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中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101

更多信息:理论生态学研究组 个人信息



1992年在兰州大学获博士学位,1992年8月至2005年10月先后在中国科学院动物研究所、美国Florida Atlantic University、加拿大Wilfrid Laurier University、加拿大University of Montreal、美国Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences从事进化博弈理论和计算生物学的研究工作。2005年10月入选中国科学院“百人计划”,目前的研究领域主要为随机进化博弈动力学和基因表达的随机动力学。现有博士研究生3人,硕士研究生2人。


1.Zhang B-Y.,Cressman R.and Tao Y.(2010)Cooperation and stability through periodic impulses,PLoS ONE,5,e9882.

2.Zheng X-D.and Tao Y.(2010)Effects of bidirectional regulation on noises in gene network,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.12,2418-2426.

3.Zhang F.,Tao Y.,Li Z-Z.and Hui C.(2010)The evolution of cooperation on fragmented landscapes:the spatial Hamilton rule,Evolutionary Ecology Research,12,23-33.

4.Tao Y.,Li C.,Wu J-J.and Cressman R.(2009)Reply to Rankin et al.:The efficiency ratio of costly punishment,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA.106,E136.

5.Wu J-J.,Zhang B-U.,Zhou Z-X.,He Q-Q.,Zheng X-D.,Cressman R.and Tao Y.(2009)Costly punishment does not always increase cooperation,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA.106,17448-17451.

6.Zhan X-J.,Zheng X-D.,Bruford M.,Wei F-W.and Tao Y.(2009)A new method for quantifying genotyping errors for noninvasive studies,Conser Genet.Doi 10.1007/s10592-009-9950-9.

7.Zhan X-J.,Tao Y.,Li M.,Zhang Z-J.,Gossens B.,Chen Y-P.,Wang H-J.,Bruford M.And Wei F-W.(2009)Accurate population size estimates are vital parameters for conserving the giant Panda,Ursus,20,56-62.

8.Ji T.,Zhang B-Y.,Sun Y-H.and Tao Y.(2009)Evolutionary dynamics of fearfulness and boldness,J.Theor.Biol.256,637-643.

9.Tao Y.,Cressman R.,Zhang B-Y.And Zheng X-D.(2008)Stochastic fluctuations in frequency-dependent selection:A one-locus and two-phenotype model,Theor.Popul.Biol.74,263-272.

10.Wang S-C.,Zhang B-Y.,Li Z-Q.,Cressman R.and Tao Y.(2008)Evolutionary dynamics with impulsive effects,J.Theor.Biol.254,384-389.

11.Zheng X-D.and Tao Y.(2008)Additivity of noises in a protein cascade,J.Chem.Phys.128,165104.

12.Wei Y-H.,Liu Y.,Wang J.,Tao Y.and Dai J-Y.(2008)Toxicogenomic analysis of the hepatic of perfluorooctanoic acid on rare minows (Gobiocypris raus),Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,226,285-279.

13.Tao Y.and Cressman R.(2007)Stochastic fluctuations through intrinsic noise in evolutionary game dynamics,Bull.Math.Biol.69,1377-1399.

14.Tao Y.,Zheng X-D.and Sun Y-H.(2007)Effects of feedback regulation on stochastic gene expression,J.Theor.Biol.247,827-836.

15.Zhang B-Y.,Zhang Z-B.,Li Z-Q.and Tao Y.(2007)Stability analysis of a two-species model with transitions between population interactions,J.Theor.Biol.248,145-153.

16.Zhang Z-B.,Tao Y.and Li Z-Q.(2007)Factors affecting hare-lynx dynamics in the classic time series of the Hudson Bay Company,Canada,Climate Research,34,83-89.

17.Zhang Z-B.,Li Z-Q.,Tao Y.,Chen M.,Wen X.,Xu L.Tian H.and Stenseth N.C.(2007)Relationship between increase rate of human plague in China,Integrative Zoology,2,144-153.

18.Xu B-L.and Tao Y.(2006)External noise and feedback regulation:Steady-state statistics of auto-regulatory genetic network,J.Theor.Biol.243,214-221.

19.Tao Y.,Jia Y.and Dewey T.G.(2005)Stochastic fluctuations in gene expression far from equilibrium:Omega-expansion and linear noise approximation,J.Chem.Phys.122,124108.

20.Tao Y.(2004)Intrinsic noise,gene regulation and steady-state statistics in two-gene network,J.Theor.Biol.231,463-568.

21.Tao Y.(2004)Intrinsic and external noise in an auto-regulatory genetic network,J.Theor.Biol.229,147-156.

22.Tao Y.and Lessard S.(2002)Frequency-dependent selection in sexual family-structured populations,J.Theor.Biol.217,525-534.

23.Tao Y.and Lessard S.(2000)Fundamental theorem of natural selection and frequency-dependent selection:Analysis of the matrix game model,J.Theor.Biol.206,17-25.

24.Tao Y.,Lessard S.and Lemire M.(2000)Evolutionarily stable strategy in sex- and frequency-dependent selection model,J.Theor.Biol.204,191-200.

25.Cressman R.and Tao Y.(2000)The discrete-time two-species ESS concept,Selection,1-3,23-32.

26.Lemire M.,Lessrad S.and Tao Y.(2000)Evolutionary stability in two-sex two-locus models,Selection,1-3,193-203.

27.Tao Y.,Cressman R.and Brooks B.(1999)Nonlinear frequency-dependent selection at a single locus with two alleles and two phenotypes,J.Math.Biol.39,283-308.

28.Tao Y.(1998)Frequency-dependent selection:a two-phenotype,two-allele,single-locus,two-species diploid model,J.Theor.Biol.191,289-294.

29.Tao Y.,Yang Q-S.,Jiang Z-G.and Wang Z-W.(1997)Evolutionarily stable strategy,stable state,periodic cycle and chaos in a simple discrete time two-phenotype model,J.Theor.Biol.188,21-27

30.Tao Y.and Wang Z-W.(1997)Effect of time delay and evolutionarily stable strategy,J.Theor.Biol.187,111-116.

31.Liebovitch L.S.,Tao Y.,Todorov A.T.and Levine L.(1996)Is there an error correcting code in the base sequence in DNA? Biophys.J.71,1539-1544.

32.Tao Y.and Wang Z-W.(1995)Frequency- and density-dependent selection in the diploid population with only two pure strategies,J.Theor.Biol.176,317-323.

33.Tao Y.and Wang Z-W.(1994)The necessary and sufficient conditions of density-dependent evolutionarily stable strategy,J.Theor.Biol.167,257-262.

34.Tao Y.and Zhao S-L.(1992)Resource-dependent selection,J.Theor.Biol.159,387-395.





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