西师范大学获学士学位,导师:方荣盛教授。


正在开展中国部分雀形目鸟类的系统分类与系统发育、鸟类鸣声、中国鸟类特有化与多样性保护、鸟类种群演化与谱系生物地理格局、以及禽流感H5N1 野鸟溯源与病源生态等研究。


1998年南非举行的第22届国际鸟类学大会上被推选为国际鸟类学委员会委员。目前并为“全球猫头鹰项目计划”中国负责人;世界创新基金会会员;OBC,SSC/IUCN,WWGBP及ARRCN等国际组织成员;中国濒危物种科学委员会委员;中国鸟类学会副理事长;国际鸟类学委员会委员、第25届国际鸟类学大会学术委员。动物研究所国家动物博物馆管理委员会副主任。Chinese Birds,Current Zoology,Global Journal of Molecular Sciences,World Journal of Zoology,The Open Ornithology Journal等刊物副主编或编委。







•Science论文获“科学前沿―中国卓越研究奖 •2008”。





近期部分代表论著:(# To whom correspondence)

1.Alström P.,Olsson U.,Lei F.M.,Wang H.T.,Gao W.and Sundberg P.2008.Phylogeny and classification of the Old World Emberizini (Aves,Passeriformes).Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47:960-973.

2.Cui P,Hou YS,Tang MJ,Zhang HT,Zhou YC,Yin ZH,Li TX,Guo S,Xing Z,He YB,Prosser DJ,Newman SH,Takekawa JY,Yan BP and Lei FM#.2011.Movements of the Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus in relation to H5N1 spread during breeding and post breeding periods in Qinghai Lake,China.Journal of Ornithology 152:83-92.

3.Cui P,Hou YS,Xing Z,He YB,Li TX,Guo S,Luo Z,Yan BP,Yin ZH and Lei FM#.2010.Bird Migration and Risk for H5N1 Transmission into Qinghai Lake,China.Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11(5):567-576.

4.Dai CY,Chen K,Zhang RY,Yang XJ,Yin ZH,Tian HJ,Zhang ZM,Hu Y and Lei FM#.2010.Molecular phylogenetic analysis among species of Paridae,Remizidae and Aegithalos based on mtDNA sequences of COΙ and cyt b.Chinese Birds 1(2):112-123.

5.Dai CY,Zhao N,Wang WJ,Lin CT,Gao B,Yang XJ,Zhang ZW and Lei FM#.2010.Application of Phylogeographic and Ecological Niche Models to an East Asian subspecies group of Black-throated tit (Aegithalos concinnus talifuensis–concinnus):novel patterns,complex dynamics,multiple refugia and conservation insights.PLoS ONE 6 (12):e29329.

6.Gao B,Yu LJ,Qu YH,Song G,Dai CY,Zhang RY,Yin ZH,Wang KF,Gao XB,Li SH and Lei FM#.2011.An unstructured phylogeographic pattern with extensive gene flow in an endemic bird of south China:collared finchbill (Spizixos semitorques).International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12(6):3635-3647.

7.Huang XL,Lei FM and Qiao GX.2008.Areas of endemism and patterns of diversity for aphids of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas.Journal of Biogeography 35:230-240.

8.Huang XL,Qiao GX and Lei FM#.2010.Use of parsimony analysis to identify areas of endemism of Chinese birds:implications for conservation and biogeography.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11 (5):2097-2108.

9.Kou Z,Lei FM#,Yu J,Fan ZJ,Yin ZH,Jia CX,Xiong KJ,Sun YH,Zhang XW,Wu XM,Gao XB and Li TX#.2005.New genotype avian influenza H5N1 viruses were isolated from tree sparrows in China.Journal of Virology 79(24):15460-15466.

10.Kou Z,Li YD,Yin ZH,Guo S,Wang ML,Gao XB,Tang LJ,Jiang P,Xin Z,Ding CQ,He YB,Cui P,Zhao HF,Zhang Z,Tang Sm Yan BP,Lei FM# and Li TX#.2009.The Survey of H5N1 Flu Virus in Wild Birds in 14 provinces of China from 2004 to 2007.PLOS ONE 4(9):e6926.

11.Lei FM and Lu TC (eds).2006.China Endemic Birds.Science Press.Beijing:1-640.

12.Lei FM and Shi WF.2011.Prospective of genomics in revealing transmission,reassortment and evolution of wildlife-borne avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses.Current Genomics 12(7):451-465.

13.Lei FM#.2012.Global endemism needs spatial integration.Science 335,284-285.

14.Lei FM,Wang AZ,Wang G and Yin ZH.2005.Vocalizations of red-necked snow finch,Pyrgilauda ruficollis on the Tibetan Plateau,China - a syllable taxonomic signal ? Folia Zool.54(1-2):135-146.(IF2004:0.536)

15.Lei FM,Wei GA,Zhao HF,Yin ZH and Lu JL.2007.China subregional avian endemism and biodiversity conservation.Biodiversity and Conservation 16:1119-1130.

16.Li D.M.,Wang G.,Wingfield J.C.,Zhang Z.,Ding C.Q.and Lei F.M.2008.Seasonal changes in adrenocortical responses to acute stress in Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus) from Tibetan Plateau:comparison with House Sparrow (P.domesticus) in North America and with the migratory P.domesticus bactrianus in Qinghai Province.General Comparative Endocrinology 158(1):47-53.

17.Li DM,Wang G,Wingfield JC and Lei FM#.2012.A comparison of the adrenocortical responses to acute stress in cardueline finches from the Tibetan Plateau,Arctic Alaska and lowland Western North America.Journal of Ornithology (in press).

18.Li DM,Wang G,Wingfiezd JC,Zhang Z,Ding CQ and Lei FM#.2008.Seasonal changes in adrenocortical responses to acute stress in Eurasiam Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) from Tibetan Plateau:comparison with House Sparrow (P.domesticus) in North America and with the migratory P.domesticus bactrianus in Qinghai Province.General Comparatice Endocrinology.DOI:10.1016/j.ygcen.2008.06.002.

19.Liu JH,Xiao HX,Lei F(co-first author),Zhu Q,Zhang XW,Zhang XL,Zhao D,Wang G,Feng Y,Ma J,Liu W,Wang J,Gao GF.2005.Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds.Science 309:1206.

20.Luo X,Qu YH,Li SH,Han LX and Lei FM#.2008.A phylogenetic analysis of laughingthrushes (Timaliidae:Garrulax) and their allies using mitochondrial and nucleotide sequences.Zoologica Scripta 38(1):9-22.

21.Newman SH,Hill NJ,Spragens KA,Janies D,Voronkin IO,Prosser DJ,Yan B,Lei FM,Batbayar N,Natsagdorj T,Bishop CM,Butler PJ,Wikelski M,Balachandran S,Mundkur T,Douglas DC and Takekawa JY.2012.Eco-virological approach for assessing the role of wild birds in the spread of avian influenza H5N1 along the Central Asian flyway.PLOS ONE 7(2):e30636.

22.Pan QW,Lei FM#,Yin ZH,Kristín A and Kaňuch P.2007.Phylogenetic relationships of Turdus species:mitochondrial cytochrome b gene analysis.Ornis Fennica 84:1-11.

23.Prosser DJ,Cui P,Takekawa JY,Tang M,Hou Y,Collins,BM,Yan BP,Hill NJ,Li TX,Li YD,Lei FM,Guo S,Xing Z,He YB,Zhou YC,Douglas DC,Perry WM and Newman SH.2011.Wild bird migration across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau:A potential transmission route for highly pathogenic H5N1.PLoS ONE 6(3):e17622.

24.Qu YH,Ericson PG,Lei FM and Li SH.2005.Postglacial colonization of the Tibet plateau inferred from the matrilineal genetic structure of the endemic red-necked snow finch,Pyrgilauda ruficollis.Molecular Ecology 14:1767-1781.

25.Qu YH,Ericson PGP,Lei FM#,Gebauer A,Kaiser M and Helbig A.2006.Molecular phylogenetic relationship of snow finch complex (genera Montifringilla,Pyrgilauda and Onychostruthus) from the Tibetan plateau.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40:218-226.

26.Qu YH,Lei FM#,Zhang RY and Lu X.2010.Comparative phylogeography of five avian species:implications for Pleistocene evolutionary history in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.Molecular Ecology 19:338-351.

27.Qu YH,Lei FM#.2009.Comparative phylogeography of two endemic birds of the Tibetan plateau,white-rumped snow finch (Onychostruthus taczanowskii) and Hume’s ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis).Molecular Phylogenetics Evolution 51:312-326.

28.Qu YH,Luo X,Zhang RY,Song G,Zou FS and Lei FM#.2011.Lineage diversification and historical demography of a montane bird Garrulax elliotii - implications for the Pleistocene evolutionary history of the eastern Himalayas.BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:174.

29.Qu YH,Zhang RY,Cui P,Song G,Duan ZY# and Lei FM#.2011.Evolutionary genomics of the pandemic 2009 H1N1 (pH1N1v) influenza viruses.Virology Journal 8:250.

30.Shi WF,Lei FM,Zhu CD and Higgins DG.2010.A complete analysis of HA genes of influenza A viruses.PLOS ONE 5(12):14454.

31.Song G,Qu YH,Yin ZH,Li SH,Liu NF and Lei FM#.2009.Phylogeography of the Alcippe morrisonia (Aves:Timaliidae):long population history beyond late Pleistocene glaciations.BMC Evolutionary Biology 9:143.

32.Wingfield JC,Kelley JP,Angelier F,Chastel O,Lei FM,Lynn SE,Miner B,Davis JE,Li DM and Wang G.2011.Organism-environment interactions in a changing world:a mechanistic approach.Journal of Ornithology 152 (Suppl.1):S279-S288.

33.Wu HC,Lin RC,Hung HY,Yeh CF,Yang XJ,Yao CJ,Zou FS,Yao CT,Li SH# and Lei FM#.2011.Molecular and morphological evidences revealed the cryptic species in the vinaceous rosefinch Carpodacus vinaceus (Fringillidae; Aves).Zoologica Scripta 40(5):468-478.

34.Yang SJ,Lei FM and Dong HL.2009.Phylogeography of Regional Fauna on the Tibetan Plateau.Progress in Natural Science 789-799.

35.Yang SJ,Lei FM#,Qu YH and Yin ZH.2006.Intraspecific phylogeography of the white-rumped snowfinch (Onychostruthus taczanowskii) endemic to the Tibetan Plateau based on mtDNA sequences.Journal of Zoology 268:187-192.

36.Yang SJ,Yin ZH,Ma XM and Lei FM#.2006.Phylogeography of Ground Tit (Pseudopodoces humilis) based on mtDNA:evidence of past fragmentation on the Tibetan Plateau.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41:257-265.

37.Yang XJ,Lei FM#,Wang G and Jesse AJ.2007.Syllable sharing and inter-individual syllable variation in Anna\'s hummingbird Calypte anna songs,in San Francisco,California.Folia Zool.56(3):307-318.

38.Yeung CKL,Lin RC,Lei FM,Robsin C,Hung LM,Liang W,Zou FS,Han LX,Li SH and Yang XJ.2011.Beyond a morphological paradox:complicated phylogenetic relationships of the parrotbills (Paradoxornithidae,Aves).Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61(1):192-202.

39.Zhang SP,Lei FM,Liu SL,Li DM,Chen C and Wang PZ.2011.Variation in baseline corticosterone levels of Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) populations along an urban gradient in Beijing,China.Journal of Ornithology 152:801-806.

40.Zhao N,Dai CY,Wang WJ,Zhang RY,Song G,Chen K,Qu YH,Yang XJ,Zou FS and Lei FM#.2012.Topographic and climatic change-linked evolutionary history of Parus major (Linnaeus:1758):evidence from new molecular data and ecological niche models.Journal of Avian Biology (In press)





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